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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Gotta be honest. With the route being taken on the 2nd and the Unsafe act I can't believe some of the crap coming out of some of you guys here. Couple good candidates for tailored brown shirts.

    yeah, no kidding.........you got people wanting DEC to detain and question people because they're buying corn and animal feed? aren't some of these the same people who get bent out of shape when the Police stop them for legitimate reasons?

  2. one thing I have found out, is that some post "private road" signs in an effort to keep people from travelling down them, and it seems to work in many cases. That posting in no way totally prohibits travel by the general public, as there are many public access spots that also are on those roads, so don't be afraid to venture down them to access those areas.

  3. Hmmmmm..., what if a fella were to dump a 50lb bag of corn in front of his stand and cover it up with an inch of dirt, or maybe some of those leaves you've all been raking off the trail?

    Technically, it would become a micro plot at that point correct? :no:

    just seeds that never sprouted....not your fault.

  4. ads have been written for years with eye catching large print with the hidden exclusions and restrictions hidden elsewhere in tiny print and I'm pretty sure it's not a tactic that is only used by Gander Mountain.....car dealership ads are the absolute worst.

  5. we've had President's who ran this Country who have done questionable things in their past and even during their presidency...........I'm not too concerned about what Ted has or hasn't done, like Doc said, he's very intelligent and articulate and there aren't too many who can hold a candle to him when it comes to debating.

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  6. Swordfish??

    I'd like to see somebody come out with a 'deer hunting scent stick' flavor. LOL

    Just imagine, vaping away and luring deer at the same time. I can dream can't I.


    BTW, love the new avatar!! Incredible photo!

    I had the same idea when this topic first started, just not sure how a doe urine flavor would taste.

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  7. I think taking a young child or non hunter along on one of your hunts so they can watch and learn is a lot different then accompanying someone who has never hunted or killed an animal and you're there to instruct and teach.....there may be a chance you will actively have to assist in some situations, if it were me, I'd splurge and spend the $22.00.

  8. The temptation is huge because quitting smoking can be such a prideful accomplishment. but I always try to think back at all the preaching, and cajoling, and all the people who seemed to be only interested in showing me their superiority as they lectured me on the evils of smoking and I really try super hard not to become them. But then, I am only human and slip up once in a while.....lol.

    but at least you're 100% correct on this topic!

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