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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Experienced hunters still don't know the laws.  4 guys come over to inspect my harvest, and started accusing me of taking an illegal deer.  The spikes were 2" in an AR zone, and I had to explain to them 3" spikes and under, goes on a DMP tag, and that's why the DMP tag asks for the sex.


    So they turned around and said, oh, let's go shoot some spikes.


    Therefore, I advocate a refresher class for everyone.

    does the course even go into fine detail like that? I don't think it does........

  2. It's like anything else, you can try to educate all you want, but "accidents" are still going to happen...............just look at all the media coverage and effort put into fighting drunk driving and that still happens way too frequently.

    • Like 1
  3. So you would lie and say it wasn't you?

    it's ok, he has special training that allows him to operate outside of the law..........if you hold this title "certified safety professional", you're allowed to bend the rules, at least that's what I think he was saying.

  4. lol man I opened up a can of worms on this one! I marinated the steaks and had a buddy and his wife over for dinner. THEY WERE AMAZING!!! It was nice to look around the table at everyone chowing down on the hard work I have put in to harvest the wonderful meal we were eating.  It felt good to know that I had supplied my friends and loved ones with a delicious meal and it gave us a reason to get together.  We had some great laughs and a wonderful time and in the end I think that's what its all about.  If you want to introduce this wonderful delicacy to new people I don't see anything wrong with adding a little spice even if it covers up the gamey taste.  Personally I love the taste of plain venison I could eat it all day.  However not everyone has the same taste in food and I don't think I am sacrificing my mountain man manly taste buds by adding a little zing to my meat.  Or perhaps the next time I see a deer hit on the side of the road I will jump out of my truck punch a manly hole in its stomach and start eating the deer maggots and intestine included while oncoming drivers shout manly grunts in astonishment of my manliness! GET SOMEEE!!!!!! lol

    as long as it gets eaten and enjoyed, who cares how it's prepared?

    • Like 1
  5. I've never seen a bobcat in NY. My point was that you should know what species exist in NY and know how to identify them. Maybe you live in an area where your allowed to shoot a bobcat, maybe you don't, etc.




    50-60lbs? maybe 30-40lbs.

    yeah, that's probably more realistic..............that's another reason for guys to know seasons and regulations, the first one I saw was small so I would not have shot it, the second one was pretty big and it was during deer season only problem was I didn't know if Bobcat was open..............it was, lost opportunity on a nice animal.

  6. Biz R O World

    No I don't know every species that lives in the woods. Apparently you do. Good for you buddy. Anybody else here think it's "scary" that I never saw a bobcat before. You act like I mistook it for a deer or a person for that matter. Just wasn't sure if it was a bobcat, a mountain lion, or someone's overgrown cat. I'm not a zoologist but I take it you are. Good for you:)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I've seen  two Bobcats in NY, one was about 20lbs, the other had to be close to 50-60lbs.............beautiful animals.

  7. well I decided to not say anything to the guy. Screw him. I saw him up and down the road with his quad (towing a trailer with some toddlers on it) but he didn't ride on the property from what I could tell.

    you asked him to stay off, and as far as you know he respected your request..........looks like the problem is solved. 

  8. I bet the deer lying on the ground for an hour or two is a lot better than the alternative..........which I would guess would be hanging at a camp for 3-4 days in constantly changing temperatures or being strapped to the top of a car for a 4-6 hour drive back home.

  9. If you have a licensed dealer receive the order I believe you can purchase. Background check would be done at the licensed dealer

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm sure they'll be thrilled to have people ship ammo to their store instead of buying it from them..........much like the way they handle private person to person gun sales, most refuse to do it.

  10. I was out installing signs today and had to use a John . I stopped at McDonalds at the corner of Rt 250 and Rt 31 . Someone was at the urinal so I stepped into the stall and started to lift the seat . Some lazy slob didn't bother and pissed on the seat . What the heck is wrong with people ! What the hell do they do at home ? Total slob !

    hopefully you did what I do and lifted it with your foot...........

    • Like 1
  11. Well I know I will be sorry but from what I read earlier the shooter THOUGHT he saw an antler and fired because he had shot deer in the place before.  Really I mean REALLY.  Identify your target and beyond.  Not sure if he was wearing orange or not, but he never identified a target.  it seems to me most on here say they do not follow the legal shooting hours anyway and now you want the whole world to dress in blaze orange so you do not have to practice safe target identification.  How did any of us ever survive hunting season before blaze orange was the necessity not to shoot someone?  Oh yeah we did not shoot at things we did not know what it was.  What I first read the shooter heard a sound in the brush and fired.  Real safe there.

    I agree, the fact that the other hunter may not have been wearing orange, in no way contributed to this tragedy.......sadly, it all falls onto the shooters shoulders.

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  12. Either sex = a doe or a buck with 3 points or more on one side. Anterless = a doe , if you screw up and shoot a button buck.I would think it depends on the ECON officer.

    Remember all of the proper tags have to be filled out after the deer is found.Not when you get back to camp.

    nothing illegal about shooting a button buck and using an antlerless tag...................

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