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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. No, since the move I have alot of time on my hands... Waiting to close on my house in horse heads up state. So for now I'm killing a few weeks until we make the move up and I start the business up there. I try and get out as often as I can

    are you gonna miss the hunting on L.I.?

  2. totally agree with you. The ECO I had dealings with ( I won't mention name but he's one of 2 ECO's in 4r) was a total Delta Bravo. I'm not saying they're all like that but many are. I had better luck with Troopers. The one thing that really bothers me about the DEC is the fact that they can just walk right in your house. I think that is totally wrong and should not be allowed w/o a warrant or at least Prob. Cause. Now the old ECO from my area was a tough as nails, no-nonsense/you don't wanna mess with me guy named Jim Volker but he was a very fair and understanding man. We really miss him in our area. When I first started hunting my Dad and I went up to our land for the bow opener and 5 min. after we walked into the woods we saw a doe, 4ptr., and a huge 8 cruising in a ravine below us. As soon as they vanished out of sight we hear BOOM ! Long story short we saw some clown climbing out of a tree stand with a bow and his rifle over his shoulder. He shot the 8ptr. with a rifle on opening day of bow. We disarmed him and walked him out of the woods and called DEC. There was no ECO available so they sent a trooper. They arrested the guy and he lost his hunting privleges for however many years. We called ECO Volker and asked if we could get the antlers of the deer and he actually tracked them down and gave them to us. Thats the type of guy he was. They don't have ECO's like that anymore and if there are they are far and few between.

    care to share the initials? I'm in 4R and am familiar with two ECO's

  3. Re-read my post.


    The season last closed in 1929-1937. From there, modern era hunting has continued. In fact, there was ONE HUNTING SEASON at all between 1908 and 1937.


    So, not wrong.


    The herd wasn't hunted for 8 seasons, but really for all but one between 1908 and 1937.

    I'm just seeing that closure for the western and central regions, I don't see that closure for The Catskills and The Adirondacks.....I have no idea what area those deer were shot

  4. You are right, but what the state did say was that there was NO DEER HUNTING BEFORE 1938-39 (in the context of modern era hunting). Period. Think about those apples for a second.


    Look, they didn't have an open hunting season before that 38-39 season. The herd's going to be balanced when there's no hunting going on because natural law dictates it. There have been decades of open hunting since then...and we haven't come close to reaching a balanced herd possible when there is no open season.


    Those two bucks remain at the top of the typical and non-typical list - even after decades of hunting, billions, maybe trillions, spent trying to improve the quality of deer hunting, with millions of hunters since. And they're still on top.


    actually, unless I read the info. wrong, there were deer seasons prior to the 1938-39 season...check out the link.

  5. Hey. That is a fill?drain valve. On each fin tube onthe supply side there is probably a 90 or Tee and on the top will be a small needle valve. This is where the air will accumulate and where you vent it.

    if the fin tube is what's inside the baseboard, I agree...the air will usually get trapped at the highest point.

  6. If it creates jobs and gets more money flowing into the economy, then I'm all for it. As for the problems it may create? I'm not too concerned.............we have thousands of legal places for people to fill themselves to the brim with booze and then go cause whatever damage they may to either themselves and their families or to people they have never met, can't see casino's causing that many problems.

  7. i wouldn't vote for it, but Kentucky's healthy buck population is one of the best examples on how to grow big bucks. They have a 1 buck rule and I don't believe they have ARs.

    I would think that taking two fully mature bucks out of the herd, does a lot more damage than taking just one of your choice..........I'm all for abandoning mandatory AR's and going to one buck per season.

  8. Depends where I am going to hunt on my property around the house walk, top of the property ATV most of the way.I am on it every day or on the tractor doing something out there so the are not spooked by either,99% of the time they just stand and watch as you go by them.I could have filled my tag a number of times this year,just been too warm,I like to let them hang a day or two before cutting them up.  The worst thing you can do if on one is shut it off when near them,put the brake on get off and thake your shot.

    don't you have to get off to take the shot?

  9. Have you guys hunted there before?  Did you have any luck?

    I've hunted there with both bow and shotgun.......I think I took 4 deer out of the 6 times I've hunted there. It's definitely not like shooting fish in a barrel like some probably think. The last two times I saw nothing but bucks, off limits until you take a doe.

    • Like 1
  10. Boy I may get smashed here but

    I consider myself a meat hunter #1 goal for me is putting Venison in the freezer & on the table

    I don't care about points, Boone & crocket, Pope & young, age

    I determine what I will take from hunt to hunt personally I draw the line on spots & milk moustaches

    I do use every bit of the deer I can Liver is one I give away

    per pound venison is expensive (gear licenses ect...)

    we all have different ways of hunting & different goals I put no hunter down for the way they hunt as long as legal means were taken

    what they do with the animal afterwards is their business whether I like it or agree with it

    Ethics are at the top of my list but we have to face the fact that not all people are ethical

    well said................my thoughts exactly.

  11. Leasing should be more than just a handshake and an exchange of money......make sure it's spelled out on paper. This may turn some landowners off, but it should be done. If you want exclusivity to the property for everything during the season, get it in writing.

    • Like 2
  12. Anyone going to be at Wertheim for the rescheduled hunt on 10/27-10/28?

    I'm on standby for those dates, but am going upstate instead...I'm scheduled for 11/1 & 11/2..........did you get out to scout at all?

  13. Not get off topic but do you think killing a deer to feed your dog is ok?

    there's plenty of places to donate the meat to feed the hungry and most hunters know a few non hunters who love the meat............so, no...I don't feel it's right to kill a deer with the sole intention of feeding it to an animal.

  14. Ok so I did read the hunting guide and I was still lost lol. So I can go for bear now and if I see a deer I can get it too. Is that how I should look at it? I don't have a bow I would be hunting with guns I should be fine right? If I'm right I can go hunting with guns now I think. is everyone else hunting with guns?

    if you'rs asking if you can hunt with guns now, I highly doubt you read the guide.

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