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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I only hunt Putnam county, Carmel. It's been the worst year ever. I am 99.9999999999% sure it has nothing to do with lions.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

    you did have some pictures of decent bucks in the area prior to the season, didn't you? does anyone else hunt the land and do you know if everyone had the same experience?

  2. For the record, i'm not being wise with this cause i'm actually very interested. Have you ever laid your eyes on one jjb?

    no, I was joking........there's been talk of cougar's in NY for years, I doubt anywhere in NY is overrun with them............I honestly don't think there is any concrete evidence of a breeding population anywhere in NY, other than the one that DEC says traveled through NY at one point and was eventually killed by a car in CT (if I remember the story correctly).

  3. Don't blame the NRA, Blame NY Gun owners.  Not enough of them are NRA members and they don't care enough about their guns to join.  They wrote off their own 2nd Amendment rights, so why should the NRA waste limited money resources on a lost cause state?  The NRA is making great strides nationally, as it does in states where the membership in the NRA is a high percentage of gun owners.  The NRA needs boots on the ground to fight these political battles and NY State doesn't have them.

    I would think that with every state they lose to the anti gun people, it weakens them in some way.......they should fight the fight regardless, after all, they are the NATIONAL Rifle Association.

  4. Poor management.. imo

    I used to hunt the area of 3A that is around big pond and the little pond Campsite.......this was back in the 80's, actually went with family for a few years before I was old enough...........there were a lot of deer, doe tags and hunters..........my guess is by the time they realized how badly the herd was doing, it was too late, and will take years to rebound.

  5. I have heard more like 1000+. My brother wanted to get one done until the guy gave him a price. Taxidermist said he wouldn't do one again unless it was stll warm. Some places are a lot cheaper than others so I'd call around.

    you're probably right with that #...........I had a gray fox done about 5 years ago, right around $700........but remember, you usually get what you pay for.

  6. But, quite honestly, would it be that bad if we were only allowed to take 2 or 3 deer a year instead of what we're currently allowed?.....they could very easily target the areas that need more deer taken while not over doing it in the other areas.

  7. If we didn't have disagreement this place wouldn't be all that fun. Admitting when someone's right or wrong or agreeing with someone is where some guys lack but it's all good... I think quite a few guys on here would be a blast to throw a few cold ones back and enjoy some good laughs. Or even get out in he same timber with and hunt.

    I agree, the guys who like to stir the pot actually keep things interesting.

  8. My club is in 3A. AR has done nothing there. In fact we stopped doe shooting 5 years before they stopped issuing doe permits for 3A. We are seeing gack year after year. This year I got a ratty 5-pt and 1 doe on a trail cam over three months. And this is next to a food plt. Opening week saw a spike, 4-pt, 6-pt that isn't legal and a few does. The lady at Fur Fin and Feather said there is a genetic problem that the bucks aren't growing brow tines, so what should be a 6-pt is just a very high and wide 4-pt. Before AR we shot two of those, beautiful spread and long tines but 4-pts. I don't know if it's poaching or the lack of farming but like the others said 3A is not recovering.

    yeah, I would think that if even the AR's did nothing to produce better bucks, that coupled with the no doe permits for a few years should produce some type of result for deer population in general.........obviously this isn't the case in many areas..........I think it's a case of too many deer tags being issued in general.

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