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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. The key words in your hypothesis are "went to work and openly voiced"...  I'll say whatever the H I want to outside of work.


    Edit: well, I'm retired but when I was there..... ;)

    some people are never considered "off the clock"..........the problem is, some people are considered important and relevant  when they're really not.....TV stars, Sports figures, etc.........actually, I'd rather peoples opinions and beliefs are well known.

  2. unfortunately, when you sign a big dollar contract with a TV Station, sports team or any other high profile job that what you say or do, is considered a reflection on them, you have to live with your actions and suffer the consequences.......I guess what they stand to lose is much more than they make from the celebrity they employ....I'm sure there are a few on here who have jobs, that if they went to work and openly voiced their anti whatever opinions openly in the work place, would find themselves on the unemployment line.

    • Like 1
  3. I have never really understood posting a picture of a doe anywhere on the internet. Unless it was your first deer, that's fine, but besides that big woop you got a doe we all know what they look like. That goes for little bucks too, again big woop its a little buck.

    that's just as offensive to most hunter's as the picture that was posted.....good job.

    • Like 4
  4. back in the day, you only had one tag, it was either sex during archery and buck only during the regular season and if you were lucky you got a party permit that was shared between 2-3 guys, I don't think that stopped anyone from hunting.........maybe a lot of guys have gotten spoiled by the multiple tags that have been given out in the past years.

  5. I do hunt with some "weekend warriors" ever once and again...THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE CURRENT REGS ARE and will not concern themselves with the new ones either. Hell, some of my regulars had no idea thta ARs exist in NY. It's only those who pay attention to the sport that would be affected

    that's a pretty accurate statement...

  6. When does the season on L.I. actually end? Is the long Island season the last deer hunting in NYS?

    archery runs from Oct. 1st till Dec. 31st.........followed by a shotgun season during the month of January, Monday through Friday, no weekend hunting.

  7. Why not let hunters who already paid for licenses and stamps hunt these deer rather than use tax dollars to pay sharpshooters?.Why everything in this state has to be a major clusterf@% is beyond me.

    In areas like eastern Long Island they should should have longer seasons,more tags,allow baiting and expand the use of crossbows to help reduce a herd that is obviously out of control using the current hunting methods.Like the snow goose explosion where they relaxed the rules to curtail expansion it shoud be the same for this particular herd.

    the whole problem is lack of access to the land where the deer are creating a problem, you could implement all the above and I doubt it would make that much of a difference.

  8. I totally disagree.  How did anyone ever clean a gun before all the gimmick cleaners hit the market.  Clean your gun with a solvent, then clean it with boiling water and patches and see how unclean it is with the solvent.  Getting the water out is simple.  It is called patches.  Convenience is not always better.  I have been using smokepoles since early 70's and have not lost a barrel yet

    same here, been using the hot soapy water method for years........

  9. Agreed. If we are talking about deer at 100 yards or less. I do a lot of long range( out to 1000 yrds) varmint shooting. If your gun isn't shooting 1/4 moa or so, you aren't going to hit s---t at 1000. I don't care how good a shot you are. Even big game hunting out west where you are shooting at 3-4 hundred yards or more, a 3 moa gun isn't going to cut it.

    even if you gave me your rifle that shoots that well at 1000 yards, I bet I personally couldn't make that same 1000 yard shot..................most of the time it's the shooter or the optics that let the rifle down, not the other way around.

  10. I'm fairly confident you'll as many in the trespassing community who are local residents who know when land owners are not around as you will in the community of hunters who are non locals who trespass..........it doesn't matter where they are from or what zone they hunt.

  11. What if you're walking your dog with your 6 year old daughter. You come across a wounded, vocal and dying fawn in a ditch. You have your CC with you and you're in the country. Not many houses and a 5-10 min police response time. Your daughter is balling her eyes out.

    5-10 minute response time is pretty good....and I can't imagine me killing it in front of her would make it any less traumatic, probably even more so.

  12. And everyday you read about adult men molesting innocent children... Bad stuff happens and it doesn't make it ok. What's your point?

    We all have different ideas on what we think we would do in a given situation. Some say they would run into a burning building to save someone and in reality they never would. You really never know what you might do until you're presented with the choice. Every situation is different.

    my point is, that unless I'm the one responsible for causing an animal to suffer, I'm not going to engage in illegal activity to make it right..............no way I'm going to shoot a deer in the middle of the road at night if it's been hit by a car and risk getting the wrong Officer show up and hand me a fist full of tickets, I've encountered deer and dogs that had been hit by cars, I make the phone call and wait for the proper authorities to show up and take care of it............if someone else feels the need to take care of it, thats ok with me too. If I'm 1/2 a mile back in the woods and a deer crawls past me with its back legs blown off, different story.

  13. finishing off a deer that you personally shot at a time reasonably close to shooting hours, although still illegal, is much different than deciding to go out in the middle of the night with the intention of doing the same...........as far as feeling morally obligated to shoot a deer on the side of the road that was hit by a car, I do not...........much like I do not feel obligated to do the same to someone's dog, a farm animal, or even a Bald Eagle........how many of you who feel the need to kill a crippled deer on the side of the road to end its suffering would do the same to the other animals I mentioned? I mean after all, an animal in pain is an animal in pain.

  14. I try to follow the game laws to the letter.


    In this situation I would take the shot. Take the shot and the ticket, if that's how it would go...

    it may not always be just getting a ticket........you always run the risk of losing hunting privileges when convicted of an ECL violation.......and with the new Safe Act, if someone is a pistol license holder, and for whatever reason they get their license revoked because of the violation, they're now required to turn in ALL of their guns.

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