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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. The problem I have is that this is not a viable solution and you two seem to support it out of spite just because it will not affect you, yet.  You think Suffolk county is the only area this will happen?  Yes?  Then you both are kidding yourselves.  Albany and Ithaca will be next with Nassau soon to follow, will you object when they finally get to your town?  It that what it will take?  You both seem to think we are overrun with deer, WE ARE NOT.   They just want more eliminated thinking this will stop lyme.  Wake up and stop believing the media, they are lying, we have no population issues except on the human side...  Do you really think that we need to cull 3000 more doe, if so again you are just believing the media.  Please don't be so gullible!  We do not have an overabundance of deer, they just want you to think that way to allow this cull to happen.  Be realistic.  We don't have a population issue with deer.



    In so far as how I hunt, it is what it is.  I will not change my hunting ways to cull the population, being familiar with hunters on LI I know we have enough to keep the population under control if allowed.  (This is only my second year hunting LI so in reality I have NOTHING to do with population control...)  You seem to want to blame the population control on me and how I hunt.  Well just so you know we have thousands of hunters on LI and most of them do not hunt like me and would be happy to take any deer. 


    PS: If they want the population controlled they will allow more bow hunters access and allow more than just local hunters.  Open the public parks, lower the shooting limit to 150ft and get homeowners to sign up for a volunteer bow hunting program that allows us access and we will get it done. 


    Frankly, as you two seem to like killing doe, I am so shocked that you approve of this plan.  I would bet my house if your town suddenly said they need population control and the herd was too large you would not be so willing to have your herd culled.  Think about it!  One day your town says we have an extra 30,000 dollar grant and want to use it to control the deer herd.  Because we think more need to be killed. 


    Again, you see this as herd control because bow hunters and not doing their job?  I see this as a ploy to allow a grant to be spent and try to prevent lyme from spreading.  Don't believe everything the newspapers and media want you to believe.  Bow hunters can and have controlled the population just like in your area's we can do much more if allowed.  I understand you two do not like me or the way I hunt, don't let this cloud your judgment on what is right.  Bow hunting is the best way to control population in urban environments. 

    how do you suggest they select the people to hunt these neighborhoods? I've met a lot of hunters in my life, and I certainly wouldn't want some of them within a mile of my house.

  2. The man exercised his God givin 1st amendment rights, God wrote the bill of rights correct. So the man exercised his 1st amendment right and the corporation "he worked for" exercised its right to fire him for running his mouth. After all doesn't every God fearing American conservative want corporations to have less regulation. No one was hurt here and no body's rights were trampled.

    I had no idea God did all that stuff............see, you learn something new everyday.

    • Like 1
  3. I may be way off, but I bet there are more or just as many disaster stories from what is perceived as the perfect shot, as there are from headshots.........the problem is when someone who has no business taking that type of shot, decides to do it.............and with a gun only,.

  4. you're missing the point entirely. how is this a free speech issue? Did the government shut him down? No, his employer did which they have every right to do. I still don't see the big deal.

    you're exactly right, it has absolutely nothing to do with freedom of speech...........it's the same thing that happened to Charlie Sheen and nobody cried about that.

  5. Woofer, I agree. As much as people point to the words in the constitution, to most of us it's still a free speech issue

    of course he's free to say whatever he wants, but apparently not while he's employed by A&E............simple enough, when you sell your soul to the man, you gotta play by his rules. Imagine if you owned a business, and one of your employees gave his anti whatever rant to every customer who came in, I'm pretty sure you would cut him loose if it alienated a large percentage of you customer base, or even if he stood on the public sidewalk in front of your business after he was off work and did it..............because I'm sure some will say he can do whatever he wants once he's off the clock.

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  6. I'm just starting to wonder what makes this TV personality so important that what has happened to him has upset so many people..............he sold out to A&E and apparently either didn't read the contract or didn't understand it, this has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech, not even in the least bit............I'm sure the rest of the family that now has to show up and do their stupid act as they are required to do to satisfy the terms of their contract, must be real thrilled at the attention this has brought them.

    • Like 1
  7. tell you what, if I was a home/landowner out in the villages that need deer thinned out of, last thing I would want is some hunter I don't know slinging arrows in my neighborhood.............next thing that would be needed is a lottery process followed by a shooting proficiency test, no easy, cheap answer no matter how you look at it.

    • Like 1
  8. It had to be still fairly warm for the skin to "leave" that easily which is probably the main factor. At least that's my guess.

    I agree, doubt that could be done with a deer that has 2" of fat under its hide that has hung overnight in 30 degree temperature.

  9. I'm on my second Glock, just upgraded from a 9mm model 19 to the 40 cal model 23................never had a problem with the model 19, great guns. If you're looking for a gun to shoot a lot, I don't think the Ruger LCP is the gun you want, I have one, great for concealed carry, but not my choice of guns if I plan on going to the range to do a lot of shooting.

  10. If it's raining, you run the risk of having a bloodtrail get washed away making tracking almost impossible.....I avoid bowhunting in the rain.........as for the estrus, you really have nothing to lose.

  11. I wonder what the plan is for the undocumented people who are in this country illegally is......they aren't turned away at hospitals when they seek emergency care and there is usually no way of tracking them down afterwards to try and collect payment..............I assume they will still get a free ride and those who pay for their coverage will somehow be left to pick up the tab as usual.

  12. How does that work? There is only one bow tag on my license. How do I transport the 2nd deer without a tag?

    you can use your regular season tag during archery as well as your archery and muzzleloader tag if you bought that privilege in addition to multiple dmp tags if you have them..........LI is pretty liberal as to what you can use your tags for.  

  13. I strongly suggest everyone proofread all their posts before hitting the submit button.............as you can see, any type of error will result in accusations of wrongdoing and quickly sidetrack the thread from what it was initially intended for......

    • Like 1
  14. Um, There are currently no open deer seasons in New York State.  Late Bow/MZ season ended Tuesday 12/17.  Please don't tell me you're admitting to poaching after the season ended. 

    LI is still open...........please don't tell me you're admitting to not knowing what you're talking about.

  15. Radio, If I wasn't on my phone id point you to the paragraph of what he said before he made his famous comment. In summary he was saying that if we all could look towards God and be nice to each other it'd be a better world. He was not advocating we go out and lynch gays, but that he himself did not understand it. The media conveniently leaves hat part out though.

    that's exactly what I got from his statement.....

  16. the more I read the interview, I don't take his statement on how someone can be a homosexual as ignorant.....maybe not eloquently put,but I would think any heterosexual would be puzzled as to how one man can find another sexually attractive, and from what I've heard, the Bible frowns upon it as well and if he's a religious man then there's no problem with his belief, I have more important stuff to read so I won't bother to verify it...........if someone who's not gay, can look through the eyes of a gay man and understand how he feels, I don't know what to say..........with that being said, I have no problem with anyone's choice of lifestyle as long as they're good people.

  17. A guy that I used to hunt with at his place upstate,  told me that he and a relative did some pigeon hunting .. They'd get permission from farmers and put out decoys in a field and did really well. He told me that you can burn up a whole lot of shotgun shells, and get a lot of birds. He said that pigeons up there, as opposed to city pigeons, were good to eat. I think that he said dark meat. I remember a poultry store on LI used to sell pigeons to eat.. They called them squab, but sure looked like pigeons to me.

    My fiend drove me around and showed me some farms and how many pigeons were around, there were loads of them. I never got to do it with him because our lives changed.


    I forgot about it, but today I was looking for crows and in some areas and  saw a number of pigeons, and made me think of it.


    I don't know how you can tell feral from domestic pigeons, like the one that race, but I guess if they're hangin' around farms they are wild


    We may never get a dove season, but I guess it could be like dove hunting .


    Does anyone pigeon hunt ?

    I know it's illegal to take any with leg bands......other than that I'm not too familiar with it, but have seen the type you're talking about in the same general area

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