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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I'm 23 and having serious doubts about my chosen career path.  Anyone 45+ (I know you're not technically an old-timer but by now you should be able to contribute to this) want to share: 


    1) What you do for a living;


    2) How you got into it;


    3) If given the chance, would you do it again? Or would you pursue something else?


    I'm just curious how many people out there are happy with the decisions they made at my age. 

    what career path have you chosen?

  2. I got one this past year and my experience with skinning it was not the most pleasant thing I've done. They are some smelly, greasy sons a B's. I let someone else butcher it and gave most of the meat to him. Kept some for stew which turned out pretty good. I was told to clean the meat of every little bit of fat you can find because that's where the gamey taste comes from. I won't kill another bear unless I have some one who will take a good deal of the meat. I'm the only one who will eat it in my family and I won't waste it just to say I killed another one.

    the one I helped skin out and butcher reminded me of a giant raccoon.........but it was very good eating.

  3. didn't know you were in a "special" county, being Suffolk County that has some extra restrictions.


    For us normal people in upstate, NY, it is very clear.  You can shoot 2 bucks for the 3 seasons no matter how you slice it.

    actually, the tag usage is less restrictive in Suffolk County.

  4. This applies to the DMP tags I got for Suffolk county too right? I can use the DMP's during Suffolk bow season b/c it is the regular season?

    yes, you can pretty much use any tag during any season in Suffolk, check out the link I posted it explains it all.

  5. This is the first year that I will be deer hunting. I will be using a bow. I just picked up my new license, I have 1 regular season deer tag and 1 bow/mz season either sex tag. Does that mean I can take 2 bucks, 1 for each tag or 1 buck and 1 doe? (Not that I will be so lucky)

    are you hunting in Suffolk County?

  6. my wife's taking hers right now. Almost 80 people she said. lots of youth and she was even surprised at how many girls were there. I think we're doing better as a sport then some people think at reaching the youth. Of course we can do better though.


    but i agree that i wouldn't take any statement from an instructor as fact until it's in the books. a little scary they're so out of the loop and potentially setting up new hunters for fines and penalties.

    I wonder how many who take the course actually continue hunting after the first couple years, both my wife and daughter took the course and hunted until they got a deer, after that they were done..............

  7. Thanks for all the opinions. My initial thought is that it is okay to freeze-grind-re freeze for the reason that someone mentioned prior. I imagine that most meat we buy in supermarkets have been frozen prior to our purchase, yet the meat I buy is often "fresh" or has been defrosted. But if the sale is too good to pass up, we will stock up and freeze for later use. So that sounds like the Freeze-defrost-re freeze scenario. By harvesting our own meat, we are cutting out the first freeze that supermarket meats get from the slaughterhouse to the supermarket.

    my guess is, that if you saw how supermarket and restaurant meat was handled prior to our consumption, it would probably cure you from ever eating it again...........you'll be fine.

  8. from the research I have done timber point is legal to hunt.  I will confirm this with the dec Monday as I plan to go on a hunt with a few friends from huntingny.com next weekend.  We are aiming to bag our first Canadian geese! Wish me luck!

    yes, Timberpoint is legal to hunt, just not on the golf course itself.

  9. Do you do it on high or low in the crockpot and for how long? Sounds really good

    I usually brown the meat in a pan first..........about 6 hours on low should do it....but you really can't over cook it, I just got a new crockpot  that seems to cook at a higher temperature than my old one......

  10. I've hunted Werteim several times....area 3 is a tough one to figure out, very thick brush, I got picked for that area the last two years and have had slam dunk shots at several bucks, but saw no does..............wish I had good advice for you, but unfortunately I don't.

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