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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Ya, $10 + $20=$30


    The extra $20 is to rent shelf space while the gun is registered and put on my friends permit.  Should take a day or so........




    Call it what you want, I don't think anybody will do it for a ten spot and I don't blame them at this point.

    as I'm sure you've noticed, there's a lot of people who want to be watchdogs for NYS, I fully agree they should be entitled to charge more..........I would just keep it to myself as I'm sure the gunshop doesn't need publicity as to what may be construed by some as charging more for what they shouldn't be.......

  2. The thing is, I am very confident with my bow. It isn't uncommon for me to smack my arrows together at 20 yards. 30 I am even pretty close. Have been shooting the bow all summer at the 3D bow shoots..... But when the deer start coming in, that heart just pounds away. I love the rush of bow hunting.

    I was always confident shooting targets....when a deer cam in, that's when my confidence went out the window.

    • Like 1
  3. Nice..I love my encore.. Seems like everybody is going to Newfoundland this year

    if you don't mind me asking, what's the going rate for a moose hunt these days?.........back when I went (2002) moose and caribou were about the same price $3800.00, with a combo moose/caribou running around $5000.00.

  4. I  was just curious about it because i dont know much about them but I want to get into it a little. I have my mine set on a new one with a removable breech plug break action style. chances are I will get the wolf or t/c impact both are around 249.99 area. I just want to extend my hunting season with a decent /good reliable beginner MZ. Heard good things about the wolf and the impact. just gonna come down to which one I can find that comes with the most accessories for the right price...

    I picked up a Traditions Vortex from Cabela's a few years back......very happy with it. If you're going to buy from that type of store, check the company website as well, sometimes they have rebate offers that the dealer may not be aware of.

  5. Every time i think i may get a shot with the bow while hunting , my heart starts pounding so hard , no matter what size deer it is , anybody have a way to practice under those circumstances ?

    That's what's supposed to happen.............I don't think there's anyway to reproduce it during target practice, even if you get your heart rate up by running or some type of excercise before the shot, you can never reproduce the mental portion of "buck fever". Took me the longest time to be able to control it, I used to just fall apart.

  6. how seriously do you intend to get into muzzleloading?........does it have a removable breech plug for cleaning? if I remember correctly, it can take some fumbling around to get the percussion cap into that model....espacially if a quick follow up shot is needed. I personally would not get a .54 caliber.

  7. I think we have a taker!  I won't mention the name of the shop just yet but we have a plan.


    I guess we (me & the seller) will have to meet at the shop (that has funky hours of course) and leave the pistol at the shop after we do the background check on my buddy, the buyer.  After the successful BG check, the gun will stay at the shop until my buddy gets it added to his Ontario County permit.  THEN I take the paper work to Erie County to have it removed from MY permit.


    All for the tidy sum of $30


    Piece of cake..........................................................................UGGHHHHHHHH 

    don't you mean $10.00?

  8. Oh for crying out loud, what is all this concern about what other hunters are seeing/getting. Who the heck am I trying to impress .... lol. If somebody else is telling me about their deer, I simply nod my head, slap them on the back and congratulate them for getting a great deer (regardless of what it looks like). And I want to hear the entire story in as much detail as they want to supply. What business do I have doing otherwise.


    Man, I do miss the days before scoring became such a big deal. Now-a-days when you tell somebody you got a deer, the first words out of their mouth is "what did it score". If you don't come back with a number that they are impressed with, they will do there best to wreck the whole experience for you. And if your answer is that it was a doe, they immediately walk away or change the subject .... lol. The whole hunting experience has been reduced to numbers. I really don't get it. I really don't have any need to impress anybody by listing some numerical value that serves as my goal. And by the same token, I am not really all that impressed by anyone else's numerical goals.

    well said.......I couldn't have said it better myself.

    • Like 2
  9. Obama chooses which laws he wants to enforce.  Cops have discretion when it comes to enforcement too.  You don't have to be a constitutional scholar to know when a law is clearly a violation of the law of the land.





    I guess when they pass a law saying cops should shoot anyone they see in possession of a firearm, you want me to do that without question too.

    pretty sure they have little discretion when it comes to felonies..........at least not that they'd want to admit to.

  10. Looks alittle big for a new born in my opinion, I am sure is was just hiding out in the clover field. I always chat with the farmer that farms my land, and we is always telling me how many fawns he see's when he cuts the hay.I am attaching a picture of a new born fawn, I found this at the end of may. This little buy was still wet. He was in the hedgerow at the end of a vineyard. We where doing some work in the vineyard, and I think we spooked the mom out of the vineyard and she dropped it on the edge of the hedgerow and the vineyard.

    I agree, while not a newborn, it is still a late birth.

  11. I'm pretty sure the majority of gunshops always charged a fee when they handled gun purchases that required any type of work on their part, mainly guns that needed to be shipped from one FFL holder to another (and not all do this), and I doubt you will see any change in this area............the new problem is, when two guys walk in off the street and want a dealer to devote probably 30-45 minutes of his time doing the paperwork and making the phone calls to do the transfer and all he can charge is $10.00, and for what, to be a record keeper for the state? I don't blame them for refusing to do it.............

  12. I thought so just making sure.  But as far as a "group" what if there are two mature bears strolling along together, can you or cannot shoot shoot one? How many is considered to be a group? 

    I cut and pasted that from the hunting regulations on DEC's website...I didn't find anything more specific. I don't think you'll come across two mature boars together, any group is pretty much going to be a sow and cubs...........and unless I'm mistaken, cubs stay with the sow for up two years, so at that point they may not look like "cubs" anymore

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