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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. You make some good points, but you also strengthen my argument that the people deserve weapons equivalent to what the police have. If not....then the govt. has superior firepower...the bad guys have same...and we citizens are the ones left out-gunned.

    of course the law abiding citizens deserve the right to arm themselves and these new laws are screwing them, but I don't see the point in blaming the cops on the street for what's happening as many are doing......I bet most cops wish they could do their job without having to worry about using their guns or having others use guns against them.

  2. and like it was said before, this is an issue that needs to be addressed with the lawmakers, not the cop on the street trying to do his job.....I would hope everyone would like the police to be able to do the job with the best tools afforded to them, and until this turns into something more than politicians screwing the public by infringing with their rights, lets not misdirect our anger.

  3. People are waking up because their feet are, all of a sudden, being held to the flame.

    Cops were most likely exempt in the first place because of stupid attitudes like that held by Doc...."Police are superior to the people" "Police need the means to protect themselves that the people are denied"....That, and overlooking that the police work for the govt....not the people. I am not anti-cop; I just don't think cops are in any way superior to regular every day law-obiding citizens!

    actually, it's really more that cops need the proper tools to do their job, not a matter of feeling superior, most cops had revolvers until it was realized that criminals had them out gunned.....your average cop is not a fanatical gun owner who feels they are getting over on the average citizen by having a better gun or more bullets.

  4. I have not seen where any arms manufacturers have said they won't sell their products to NY retailers or to distributors who supply NY retailers. Retailers make big bucks selling to cops and to law enforcement agencies. You can pretty much they are not going to endanger their profits by refusing to sell to those who support/enforce Cuomo's gun laws.

    Doc's position is crystal clear: He thinks cops...aka govt. forces...should have arms that are denied the general public. There are countless Americans who think otherwish. Hell, the founding fathers thought otherwise. If there ever were a govt. gun grab in this country, the grabbers (cops) would seek assistance from snitches among us. Beware the snitches!

    Cop's and gov't forces have been allowed to have arms that have been denied to the general public for years, the last magazine restriction that was enacted about 10 years ago went unchallenged, why is it just now that people are waking up?

  5. I can't help but think, that isn't this what The Governor wants? he wants restrictions on everything gun related, so the less people selling to NYer's the better.......like I said in another post, the majority of Officers are issued their guns and magazines by their dept, they're not buying them from these small companies.....maybe a small amount of guys buy restricted stuff with their credentials as L.E.O.'s.............now if Glock, Smith & Wesson, Ruger along with ammunition manufacturers stood up and did this it would have an impact.

  6. We're going to end up buying ammo at local shops anyway, because Gov. Homo's new law makes it impossible in the long run to order online.

    you beat me to it, and as big as the shooting community is in NY, just think of the taxes that will be collected....can't see Albany having a problem with that........can't imagine any local dealer wanting to let anyone order discount ammo from anywhere delivered to his shop so the customer can save money, not gonna happen.

  7. So, if it has such a minimal impact, then why such a huge outcry about it? They have the right to sell their items to who they want to. Maybe if the FOP would butt out, then this would never have happened. The FOP's view on disarming the public is very clear.

    just a thought, but maybe it isn't having an impact on their business, that's why they can afford to do it.......I honestly think it will affect the general public more than any agency, if they refuse to sell to anyone in any State that has any restrictions, what's gonna happen when the ammo background check goes into affect? my guess is you can say goodbye to saving money on mail order because you'll be stuck buying at the local shop for more $....the outcry is from the public, and we see what Albany thinks about our opinion.

  8. is it really the "cops" who support theses laws? there are letter's out there from several law enforcement agencies speaking out against these laws. If you're basing your entire opinion on the few who stood behind the governor when he announced these laws, I don't know what to tell you...there are probably more who oppose it.....and unless the big companies like Glock, Smith & Wesson, Ruger and any of the ammo manufacturers jump on board, these small companies aren't holding anyone accountable, because it will have no impact on how any agency operates.....does anyone think the NYPD is ordering 2000 Glocks a year from Midway?

  9. The Fraternal Order Of Police is clearly NOT on the peoples side. Funny how they can't say "No, we don't support these unconstitutional laws", but they sure as hell have no problem getting up on stage, and saying "Yes, take the guns away from law abiding citizens", which they have done as recently as Obama's little suggestion on banning "assault weapons".

    Last I saw, there were a lot of badges up on the stages where these bans were instituted, that were applauding like crazy. Was it my imagination?

    As for losing my job, losing money, and all that bs, I've been there, thanks to my car getting impounded for nothing. So, take that pc bs, and shove it up your a$$.

    oh boy, didn't take you long to dredge that up again did it?

  10. What I would rather see these companies do is to throw some money into the pot for the current legal challenge to this law. That would be something useful and really effective that would result in real lasting change. It would also be something that is in their financial interest. In fact it probably would be in their interests and ours to initiate some court challenges of their own against this law. That would also be an action aimed at the right people for a change.

    I would also like to see them throw some cash at the lobbying efforts against Obama's federal anti-gun activities (an issue that seems to be fading into the background here).

    I agree, and the donation of money would be a more genuine gesture towards the gun owners. I don't think many of the law enforcement agencies buy guns or ammo from the small arms dealers, my guess is they buy directly from the manufacturer. I think they are directing this towards the few Law Enforcement Officers who may buy the odd high capacity magazine, etc. for his own personal use. The majority of guys are issued this banned stuff and that's all they want or need.......and unfortunately, another company is gonna sellout and cash in on the other companies refusal to sell to New York.

  11. How about one of you guys who suggest that an individual officer take a stand and lose his job and everything else that comes along with that, and who have even hinted at armed resistance to fight against any lawful action against you and your guns, do this...show up at the State Capital for the next rally and bring with you any currently illegal magazines, weapons or whatever you refuse to give up or register and make a statement by getting arrested for these unconstitutional laws..........it may cost you some money, the loss of a job and who knows what else, but by the time you fight it all the way to the supreme court, it will hopefully be ruled that the laws under which you were arrested are unconstitutional and you will be exonerated and the laws will all have to be reversed.

  12. I agree with most of that, however, if the new policy of these gun companies does not put the hurt on police agencies, then most likely the whole thing is just an empty gesture that will simply put a smile on Cuomo's face. If it does put a hurt on the ability of police to safely do their job, then I'm against it. It's good for these guys to take a firm position on this new gun law as long as it doesn't wind up with any unintended consequences.

    to be quite honest, I've never even heard of these companies who are boycotting NY. Kinda like Hyundai saying they're not gonna supply cars to any NY law enforcement agency.

  13. Answer me this. Why has the sheriff's department spoken out against what Cuomo has done and the state police have not? I don't believe one group of cops feels that much different than the other. It's because the state police work for Cuomo and they are choosing violating our rights over protecting the people. I don't expect them to quit, just have a set of balls and speak their mind. He can't fire all state police if they stick together.

    my guess is because most Sheriff's are elected by the people, and if I'm not mistaken, the Head of the NYS Police is appointed by the governor.............that say's it all

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  14. The police are any easy target for the general uneducated person to lash out at, maybe it's because they are out there in the public eye and not hidden in an office. It's pretty disturbing at the amount of people that associate them with EVERYTHING that is associated with laws and the criminal justice system, when in fact they're only a small piece of the criminal justice system. It's beyond me to understand why someone who is pissed off about these laws would look at the local cop on the street and feel he has anything to do what is going on.........It sounds to me like many go to bed at night fearing their front door is going to be kicked open and the cops are going to storm in and take all their guns.

  15. Who was bashing the police, I just think that its wrong that they can carry to "defend the people" but i'm not allowed to carry to defend myself, Its the leaders of this state and country that i'm having a problem with, I have family who currently hold the position of Under Sheriff and several others in law enforcement positions as well as more than a few good friends who are police, I want nothing bad to happen to them and i hope when the time comes to decide where their loyalties lie to the people or the government i just hope they choose whats right not whats financially motivating, The only way this very unjust law is gonna get overturned is if enough people in this state hate it enough to continue to be vocal and stand up for their rights, If they strip are 2nd amendment rights what other rights will they try and take or twist to fit their needs, That's why this is so important, Ya losing the guns sucks but the rest of our rights are at stake as well, They are something i will not sit by and watch be stripped from me or any other citizen, JMHO.

    Police are government employees, and that's who's laws they follow. there are numerous laws they enforce that many people think are wrong and consider violations of their rights. They're already given powers to deny citizens of rights when they break the law......but, I guess people are expecting them to turn in their badges and give up their livelihoods..........and consider this, not all cops are pro-gun ownership.

  16. I'm including anyone who thinks it's a good idea to send law enforcement personel out to do their jobs without the latest weapons because they can't buy any. I don't know whether you are reading any of the posts that are showing up on here, but I am amazed that anyone would suggest that it is alright to punish cops by with-holding the means to defend themselves. Especially since they have absolutely nothing to do with the passage of the law that people are protesting.

    Also, it may not have occurred to you, but I am the only one here sticking up for the cops. I suggest that you go back and read my comment a little more carefully and slowly.

    I don't think any topic on this board is complete until it turns on the police, alot of angry people out there, they need to blame someone.......I guess they don't realize that Police have had exemptions from certain gun laws forever, all of a sudden it's a problem.

  17. The topic is supposed to be about having your name on a list if you buy ammo. As I previously said, I could care less if there are background checks before buying ammo.

    My name was on the list posted by the Journal News. Do I agree with what they did? Absolutely not, but do I care that my personal name was on the list? No, I could care less.

    I could care less as well....maybe someone should know if the nutjob living on your street just ordered 5000 rounds of ammo.

  18. unfortunately almost everyone reacts to a situation based on their opinion.........it would probably be pretty shocking to see the number of people who will do nothing to assist in the fight against these laws, in any way, because they have no use for the guns that are being targeted.......I for one have no use for the guns currently being banned, in fact when one shows up at the range with a bag full of ammo and magazines, it's the signal for me to go home......however, I will do what I can to help the cause to fight the new laws.

  19. one of the sections defining prohibitions regarding Assault weapons states "any of the weapons, or functioning frames or receivers of such weapons, or copies or duplicates of such weapons, in any caliber known as.........." it than goes on to list the makes and models of what are considered assault weapons. I would say the answer to your question is no.

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