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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Think Drones...... LOL

    I thinks he is saying they would treat it like criminal activity

    if I read the article correctly, it says that in the District of Columbia it is illegal to have a gun outside of the house, so wouldn't this demonstration be criminal activity?

  2. They had 4000 leo's in a 10 block area in Boston looking for 1 teenager. Could you imagine what they would have in DC for this???

    teenager or terrorist that detonated two bombs at the Boston Marathon killing 4 and injuring around 200, with plans to cause more death and destruction?..........don't see the comparison.

  3. Not for nothing all these cops talk about how dangerous theor job is and thats why they should make what they do and be able to retire after 25 years then when it all unfolds its a huge shocker. I feel bad for the cops but isnt that what they signed up for crazy bad guys breaking the law.

    not quite sure what your point is, but most cops probably are underpaid for the crap they have to deal with....I think the only shocking part is that there are actually people out there that would do this kind of stuff.

  4. the more I read that statement, the more I'm blown away, for you to even suggest that one hunter is entitled to the hunting woods more than another is beyond comprehension....any sensible statement you ever made on here is totally forgotten by that one statement...what a douche.

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  5. honestly, you're no better than the turkey gun hunters or squirrel hunters in the fall then. Nothing illegal about doing any of these activities, but us bowhunters only have a few "good" weeks a year to do what we want, and you can hunt your small game during much longer seasons that don't interfere with the deer hunters. So if you feel you're being respectful of other hunters by hunting small game during deer season you go right ahead. I know I'd never be that guy. I realize not everyone hunts deer and what not, but there used to be this thing called "common courtesy for your fellow man" guess those days are gone and the days of "i can do what I want and you're not the boss of me" are well and alive...

    doesn't fall turkey season run the same as Archery, Oct 1st till the day before regular gun season? you expect fall turkey hunters to give up their season? that's laughable.

  6. and if you're hunting public land or shared private land, taking a precious vacation day, up early and scent free in your favorite spot enjoying the sun rise and some clown comes traipsing through the woods with his crossbow, orange hat and smoking a cigarette it wont bother you? Because what I'm describing to you is an actual experience I had during gun season, but has never once happened to me during bow season. Will the failed crossbow hunter give up eventually? Probably... but will archery season ever be the same?


    -Your resident elitist NYB member

    you just described what I fear is going to happen if the crossbow attracts those who were to lazy to take up archery in the first place and never appreciated what bow season is all about. I personally think they have a spot, maybe after bow season and before rifle.......but, I'd rather not see them in what is currently "bow season"........

  7. For me, it will just be another weapon in the arsenal to choose from. Id like to take deer with as many different weapons as I can. Thats just me though. To each their own. B)

    that's very understandable....personally I would only invest in another weapon if it would open up more opportunities, not against guys laying out more money to get another weapon to use......if I saw the crossbow as being something that would give me an advantage I may lay the money out, but don't see that much of an advantage. 

  8. the show is beyond staged, and gives hunters a bad name.  These guys are a bunch of clowns, that buck the young kid shot was a dink.  And they are "after big bucks" blah blah they aint getting big when you shoot lil 2 year olds.  These clowns should stay in VT, it seems like a rich kid who couldn't get it together to make it down in the wealthy environment he grew up in and moved up to VT and wants to come back down and make easy money with the show i bet his rich parents put this together for him.  I think they way they talk about him feeding the ppl BS to get spots is bad for all of us.  Makes all us hunters trying to get permission sound like a bunch of used car salesmen.  I hate it and they have no respect for laws, walking through ppls property saying omg i can see what they are eating...that will make people feel a bit on edge knowing "hunters" (absolute clowns) are walking through their land with weapons and peeking in windows.

    I'm pretty sure the people who own the land want as many deer killed is possible, if these guys only hunted to shoot big deer, that would defeat the purpose of allowing these guys on their property.......and like I said before, allow a camera crew to film most of our hunting camps for a season and I'm sure a lot of us would look like morons if it was put on tv, every camp has a smoker, loud mouth, guy who thinks he's smarter then everyone else, you name it.

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  9. The way I see it the guy's who know what they're doing will be successful no matter what weapon they use.....the dopes who are piss poor bowhunters and buy a crossbow thinking it will make it easier, will still be piss poor hunters and eventually give that up too.

  10. I'm really not pro or anti crossbow. I can't see it really making that much of a difference in hunter or harvest #'s. I certainly can't recall a mass recruitment of muzzleloader hunters with the introduction of inline's, a far superior weapon to the old style percussion/flintlocks.....I've shot low end crossbow's and they're not what I would waste my time dragging into the woods, and I'm not about to pay what a quality one cost's. If you're already an accomplished, capable bowhunter, I don't understand the benefit of getting a crossbow, but that's just me.

  11. pretty sure they also said antler restrictions really don't benefit the health of the deer herd.....that could have went either way but the advocates for it were more vocal. Although they support crossbow use, I'm sure if the vocal majority were against them, they would stay out of Archery season....and if the majority were for them they will go in all seasons.

  12. If DEC is given the authority to regulate the use of crossbows, they will most likely cave to the group who cries the loudest and sends the most unsigned form letters..........much like the way they gave into the Antler Restriction advocates.

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