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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I have been avoiding this site and these recent gun debates as of late as I feel that it way to soon in the wake of tragedy especially Sandy Hook that hit very close to home. I've was horrified to see the scum bag mayor of NY mayor Bloomburg screaming control even before the bodies of these victims had grown cold. No one can wrap their head around this tragedy so they are looking for reasons (Mental illness, gun control etc..) because we just can't fathom that there are such monsters in the world. I have always expressed my right-wing views about such things as gun control and President Obama but I have to give credit where its due and I was very grateful that the White house and the President took their time to express the liberal agenda and brushed off reporters and comments about gun control in the first days of this tragedy and expressed remorse and sympathy for the familys. I wish all liberals and even control advocates would have handled this the way Obama and his admin did. As a father of a young child and member of a church that was devastated by this, there has been nothing more disgusting then what I have seen from different advocates in the wake of this. I will reserve my opinions for the future when logic can overcome emotion and not so soon that I disrespect and disgrace the dead with my political views. I apologize for my rant. God be with everyone in Sandy Hook!

    well said...I see no need to comment further.

  2. That was childish and uncalled for. We're here to discuss and debate and hopefully learn something. I have no idea why you are here at all.

    maybe you should go back and reread your first two post's.............both contain comments that offer nothing creative and the only reason I can see you added them is in an attempt to insult someone.

  3. Makes sense.. but all that could be solved with a simple solar cell on the roof of the car that charges a back up battery to run that equipment when the car isn't running.. (Thats why computers have power saving features) What happens when his shift is over and the car sits overnight in at the police station? I would think light, radio, and sirens should be off when not in use and shouldn't be drawing power and the dash cam is certainly not doing much good pointing at the side of the post office building. I guess the reason doesn't make as much sense as I first thought after thinking it through... :)

    most cars stay in service 24 hours a day.........solar panels might be an option if it was sunny everyday and it didn't get dark at night.

  4. This is a quote from myreporter website.

    "The most important reason is that the large amounts of electronic equipment installed inside modern patrol vehicles — like the laptops, dash cameras, radios, siren boxes, light chargers, etc.—suck up tons of power. Each time the vehicle is cut off, an officer has to turn off all that equipment or run the risk of draining the vehicle’s battery power in minutes. And then when they get back inside, they would have to turn all that stuff back on and wait for it to reboot before driving again. This especially comes into play when vehicles park with their sirens on, because the flashing lights eat up a lot of battery."

    That's not what they want to hear..........you gotta tell them it serves no purpose and they do it just because they can.

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  5. I watched a NYST sit in a marked suv while it was running. He was watching his kid play soccer for an hour. It was 65 degrees.

    what's worse, him watching his kid play soccer or you watching him? I'm sure watching the game must have been more entertaining..but then again maybe not.

  6. just out of curiosity, have there ever any of these mass shooting type incidents that were stopped by an armed civilian? I know that one on one crimes and home invasion types have been stopped, just wondering about the other.

  7. I was told they handle the whole permit issuing stuff and they walk the woods in an attempt to push deer to the hunter.

    I'll give you $300 to handle getting me the proper tags, etc and then take me to a spot where I can get a shot at a buck.

    is that even allowed? I was under the impression only 2 people were allowed per reservation, or are they in the woods as hikers?

  8. I for one would not use someone else's stand, but am not a fan of those who leave stands on public land thinking that some how gives them exclusive right's to that area............hunt the area, but in your own stand.

  9. Today I was in the supermarket and the person in front of me paid for all their groceries with a benefit card funded by taxpayer money.....there's a very good chance that Officer will do some good in his life, the person I described, without going into too much detail, will probably never do anything that benefit's the taxpayer.........talk about a real waste of taxpayer money.

  10. here's my customer service story.......took my lcp apart to clean and somehow got the slide wedged back, took the whole thing apart myself and I mean apart...........fast forward, sent them a bag of parts and they replaced everything but the frame (used the original) free of charge,,,,won me over as a customer.

  11. Criminal negligence is negligence which requires a greater degree of culpability than the civil standard of negligence. The civil standard of negligence is defined according to a failure to follow the standard of conduct of a reasonable person in the same situation as the defendant. To show criminal negligence, the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the mental state involved in criminal negligence. Proof of that mental state requires that the failure to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk that a result will occur must be a gross deviation from the standard of a reasonable person. Criminal negligence is conduct which is such a departure from what would be that of an ordinary prudent or careful person in the same circumstance as to be incompatible with a proper regard for human life or an indifference to consequences. Criminal negligence is negligence that is aggravated, culpable or gross.

    The following is an example of one state's statute defining criminal negligence:

    ''A person acts with 'criminal negligence' with respect to a result or to a circumstance described by a statute defining an offense when he fails to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk that such result will occur or that such circumstance exists. The risk must be of such nature and degree that the failure to perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would observe in the situation.''

    huh?...you can't charge someone with criminal negligence by itself, it has to be attached to something...........it's how you act whether it be with criminal negligence, intentionally, recklessly or knowingly and the result of your actions .if you kill someone because of how you act, and you acted with criminal negligence, then you can be charged with criminally negligent homicide...............but you already know this, right?

  12. I wasn't trying to be insensitive, I have 2 kids and can't even imagine the anguish all in Newtown are experiencing. I only posted this because there is a national debate brewing on firearm restrictions and as this is a hunting forum I thought others who may not have seen this story might be interested in it.I am not placing firearm ownership above human life.

    those guns were legally owned, nothing could have stopped that as far as gun laws go, much like most of the past mass shootings in recent history go..legally obtained guns and ammo.....no offense to you, just can't believe all pro gun stuff written so soon afterwards.

  13. How is cutting trees on your own property hunter harassment? Please find me that one in the law books. You have the right to cut wood any time you want to. He on the other hand has no right to fire off shots like that especially if he fired them onto the neighbors property. criminal negligence at the least, which is much more than hunter harassment. Could have been another hunter there he was shooting in the direction of.

    in case you needed to see when you stated criminal negligence was a crime that can be charged on its own.......

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