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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Yep, my mom worked for 34 years in the NYS Mental Health Services at Willard before the closed it and so did my grandfather and my brother in law.I even have the master key from the building that they let all employees got to keep. She took me there all the time, most of them patients their just need some attention. 99 percent of them where harmless, of course you will have a few that hill hurt someone or themselves. So JJB, if you wife or child was in a mental hospital for 2 days, would you be happy if they came knocking on your door asking for your guns?  I understand the part of getting guns out of the house, but the husband should have the right to decided what should be done with HIS GUNS.

    I don't know, what were they hospitalized for? if my wife or child were hospitalized for a suicidal or homicidal thoughts, I would take them out of the house myself without having to be asked, unfortunately there's alot of irresponsible gun owners out there that probably wouldn't. Maybe if the guy had taken the initiative on his own to remove them from the house and store at a friend or relatives house the police wouldn't have had to take them........it would be helpful to know if they take into account the seriousness or nature of the psych problem.

  2. Accept if you read the post, it says they even took her husbands legal guns. Sorry, that just does not fly with me. This will just make people that need mental help to just hide it and not ever seek any help.

    so if your neighbor was a full blown psycho, you would have no problem with guns being in the house? and most people who have mental illness do not seek it on their own, it's usually a third party that takes the initiative to get them help...........if you've ever dealt with the mentally ill, the majority of them don't think there's anything wrong with them.

  3. Speaking of changes in hunting over long periods, I was reading an artical in the American Hunter yesterday that was about how state lands have changed over the years since they were first purchased. The article was about publically owned lands across the country and not just NYS. However, I can see what they were saying even here in our own state.

    The article was pointing out how states take mostly a hands-off policy regarding maintenance of public lands. And so over the decades from the time they were mostly farming lands, they have matured and moved through the transitional habitat that most wildlife requires, into heavy over-story kinds of lands that are very unfriendly to deer, rabbits, grouse, etc., and are moving toward a sterile kind of habitat that cannot support a whole lot of wild critters. With only a few rare exceptions there really has not been any kind of habitat management to create the diversity needed to support a diverse population of critters. They didn't mention it, but I have seen the same thing happening in private forests as well. As the nation's lands keep getting divided up and then divided up again, over and over, the new generations of landowner think there is something good in keeping habitat forever wild. The idea of logging state forests doesn't seem to be a very popular one within the general (uneducated in the ways and needs of wildlife) public, and so the management agencies are reluctant to do what they know should be done. Also shrinking budgets eliminate a lot of the options for changing the situation.

    So anyway, perhaps we will see hunting impacted by this unwise neglect of habitat. It may actually turn out that even small game hunting will be impacted, and we may find severe shortages of things to hunt because of it.

    that's already one of the biggest changes I've sen to out hunting land in the 30 or so years I've been hunting it..no longer very friendly to wildlife that we hunt due to the maturing process.

  4. Yea i was saying that with the numbers the human race is reproducing at that the chances of getting that next super awesome person are better than ever. As far as China is concerned, i have to admit i am pretty happy that they did impose the one child per couple limit.

    Someone also mentioned (might have been you) that every child needs to be born and have the right to life until it wants to harm you then its OK for me to terminate that right to life? So to me that sounds like, yea you have the right to life but if say your a Muslim extremist who wants to terminate your life than its just fine and dandy to kill him.

    Kinda a very fuzzy line on how precious life really is, the Muslim thinks yours is worthless (because of religious reasons no doubt) and you think his is worthless if you cant convert him to your way of thinking.

    thats why the more and more i've looked at this whole thing and not being able to really figure who should be the deciding factor I just keep going back to the mother as the ultimate choice maker, and that choice has to be up to her and only her, not your choice, or your churches or definitely not the choice of some dirtbag politician whos probably screwing this country anyway and doing whatever he has to to get relected.

    Wow, imagine China without birth restrictions, our problems would be ten fold what they are now, and lets not forget all that precious life crossing our southern borders too...

    I have to agree on the out of control reproduction rate......I wonder how many people have had the pleasure of dealing with the citizens who give birth at an alarming rate simply because they don't give a sh*t, and why should they? the tax payer's will pay to raise them. Then their children turn around and continue the cycle. I hate to say it, but they should have a system where they offer cash vouchers at the abortion clinic to encourage alot of these people.........the only thing worse than an abortion is a child who is unloved, abused and unwanted and dragged through the system his/her entire life.

  5. By the way his tone was not sensational as you tried too portray.

    I'll let you in on a family experience...My sisters first pregnancy....They were very excited until the 7month and her Dr. had gone on vacation...causing her to see a new Dr. in the office...no heart beat...well this went down hill from there because vacationing Dr. is notified an these two professionals get into an argument...she in the mean time has to continue carrying this deceased child ..that wouldn't spontaneously abort..I can't even put into words her mental state..in the end they had to abort the deceased fetus...devastating and she stopped breathing on the table....Next comes her first birth..and she was in labor 36 hrs and actually died on the table and they revived her

    My pregnancies...I puked non stop for 4 months ...ended up being taken by ambulance to Strong Hospital...lost 30pounds...not quiet as bad with the second...First labor I was in 21 hours and forced to push for 3hrs...2 times they nearly rushed me in for surgery. Now being a woman and sitting umpteen hours in gyn. waiting rooms and the Wendy clinic...I can tell you there are many woman out there that have nearly died giving birth...

    for any man to have the balls to put themselves in the same emotional or physical boat as the woman who actually has to carry the child and give birth is B.S......not the same emotion or bond formed between the two by any stretch of the imagination.

    • Like 1
  6. this data is not accurate, the value of lower NY state/LI NY has dropped significantly more than other areas of the state. You can now once again buy houses in many Nassau, Suffolk locations for under the 300k mark, these are the same homes people were unloading for 600, 700K a few years ago.

    And to me wether im paying more or less in taxes has more to do with if im happy where i am, and i can honestly say i love upstate NY nad wouldnt leave it for anyplace. I was born and lived all across Long Island (Queens to east Hampton)and moved and the family up here 10 years ago, best move i ever made and would never consider going back, i hate to even go down for a weekend to visit family anymore. I would pay double the taxes to live upstate...

    That's very true, I bought on L.I. in 1999 for about 120g's, the value skyrocketed to almost 400g's and now it's back down to 220g's......I would never have paid 400g's for what I have, and now many people owe more on their houses then they are worth down here. I have family who bought in Rochester 20 years ago and their house's are worth pretty much now as they were then.........

  7. there are so many variables in these situations that you can't just have a blanket law covering all of them, and that's the original question that was asked, do you think it's up to a gov't entity to dictate what's legal and what isn't? the majority of the time, once you have a child with another person, you have ties and legal responsibilities to that person for the rest of your life or at least until the child is of adulthood......my take on it, is if you remove the child before it's born you remove the emotional aspect of dealing with a living person and it's easier to move on. That being said, I have no problem with abortion for whatever reason the people affected by it choose.

  8. it should be mandatory in some situations......and the gov't should offer cash payouts for sterilization of some people, voluntary of course.......and as far as putting them up for adoption for someone else to support, guess what? we're all already paying to raise them...kinda hard to be sympathetic towards people who keep producing babies simply because they don't give a sh*t,

  9. I saw where they brought in a team of shrinks to console the kids tramatized by the gun shaped poptart...I can tell you right now the only kid tramatized was the fat kid that saw 3/4 of a perfectly good poptart go to waste!

    This is just pure overreaction by a bunch of whiney a$$ city folk that have no clue what a real gun looks like!

    damn city folk.....must be scared of dem der country folks with their bad teeths and all dat dag gum stuff.

    • Like 2
  10. The reason "assault" weapons draw so much attention when they are used is usually because of the mass casualties..........much like a plane crash. Planes are a much safer mode of transportation than automobile travel, single car crashes count for hundreds more deaths than airplanes, but travelling by airplane puts fear into many people......they both generate an unwarranted fear in the general public

  11. I don't know how specifically they break down the crime info, but I'm going to say if you look at the statistics of the majority of the mass shootings and murders where people go off the deep end and kill their relatives, coworkers, etc., you'll find that these were committed using legally owned guns.........as far as your "street crimes" go, the most are committed with illegal guns, and believe it or not alot of crimes are committed using fake guns.

  12. some major distributors still run into mad cow, selmanela, ecoli and contamination issues. There's a new recall for meat or vegetables once a month it seems. I think the general concern is that these animals are harvested in the wild by amateurs, gutted by amateurs and then butchered. And there's very little control a butcher has to exam the meat to see if its sat to long, if the deer was sick or if it could have been contaminated. It's unfortunate because I believe 98% of the hunters have a good agenda. But when highly regulated beef industry still has issues, the chances of issues here seem to be greater. I'm not saying i agree at all with what is happening but I do see their side of it.

    good point.

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