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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. does anyone else remember when you were only issued one deer tag with your license that was only good for one antlered deer during regular season or one of either sex during archery? in the early years if you filled it during archery, you were done for the year......later on, if you filled it during archery, you were allowed to buy a second for $5 that was good for the regular season..........simpler times

  2. Now to Phade's point. if NY were to change to a one buck tag structure and you didn't have a second tag, would that increase the liklihood you pass on the younger buck more? I know my standards are higher for the second buck tag. (but that is easy since the areas I hunt not only hold some good mature bucks but also very liberal doe tag numbers.

    it would have zero impact on me passing up a younger buck or holding out for a mature buck...........and I hunted a number of years back when all you were issued was one buck tag and hoped for a dmp.

  3. I see that the polls show that something like 60% were in favor of AR's......I'm guessing that is 60% of hunter's polled, not 60% of hunter's overall, I know that I was never contacted when they were conducting this survey, was anyone else not sent a ballot? I did send off an email with my feeling's about AR's, but who know's if they even take the time to read them.

    • Like 1
  4. Its called the easy way out. From my experiences of talking to people about the subject and watching the debating in forums, etc, it seems like the people that push it the most are the people that dont seem to have the self control to pass on younger deer without a law in place. They also usually are the same people that are not educated in the different ways to tell a younger deer from an older one, so they rely on an obvious, but pretty unreliable way to guess, number of points. Again, these are my observations and I dont feel that everyone that is pro mandatory ARs is the same.

    I always felt that those who pushed for AR's were those who had large parcels of land and could pass on smaller bucks because they knew that the other's who hunted the land had the same objective's and that more than likely the small deer they passed would survive and be around next year as bigger deer............

  5. if you're looking for him to just catch fish and have a good time, I would look at north shore  / Port Jeff boats.....they should be doing well with Porgies this time of year and usually don't disappoint. Celtic Quest and The Osprey are good boats.

  6. I would go to a bow shop to get measured for the right arrows.....put the $40 towards a new sight and keep the whisker biscuit until you can save up for a quality rest, the rest and sight can always be put on any other bow if you need to upgrade, so no need to buy junk.

    • Like 1
  7. I think you are misreading it........ it's when someone subject's them to physical contact while they're performing their official duty, and the purpose of the contact is to harass, annoy or alarm......without the physical contact, you haven't completed the crime.

  8. Please, point out where it states there has to be physical contact.

    it's in the last line "subjects such person to physical contact"..............I would think the "otherwise" would be spitting on, throwing stuff on, etc.

  9. here's the way the "standard" harassment is worded...................

     240.26 Harassment in the second degree.

    A person is guilty of harassment in the second degree when, with
    intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person:
    1. He or she strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects such other
    person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same; or
    2. He or she follows a person in or about a public place or places; or
    3. He or she engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts
    which alarm or seriously annoy such other person and which serve no
    legitimate purpose.
    Subdivisions two and three of this section shall not apply to
    activities regulated by the national labor relations act, as amended,
    the railway labor act, as amended, or the federal employment labor
    management act, as amended.
    Harassment in the second degree is a violation.

  10. I don't see where the terms are not connected......it's pretty much written the way the regular harassment law is written only now it adds an aggravating factor that bumps it up from a violation to a felony.....you need an injury for an assault, but not for harassment. There's numerous ways to subject another to physical contact and to list them all would take pages.........cursing and flipping the bird would not fall under this law. 

  11. I guess you are misunderstanding what the law changes. It has nothing to do with physical altercations. If this passes, you can be arrested for flipping an officer the bird, or cursing at them, and charged with a class E felony. Say you ask an officer a question, and they dont want to answer, then you ask again or ask why they wont answer. That could be construed as "annoying" the office. Bam, class E felony. The wording of this law is way too general and open to interpretation.

    under this proposed law, there has to be physical contact.....flipping the bird is not physical contact, nor is cursing

  12. it would be nice if healthcare was like car insurance, if you're in a high risk group and use it a lot your premium goes up, if you're in a low risk group you benefit from it and pay a reduced premium...I for could care less what people do to themselves, but if it cost's us all then I have a problem with it.....and that's exactly what happens when it comes to the cost of caring for people who live like they don't care if they die tomorrow.

  13. I don't smoke, but if i did and as a result got sick from it, MY insurance would pay for treatment wouldn't it?  How dose the public bare the cost. Just asking...

    I'm gonna guess and say that insurance costs are based on the general use, if you have a society that is healthy and doesn't use the insurance much because of their general good health the premiums stay low, if it's being used a lot, the cost increases gets spread out among all the plan participants.......your insurance cost is the same as someone who doesn't take care of themselves, so if they pay a fortune to care for those who make unhealthy choices, you're healthcare cost will increase to care for them...........in other words, they don't charge a smoker more for health insurance then they charge you they just average it out and we all pay the same.

  14. Its so sad. Heart goes out to the families. The first thing that crossed my mind is there is no way 4 adults and 4 children including 2 toddlers could possibly have been belted in safely in a mini van. I see way to many children who are not properly secured. Rear facing in a car seat until three. The harness needs to be snug with the chest clip above the sternum. Also the car seat should not have any play to it. 5 pt harnesses for children under 5 and a booster until 7 or 8. If the kids chest strap doesn't cross the middle of the chest they need a booster.

    from what I read, they could have been strapped in and covered in bubble wrap and it wouldn't have made a difference.

  15. I'm willing to bet that people who engage in unhealthy habits, look at what they're doing to themselves on a regular basis and realize that they need to make a change or the end result is going to be unpleasant, and they're probably fully aware that in the end there's no one else to blame but themselves....it's the one's who get ill or suffer due to another's doing that I feel for.

  16. Hey doc sugar and fatty foods didn't kill my dad !  Smoking cigs did he smoked his whole life  till he reached 82 , If the cig industry didn't lie all these years about all the sh@t in cigs maybe then he could've quit .But they lied all these years and many families besides mine were affected by these lies . And the only consistant thing is you seem to have an almighty opinion on everything said on almost every  post..

    I can't imagine anyone thinking sucking smoke into your lungs is healthy or at the very least not good for you, regardless of whether or not the cigarette companies hid all the crap that was in them. 

  17. it's almost comical to see the churches (I won't mention which one in particular), is so outspoken about what is right or wrong between two consenting adults, while their organizations have been plagued by sex scandals that have been swept under the rug for years.

  18. Means nothing to me because they’re life does not concern me in any way. If it did affect then i might have an opinion. How someone chooses to live is no ones business 

    agreed, there's more important stuff to worry about.

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