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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Doesn't matter how you see it, the law is written in such a way that it does not distinguish, a felon is a felon. There is something seriously wrong with this country's laws and correctional methodologies.

    right, as far as following the laws and judicial system my opinion or anyone else's doesn't matter, or at least it's not supposed to come into play if you sit on a jury.

  2. There is a process, several in fact. There's pardon, which is really only ever granted to the wealthy -- Richard "Slick Rick" Walters comes to mind. There are also the certificates of good conduct and relief from civil disabilities. My BiL had to get a CRD to get his professional license. The CRD can restore the right to own firearms, but it rarely does. It's a shame really. How many of us have had youthful indiscretions where if we were caught, we might be in the same position? I'd say quite a few. I think it's fair to say that a guy who has genuinely reformed and is a productive citizen, with only the occasional traffic ticket being the extent of his legal trouble for 2+ decades doesn't really present a threat.

    I honestly have no issue with felons owning firearms. If they commit a crime with them, lock them up. This will start getting into a discussion of the failure of the criminal justice system though, and the failure that is the war on drugs, which we neither have time for, nor is it on topic for this discussion.

    good thing you threw the last paragraph in, I was about to go there.

  3. I see a huge difference between a guy who has a felony dwi conviction who can't own a firearm and obtains and uses one to defend himself and family, and the career criminal who uses one to commit another crime......the second one should absolutely get a weapons possession conviction.......I did a internet search on the 10 commandments and it gave three versions, I went with the King James version which said kill, the other two say murder.......to be quite honest I have no idea which one most follow

  4. You cannot lose a right. It may only be infringed by a law written by man. You are born with them, and you will die with them.

    True....but,would you not agree that we were only born with them because man decided they would define what our rights are and put them on paper? They certainly weren't given to us by a God who supposedly existed before guns, voting, the right to privacy..etc even existed.

  5. If rights come from man, then rights may be taken away by man.

    If rights are natural, or innate, then they may not be taken away by man. I don't believe in god, but rights do not come from man. Rights are a natural condition of sentient life, and no law written by man may divest them from you, nor may they be given up, forfeit, or taken away.

    The way I see it, rights are man made and can be taken away by man, convicted felons will lose their right to keep and bear arms and if I'm not mistaken, the right to vote.......get sentenced to prison and you lost your right to be free and I'm sure there's a slew of other rights some will be deprived of for other types of illegal behavior. If rights weren't man made, they wouldn't have to be written on paper..........that's just the way I see it.

  6. First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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  7. Just remember there is a huge difference between a Officer asking you to get out of your vehicle and an Officer telling you to get out fo your vehicle.

    yup, nothing attractive about getting pulled out of your car through the broken window....and the only thing a woman officer is needed for is to search you.

  8. and vehicle check points have been going on for years, not to be confused with random vehicle searches, your vehicle cannot be randomly searched without probable cause.......it's amazing what people will admit to at theses check points which can lead to a search at the permission of a driver.....all I can say is that you should know what you can refuse and don't voluntarily offer up information that you don't have to.

  9. Well he has to consider the company reputation and giving just a first name was reasonable ...so a reference to who he'd first spoken to when going to the site boss...but ys ppl don't have to give out such info as # and date of birth??

    This whole random car check has stuck in my craw...I told Mr B not to be surprised if he gets a call from me at a police station one day....The next time an officer ever stops me and asks" Do you know why I pulled you over?" I'm going to say ...." Well if you don't know ...How in he!! am I suppose to?" Then tell him if he wants me out of the car he needs to get a woman officer out here....Yep...I'm now getting a tad peeved at whats been going on in this state...

    the reason they ask you if you know why they pulled you over is to get a response of you admitting guilt, if they pull you over for speeding, and you say " I guess I was going too fast", that becomes part of their notes and it's used against you if it goes in front of a judge......more than likely they already know why they stopped you......my advice is to say you have no idea why you were stopped.

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