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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. JJB, that may have been the case on the regi-again, I don't know. But, as I stated to Ants, the other tickets were definitely the officers doing. It is honestly beyond me, as to what happened.

    ok, let's not turn this into a bitch fest, I honestly did not intend to direct any of my comments towards you, and if taken as so I apologize......just seems to be a general dislike of cops these days, and most of them have no input on law making, they're just average guys doing a job.

  2. Did I say ALL cops are crooked? Don't try to put words in my mouth. I go hunting, and fishing with a couple of cops, and I certainly have no ill will toward them.

    you've consistently shown a general dislike of police officers, I have many military friends and would never have made a negative comment about the military until I read all your cop bashing posts..like they say, people in glass houses shouldn't cast stones.

  3. Perhaps you should also research the number of police misconduct cases. The numbers are staggering. We vets stick together. That's not to say that we stand behind those that break the law-we don't. However, until this case is brought to light, no one actually knows what happened.

    As some forum members know, I just got done with going to court for 4 months for tickets that were just flat out not true. It cost me everything. Car impounded, my job, and everything else. Even though I showed the cop my legit paperwork, I was still given tickets. They will get no sympathy from me.

    ok, so you can consider all cops as crooked and every military person I see I'll consider a scumbag because of all the crimes committed by other military personnel.........good concept.

  4. did I mention you? I notice people are quick to jump on police officers and question their character and blame them all for the actions of a few, but when a member of the military is under attack everyone jumps to their defense as if they do no wrong........I have nothing but respect for members of the military, but judge them as individuals, not as a group.........just about every post suggest's that the police did something wrong and not the fact that this guy had multiple illegal magazines.

  5. we all know that anyone who has ever served in the military is of outstanding character and there has never been a crime committed by an active or retired member from any of the armed forces, so the cops must have done something shady to have made this arrest........better yet, do an internet search of crimes commiitted by military personnel, your head will spin and cops will look like saints when you're done.

  6. So Stupid!!!! guy lives 10 min from my place... ya know its my personal opinion that these are groundless charges since all he has to do is say he will get rid of the mags and they have to let him go... (in fact i could call him and offer to take em off his hands, NOT....... LOL)

    the law he is charged under is the old one that's been in effect for a number of years, not the new one, so it's not just a matter of saying he'll get rid of them.

  7. Thanks Culver.....That story reads a tad different than the first one IMO...Either way I thought unless you are a ECO or have solid probable cause..... a vehicle search is illegal in NY... At the very least saying no would force them to state a reason.... Which may be rebutted in court later..due to on board cameras

    he may have even voluntarily offered up that he had them......and it looks like if he had 30 round magazines, he could have been charged under the old law.

  8. They passed this law under the cover of darkness, without any discussion from the taxpayers/citizens. If anyone thinks it will stop here, they are foolish. We can fight this legally, to a point and that's if we unite. If we all stood up and no one registered a single gun that would be a statement. If we all get in line to register, that will be another step toward more and more restrictions handed down in the middle of the night.

    well, if registration is a requirement and you refuse to register you're no longer fighting it legally, so you're dead in the water before you even get started........why aren't people fighting any and every restriction on any firearm? fully automatic, guns with silencers, 100 round magazines, handguns, shouldn't we be allowed to have these without restriction?

  9. JJB, I've never owned handguns, or for that matter, AR15's, or AK47's. But, I've always stood up for other gun owners rights anyway. I have ALWAYS raised hell with the establishment, and will continue to do so. I don't live in a "me,me,me" world, like other people do. As for your comment that NY has dictated this laws for years, should actually tell people that there comes a time when you have to stand your ground, or just lose more and more. Boy, I'd hate to see some people on here in a bully situation. Oh, please, mr. bully, don't pick on me! That crap doesn't work in the real world!

    just curious as to what the response was when they told people they need to register their handguns or turn them in, way before my time so I have no idea what the response was.....and NYC has required the registration of all guns, I have no idea how long this has been in effect, but can't remember anyone trying to reverse it.

  10. Interesting concept, but wrong. Unlike "law enforcement", a soldier is held to the standards of the Geneva Convention, and "War Crimes". A prime example is the marine in Fallujah, who shot an insurgent, when the insurgent reached behind his back. This guy went through hell to clear his name. If the government tells the military to go out and shoot gun owners, does it make it right?

    We have minds of our own, and we know what's wrong and right. A soldier HAS THE RIGHT to disobey an unlawful, or unconstitutional order. Being a vet, I know the rules.

    I'm sure it's more complicated than I put it, but would you really expect the cop on the street to take a stand and lose his job?

  11. then ask the cop if he registered his AR. A few cops I know have told me they are not really going to enforce that law. This is still the grey area that nobody knows. Will the state police give registration cards upon registering them or not? who knows. Most of my friends are not getting rid of their large mags either..... nobody likes this and most wont follow some wont enforce... My advice, wait and dont worry about it uintil the time comes. They dont have the program up and running yet to register "assault rifles" nor the program to do background checks on ammo.

    The only problem with asking the cop about whether or not he registered his guns, is that there will more than likely be an exemption for law enforcement, so you may not get the answer you're hoping for.

  12. I don't think there is any plan yet in place as to who the task of registering will fall on....when and if it finally happens, if your within the law, why would you take the chance of doing something that could cost you? I know the idea of taking a stand sounds noble, but when it's all said and done, would getting yourself in trouble really be worth it?

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