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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. to say you can't be arrested for DWI on private property is laughable, let's see....Home Depot, Wal Mart, etc, all private property, but somehow you can be issued tickets for parking in Handicapped spots and fire zones.......how do you explain that?

  2. WNYBUCK, NO YOU CAN NOT! Trust me i know. I dont know where you get your info but def. dead wrong. You cant be on private property and be arrested for a DWI.

    care to share how you definitely know and why anyone should trust your advice? since you say WNYBUCK is dead wrong it would be interesting to know how you're 100% right.

  3. yes, all you need to have is physical control over the vehicle, having the key's with you satisfies that.....don't matter if you hide em under the seat, stick em in your pocket or whatever...and pulling off into a parking lot won't help you either.

  4. Wow. This whole thing reminds me of Dutchess County-especially Southern Dutchess, where development has wiped everything out. Anyone who used to hunt Southern Dutchess knows what I'm talking about.

    Here, we have had tons of people from down below, who wanted to build their "dream home" in the "country". Well-guess what-that "country" has been wiped out. What used to be beautiful rural areas, are now overwhelming developments of $700,000 & up homes. Hunting is virtually impossible, because you can't get 500' from all these damned developments. That is why, at one time, I supported the 150' rule for bow.

    With this development, of course, came all the anti hunters. So, even if you could manage to get 500' away, there was a high chance the cops would be called on you.

    This has also had a huge impact on a lot of the gun clubs that have been here for ages. These houses, in a hell of a lot of instances, were built within 500' of the clubs. Naturally, when people shoot, the neighbors complain. Should the clubs just uproot themselves, or stop shooting because these jackasses built within 500' of a club that was there for almost 100 years?

    The locals, who had hunted-a lot of them gave up. A lot of them, including myself, are also sick and tired of having to change where I hunt, how I hunt, and every damned thing else, because some friggin idiot moves up here that wants that $700,000 dream home.

    I've lost 16 places to hunt, because of these "dream home" builders. I don't have, and, quite frankly, can't afford to travel to that 1 million acres, that is over 250 miles from me. There are far more deer here to begin with-just no way to hunt them anymore. Thanks to the over development of this area!

    that's one of the reason's I'm thrilled that NYC DEP is buying up loads of property around where I hunt and allowing hunting access to it........it's not making the real estate broker's too happy, but I could care less.

  5. 4R, saw alot of deer around during archery, with quite a few bucks in the mix.........the new antler restrictions played a part in my not taking a deer during archery...........rifle hunting has been pretty slow, my guess is not due to the lack of deer but to the lack of or timing of their movement.

  6. You cannot get a DWI just because you are in your car sleeping off a hang over and the keys are in your pocket. You have to have the intent to drive. Meaning the vehicle first must be running and second must be on public property.

    and for what it's worth, I certainly wouldn't live by that advice.

  7. I've got a few spots that are just over 500' away from a house or two, I actually checked with my rangefinder to make sure........should I not hunt these spots because someone may see me and not like it? I don't think so........if the hunter in the original post is actually 500' away from your house and does have permission from the houses he's closer too, and is making sure of his backstop and not shooting recklessly, can you really tell him he can't hunt there? all you can really tell him is to stay off your property.....if he is shooting too close to the other houses without permission and is shooting recklessly, report him before a tragedy happens......and if it were me, I'd keep my kids inside if this guy is shooting anywhere near where they play.

  8. haha, well hope he has a good attorney because in NY state you can not receive a DWI on private property ie:private bar parking lot and the car most def. needs to be running. Your friend got the Sh** end of that deal.

    so you're saying if someone is slumped over the wheel drunk in a private parking lot, they can't be arrested for dwi?

  9. Tug- Im talking gun hunting btw. Id never do that bow hunting. I feel that if you miss it will be a clean miss and not a wounded deer.

    unless you hit them in the jaw..I've seen that and it wasn't pretty, was quite the tracking job as well.

  10. That's great for you, come back when you've been through the system unjustly and I'll take your experiences with some consideration. Let's hope you never have to.

    been checked while hunting, fishing, at roadblocks, got letters from DMV that my registration was about to be suspended you name it, took care of any potential problem right away and always had my stuff squared away, and have always been respectful.that should pretty much avoid any problems.

  11. Sad to see how poorly many people here view law enforcement. Obviously there are going to be some bad officers, but those are outnumbered by the good. The little man syndrom? Seriously? Sounds like someone has an issue with authority. Like others have mentioned, follow the law and you won't have problems. If you get a bogus ticket present the case to the judge and it will be the officer who has the issue. They put their lives on the line every day, ECO's included. You feel they don't care about the people then maybe you should look into the effect the job has on LEOs lives. Its tough to manage a family and friendships when work forces you to be watching out for your life at all times and to be suspicious of everything.

    We expect them to take every call, and sort out all our troubles with other people. When some one else's violation irks you, you feel cheated if they don't get a ticket.But when you violate the law you feel cheated for getting a ticket. Too often it seems that stories of good cops involve a cop showing leniency. I am not saying they should not be lenient in cases, but being lenient is not their job.

    As for Larry302, I am sure you are special for growing up in a rough city. Just because there are some horrific crimes occuring does not mean we need to neglect the smaller crimes. Seems to me that your city is understaffed, and overpopulated with violators. I have nothing but respect for officers who work in that environment. However, I also respect the men you described as being bored off theior a$$. ECO's approach armed men every day, and often on bad terms. Poachers with sawed off barrels in their cars, meth labs, drunkards, and assist in all law enforcement activities when needed. You sure are tough for being in the vicinity of shootings, next time try stopping the man doing the shooting and see that you don't crap yourself doing it.

    well said, and it's funny how the guy's who claim to have been wrongly charged still find themselves involved in long court battles....probably because they don't have proof of their innocence and keep grabbing at straws.

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