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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I was pelted with stones by anti-hunters on state land in the mid 1980's. There were no serious injuries, but it was a little scary being alone in the dark, carrying a bow, and having 10 angry people surrounding me. There were no cell phones then, but I called the local police about it when I got home.

    The police and DEC insisted on escorting me to my hunting site the next day. There was no rock-throwing, but they took a half dozen nitwits into custody for verbal harassment. I don't think any were charged, but the cops wanted to make their point.

    I've often wondered if any of those people grew up to be serious enviro-terrorists, or if it was just a fad because some loony professor from Alfred University told them it was cool.

    yeah, I think it may have been a bit crazier in the 80's......I can think of a few incidents down on Long Island.......one in particular, they attempted to have a deer hunt of Fire Island that they shut down after a day or two because of the anti's.

  2. I had a problem with atv / trespassers many years ago. I called the local State Police barracks and asked for advice on how to handle the situation. The officer on duty told me that when I stop the atvers, I should remove the key from the machine. He gave me his mobile phone # and said he would come right over to confiscate the bike.

    and then what happened??

  3. happened to me once.....sat in the cold rainy weather for about and hour, opportunity came and when I went to draw it was like everything was frozen, just like you said....think I pulled every muscle in my neck and back by the time I finally got it back....and was probably pulling more weight then I needed at the time.

  4. did you try calling and there was no answer? what I did in that same situation, was called the local PD and they came and shot her...I took her home, I'll never do that again because the amount of usable meat wasn't worth the trouble of bringing her home and then getting rid of the other 90% that was garbage.......if there would have been no answer I would have stuck her with an arrow and left her on the side of the road. I'm not driving around with an untagged deer no matter what.

  5. No. You are thinking of the bear hunting regs.

    that's pretty much what I thought too....just didn't feel like digging it up. I think if you pour anything on the ground that causes deer to feed on it, I think they even eat the dirt in spots where people pour that mineral crap.....then you may have a problem.

    • Like 1
  6. Hhmmmm I think it was a sheriff that met us at the hubbys deer hit and tagged it, so I could take it home while he continued to work....


    It may have been a sheriff that came out for the dog shooting and gave me a tag for the doe I put down...that I can't remember rt now.

    yeah, I don't think many LEO's give a crap if someone wants to scoop up a road killed animal.....it may vary from region to region as to who has the tags for those types of situations.

  7. we've been in contact with neighboring land owners for years.  at this point we don't need to ask each year before the season for permission for retrieval.  also I don't like to imply i'll just go get it.  if I need to recover a deer for myself or someone else on someone else's land i ask anyway when the need comes up.  you don't know the situation and the neighboring land owners business.  someone could be hunting or maybe they're going to harvest standing crops you need to recover the deer in and they don't want you in there without knowing.  each situation is unique and requires some effort when the time comes. 


    haven't followed the whole ECO convo completely.  if an ECO has probable cause (a deer carcass on your property) they have the right to go on your land and will inform you the landowner of their intent before doing so.  that said a hunter's an idiot if they think an ECO will come to  aid to help recover a deer on someone else's property.  in rare occasion they're already around and it's convenient for them sure.  they want to help.  they've just got a lot going on and that type of situation is abundant.

    I think it's more along the lines of if they have "probable cause to believe a crime was committed"..........

    • Like 1
  8. a deer runs just over the property line and is lying there dead for all to see.....ECO responds to help sort it out, landowners says he won't allow the hunter access to retrieve, but he would like a tag for it......hopefully the ECO would tell him to pound salt and enjoy the stench of the rotting carcass, I'm fairly confident those tags are issued solely at the discretion of the responding Officer......

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  9. some of the posts above seem to allude to it being illegal to place a tag on a "found" deer. It got me thinking, that's why I posted that. I've taken two deer, both that ran into the sides of cars. People didn't even stop. necks were broken and I was handed tags to tag both of them. them from LEO's

    I've taken two deer that were not killed by me...first was a nice buck that I found just off the roadway, called DEC and they said take it and we'll send someone to your house when they get a chance, they came and tagged it with pretty much no questions or investigation.......second was a doe I came upon in the middle of the road with broken legs, but still very much alive....I called the local PD and the Officer came and shot it and helped me load it up, I called DEC and I brought it to a check station where he met me and tagged it, once again not much of an investigation. I'm almost 100% certain that the only ones who can issue a tag for a roadkill or something of that nature are ECO's or NYS Troopers.

    • Like 1
  10. Interesting concept. let's look at this scenario. landowner comes across a fresh blood trial coming into his property in the snow. Follows it and finds a warm but dead deer. illegal to tag it?


    #2 is contacted by DEC about the deer because a hunter wounded it. if he denies access would DEC give him a possession tag like for a vehicle struck?

    interesting......I have no idea if they have tags to issue for possessing a deer that was shot by one and found by another. I was thinking more of a confrontational situation where you have someone making an accusation of some type of criminal activity that would cause them to enter private property to investigate further......I think someone mentioned that if the landowner said nobody's coming on my land for any reason, then that was that, I was merely saying that if there is more to the story, then that statement is not always correct.

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  11. Once you find a good shop hold on like grim death! They are few and far between

    yup, and be sure to give them other business, don't just stop in when you need work done on stuff you bought somewhere else.........I've never felt comfortable doing that, I'll buy from the local shop even if it costs more...I've had plenty of small things done for free because I buy other stuff from them.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 28 oz can crushed tomatoes 

    1 28 oz can diced tomatoes

    1 green pepper cut up in small pcs 

    3 pounds of fried venison burger

    1 package of McCorrimick chili mix

    1 package of McCorrmick Hot chili mix 

    3 cans of chili beans


    Dump the two cans of tomatoes and the 3 cans of beans in a 5 quart crock pot . Cut up the pepper in very small pieces and toss it in the pot as well as a few of the seeds . Have crock pot on high . Put the burger in a large fry pan with a cover and fry until it looks done . Turn it over a few times to make sure all the burger is done .

    Put one package of chili mix in the crock pot when the ingredients are warm and mix . Drain the meat and mix the other package of chili mix in the burger . Stir it up then put the burger in the crock pot and mix everything .

    Periodically sample it to make sure it's okay . 

    I have been doing this for years and when we have a pot luck dinner , I am usually asked to bring some chili . 

    that's almost exactly how my recipe looks.....I just add a few fresh diced jalepenos into the mix for some added kick.

  13. I was also a "hunter" on a permit that was issued to the owner of a big estate that was issued his because the deer destroyed thousands of $$ in landscaping......I always took everyone I shot and ate them, donated one or two to a wildlife rehab center, but I consider that a good use of them as well.

  14. well two friends of mine both shot deer that died within the property lines of posted property (both visible from their property I might add). Owner would NOT allow retrieval. DEC was called and they did talk to the owner. The owner still denied access and that was the end of the story. two different ECO's at two different times, in different areas, tried and walked away. so what ever you believe the law allows, what is practiced in reality is different.

    the only time something would change is if they believed that there was some type of criminal activity to go along with that dead deer.....for instance, if the guy who shot the deer also observed the landowner drive up with an atv load it up and drive off, that may play out a little different, maybe......but, if the deer is laying there dead for all to see and the landowner says to all involved that it's gonna lay there and rot, then chances are that's what's going to happen.

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