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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. So wife is a vet and had a dog came in from eating grapes. Very toxic to some dogs and not so much to others. So she listed a few other common items that are toxic to dogs and I thought I'd post them up. You never know if this may help in your little four legged friends best interest,



    Xylitol ( artificial sugar sweetener- used in gum, mints, peanut butter ( so check ingredients if you put peanut butter in Kong chew toys) 


    macadamia nuts





    anti freeze (dogs like it because it's sweet tasting/vet clinic actually has a bottle of vodka on hand for this. vodka crystalizes antifreeze after ingestion)


    and I've mentioned before. watch permethrin (tick spray ) on clothes until it's dry

    I think permethrin in it's liquid form is extremely toxic to Cats......not that most care, but it is.

  2. No......for one thing believe me on cheap LS there is no movement of legs or feet...so let me explain it like this....

    As a little kid ever sing "I'm a little tea pot"...short and stout here is my handle and here is my spout...then you just standing still tip to the side at your waist...Well it's like that...to your side to your front how ever your positioned for the shot The point is to draw as you would on a straight on target and then staying like that drop at your waist not arm to set your pin on target...after a while this will be a learned thing and you should be able to draw in that position already bent at the waist...Remember depending on the closeness of the shot and the lay of the land sometimes it is a matter of very slight waist movement the closer the deer the more you bend the farther out your trajectory flattens(not sure I said that last part right..but how I preceive it..jump in guys....

    you forgot to add that he shouldn't actually sing "I'm a Little Tea Pot" out loud while hunting.....it looks odd and scares the deer.

    • Like 1
  3. the problem with trying to get a solid answer on a topic, from a LEO, that can have 20 different scenarios, is that the caller poses the question the way he wants and expects to get a concrete answer that can be appelid across the board......I know one who tells people "If you're calling to get an answer for a "what if" situation and then stick my name on it, you're not going to get it, call me when you have an actual situation on hand and I will make a decision and back it up with my name."......

    • Like 1
  4. . Play dumb? You are the one who said you are not tagging a deer you shot just tagging as it does not say you. Same with reporting

    you're last few responses made no sense, had me baffled as well..............but anyway, this made me think of another scenario, that has probably been played over and over a thousand times.........Hunter #1 shoots and wounds a deer, he tracks it with hunter #2, who is in the same hunting group as #1, and #2 is the one who gets the killing shot into it, he turns the deer HE killed over to hunter #1.....good or no good?? is it any different than finding a dead deer and tagging it??

    • Like 2
  5. +1 on the above two posts. But the thread isn't about the regs. It is more about learning to use the right weapon or use a different one.

    problem is, as the saying goes "you can't fix stupid".........give a certain person a hammer and he'll crush his thumb, give him a screwdriver and he'll stab it through his palm, give him a saw and he'll cut his finger off.....well, you get the point.

    • Like 3
  6. Heres something a bit funny yet wrong.. Not sure who here is on Facebook, and has heard of the "NY hunt club - A group for the NY hunter" page


    Some quite "strange" questions asked on that page but..

    One asked what the X-Bow start date was for this year, because he was "confused" thinking it was supposed to be the 1st of November... 


    Wont say names but one person to answer/respond to this persons question is or was anyways, a certified archery safety course instructor and has been for years!.. he stated that "it started the 1st brother" .........



    wonder what happens when they report these out of season kills?? and some people blame this on trickery used by DEC, really??

  7. I used to go into panic mode whenever I had a deer coming into range and knew I was going to get a shot...........I would always think I better take the first shot before it gets away, and would be preoccupied with missing it. I've since been able to control that and instead of panicking about missing and not getting the deer, I now am more confident and KNOW that I am going to make a perfect shot instead of the other mode of thinking.......helps a lot, but of course I still miss occasionally........slow down, go through your mental checklist and be confident.

    • Like 2
  8. I don't get the confusion over the Crossbow start date....it was never given a specific numerical start, just the last two weeks of the Archery season. What's next, guys heading out on Nov. 15th for the regular season start because that's what it was last year?????????

    • Like 2
  9. I'll still be here bugging everyone ..... lol. Probably even worse now. So brace yourselves for an evil-tempered frustrated old geezer.

    so nothing should really be changing as far as that goes.........feel better and don't rush the recovery.

  10. As explained to me, they did not hunt the deer. If that was the case anyone could tag a deer someone velse took just because they have a legal carcass tag. I could shoot a deer and let anyone I chose tag it because they have a legal tag.

    I'm going out on a limb and guess they could grant permission on a case by case basis, but to just put out a blanket "yeah, you can tag any deer you want" probably isn't the everyday answer.......but I could be wrong.

  11. So I have been considering a bow holder , those of you that use one :  How does the fork looking holders that clamp to a climber work ?  It looks to me like the bow could fall out of the holder. Anyone have this happen ? Can an arrow be knocked while in the holder ?  As others have said in another thread it gets uncomfortable sometimes holding on to a bow for hours. Thanks.

    I used one of those for years before I lost it....I set it so the bow would be between my knees, pretty stable and allowed for a knocked arrow.

  12. I'm not sure a cop is the best source of legal info.  One of my favorite professors once said "don't take legal advice from a cop any quicker than you would take dental advice from an auto mechanic."  Sure, a cop can offer insight into how such a situation might be handled in the field, but that's a often a poor indication of the correct answer as a matter of law.  Just a thought.


    EDIT: Just saw that your question is being sent to the legal dept.  If that means administrative attorneys, I retract the above.  

    yeah, but the cop's the one who's gonna be writing the ticket or applying the handcuff's...not sure I would write them totally off...you'll  get one who will try to mediate and solve the problem without any further action, and the next will just write the ticket or make the arrest...either way is 100% right.

  13. Ha-ha-ha, we kind of pick and chose which laws we want to criticize people for breaking or intending to break. I'm still trying to figure out who made us part of the judicial system. And I do love the creative quoting. That was cute.

    ha ha ha...if you actually read my posts, they never ripped anyone about bending or breaking laws, pretty sure I even made a point to say the Sunset issue was not even my concern....my comments focused on poor choices of words and the layed back attitude that was taken towards shooting a deer......go back and find where I got on anyone and accused them of breaking a law, if you find it, let me know....

  14. Yes you have the hand climber with the available sit and climb add on. I have one also but dont like or use it. Just grab the top part with your hands and arms and up you go. Much quicker than using the sit and climb attachment. For me anyways. You can get the bow hanger that bolts right to the bottom of the stand and that keeps your bow at the ready at all times.

    yup....I've had mine for at least 20 years and never used the sitting option to climb....nice stand once it's setup.

  15. I don't think that's how it works with leftovers...as far as I knew daily tally are taken and area could be out tomorrow it's a first come situation...but if someone got one in am it's open for the whole day at least

    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

    two separate situations...

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