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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. bunch of years back, my Buddy and I were scouting and reposting property the weekend before the rifle opener......as we're walking, we come across a "dead" Spike that looked very fresh, I reach down and grab his antler and he comes to life and starts thrashing around, gets up and keeps stumbling and falling down......the only Bow we have is a few hundred yards away in the truck......my Buddy jogs back to get his bow and I stay and watch the deer, he eventually gets back and kills it....the next day while butchering it we find a Bear Broadhead stuck in one of the neck vertebrae....guess it wasn't in deep enough to sever the spinal chord, but in enough to paralyze him every time it moved the right way......some of the meat around the head was a little funky, but all else seemed fine (I'm still alive) and the entry wound was only noticeable when you looked for it.

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  2. Pretty sure you are correct. I do know that if you got denied the first time that 'preference points" build towards second go around (today ) if section still available and towards next year if not.

    yeah, pretty sure that's why they say your chances of getting one on the first day are the same as on the last.....they hold back and recalculate when the deadline is over.

  3. Now wait a minute. We just got done tar and feathering a new hunter with 5 or so pages of telling him what a scumbag he is for not abiding by the legal hunting hours that I assume had slipped by him. You know the old rule: "ignorance of the law is no excuse". So, everyone should have a copy of those volumes of Environmental Conservation Laws purchased and committed to memory as well as constantly checking and memorizing all new laws that are passed every year...... right?


    A bit of sarcasm here, but I think you all know what I am getting at.

    I thought about that as well, had he come and said "can't wait to get out with my xbow in the morning and as soon as it's close to being light, and the deers close enough I'll let one rip...because why not?....I may have ripped into him, but he didn't.

  4. I see no shortage of new hunters getting all types of help on here from everyone....whether it be recovery questions, equipment, places to hunt...you name it. I guess the response directly reflects the way you come across when you pose your question / dilemma.

  5. to be totally honest, him bending the legal shooting hours is the least of what bothered me.....it was the whole "it was already a little dark. But the buck was close enough. So I give it a shot." that bothered me.....and I would give a friend or family member the same crap if they did this as well, because it's well deserved....oh, and I would expect the same sh*t to be shoveled on me if I did it as well.

    • Like 3
  6. I have never seen a group of fellow hunters so fast to throw stones in glass houses, he said he is new to the sport and yes he may are may not of made a poor decision but on the other hand he was only asking for advice what he should do. Not to be criticized for what he has done I have no doubt there or others posting here that have done the same or worse thru there many years of hunting

    There's a lot of guys out there who take a "could care less" attitude when hunting and looking for wounded deer, and that's what I got out of his narrative......it didn't come across as very responsible. " it was already a little dark. But the buck was close enough. So I give it a shot."...sorry, but that sounds terrible.

  7. he said it was a little dark. Which is a totally relative statement. Even if he did shoot 5 minutes after legal light, he's seen what that can do and hopefully he learns from his mistake. In no way should we condone illegal activity, but maybe just maybe we help to educate instead of chase away?


    it just sounded like he took a casual, "ah, what the hell" approach to the whole thing, maybe not, maybe he just used a terrible choice of wording in how he explained the whole thing.....pretty sure he was on here last year for a second or two, so I don't think he's brand new to the sport.

  8. The worst they would do is give him a 25$ fine not worth my time or theirs.

    he sounds like a real douche......$25 could be a lot to someone not working, make a call and inquire how much effort is needed on your part......at the very least have a LEO pay him a visit.

  9. I would think that if he was notified on a prior date that he wasn't allowed on the property, and then you personally observed him on it afterwards, that you could file a complaint and have him summonsed for Trespass......if that's how you wanted to play it.

  10. Maybe the law said sunset..I dont know but kid said it was dark. I know today in my neck of the woods it says i have to pack it up before 6pm  Maybe in his woods he can hunt after hours and shoot at bodies if that is in fact what he did.  Find his area..Find his shut down time per the law and let me know?

    I live on L.I. in Suffolk County.....I picked a spot in the middle of the Island and Sunset yesterday was 5:50....little earlier if you went to the far eastern end of the Island.....oh, and his whole post was a disaster the way it was worded.

  11. I am not a fan of fold back mechanicals. I have shot very fast and pretty powerful bows since about 1998. one year I chose to use the fold back style. shot 3 deer that year and the beginning  of the next season, all inside 20 yards. no shoulder shots and I didn't pass through on a single one. If I was choosing I would use a rear deploying like the Rage. I think you lose too much energy while those blades are folding back.

    Thanks, you helped me make my decision...Spitfires are going back. I may grab a pack of Slick Tricks to try as well, always been a fixed blade guy.

  12. Have not heard back from the OP. Perhaps this was an attempt to stir the pot. I hope that is not the case and he recovers the deer.  But it did stir the pot. What have we all learned from this thread?

    some things are better left unsaid?? 

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  13. I have no problem giving a guy grief if his irresponsible decisions lead to something like this.....each time I read it I cringe. I say take it down and give him the chance to rewrite his question, leaving out the stuff that makes his actions sound questionable....

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