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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I pretty much have the gutting down.....but much like shaving, I occasionally still cut myself...usually when I try and rush. I can live with the cut, just the open wound and the blood of another species entering it had me a little skeeved out.

  2. I have a PSE Fang...$350.00. I, like you, was not about to drop a big chunk of change on a weapon that would see little use and it seems fine, to early to tell if I love it. I've only shot to 30 yards and that's pretty much as far as I care to shoot and could see the noise of the thing being a problem with farther shots. I had to dump another $175 on a scope as the one it comes with is an absolute POS as is the quiver, but I take that off to shoot. The thing does get very good reviews......with that being said, I would have probably been better off spending more on a better package right off the bat. The guys I shot next to at the range at more expensive ones and they were far from quiet as well. I actually went in looking to spend about twice what I did and the guy suggested the Fang, told him I didn't need the best, but certainly didn't want the worst either. Oh, and another thing I learned after, is that a milled rail is what you really want, this has a molded one which is what keeps the price down. I think these things are fairly new to NY dealers so they are still in the learning phase as well.

  3. First time at Ridge check station.  Jumped one in Rocky point 10 min into my stalk.  Called one into 10 ft before it smelled me or saw me draw.   Heard a big one chasing a doe.  Buddy saw some chasing.  Nice day with some good action considering it was 68 Deg.  My buddy left the area just before I called in the spike, It would have been his first had he stayed with me during the entire call sequence.  Shame but he will get another chance! 

    you went there twice today??

    • Like 1
  4. I used my old 37 for duck when steel first became law..........put a lot of rounds down the barrel and never noticed a problem, but it's a gun that saw A LOT of use. If it's only a one time thing, pick up some other type of non toxic shot....a bit more expensive, but for once or twice, that's what I would do.

  5. People will buy anything to try and kill a big buck. There is only 1 true scent that will draw a mature buck in. Period!   Younger deer will stop at smell rat Pizzz at this time of year. Very few know the real deal with scents.

    I don't doubt it......the stores are full of stuff that catch more people then deer.

    • Like 3
  6. Why does JC allow deer to be wounded?     Wounding a deer is a good way to make a better hunter.   It is a lot easier learning lessons "the hard way", than from the testimony of others.    The woundings don't seem to bother some archers too much.  How many have reported multiple strikings and misses on this site alone this season?    Personally, I would get on those more who report clean misses as they are further from the mark and therefore have more to learn.   Why does everyone let them off the hook so easily?   Honestly though, I cant get on them too bad because I continued to hunt when I had a clean miss, only stopping for the year when I got a clean kill or wounded one that I did not recover no matter how "superficial" the wound.   


    JC has his schedule and we have ours and seldom do they coincide.  More often than not, a little patience is required on our parts.  He will always turn things for good to those who love him and accept his grace.   I have had big bucks delivered in less than 5 minutes of my asking and I have had some rough seasons where I came up empty handed.   With every kill, it gets clearer to me who is in full control.   Sometimes I am the one pulling the trigger, but always, He is the one who provides.            

    ok, so then he doesn't have a say with EVERY deer....there are some days he has more important stuff to worry about?

  7. so all geared up with my gutting gloves on yesterday elbows deep in a blood filled cavity and proceeded to stick my knife into my thumb....so much for that. I think I might add some of that antibacterial gel or a small bottle of peroxide to my pack from now on. Oh, those Havalon Knives are pretty sharp!

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  8.  I struggle a lot with the mentality of wanting to "challenge" oneself while increasing the odds of a wounded deer.  If you want a "challenge", there are far better sports to do it with than hunting.  Golf and bowling come to mind. 

    I don't understand why you equate ones "challenging" themselves with wounding deer.....to most, the challenge has little to anything to do with the shot, it's about not always getting that shot for a variety of reasons, and when you finally do get it, it's all the more sweeter, maybe the challenge is killing a deer at 10 yards instead of 60....and with your rationale of JC having the final say of what happens with a deer's demise, are you suggesting that he makes these hunters wound the deer for one reason or another? why doesn't he just guide their arrow to a clean miss?? I don't get it. Does he punish nonbelievers by making things go wrong? can a guy blame him when things go bad instead of questioning what they themselves did wrong? he obviously wanted that deer wounded for a reason......so many questions........oh, and did you not challenge yourself last year with a shot that, as you said, was further then your effective range? and as you said, worked out because JC guided your arrow...why can't that work for everyone else with the weapon of their choice?

    • Like 2
  9. I have always been a fan of the ez-hanger. I put them on all of the stands. Does anyone know if they permanently hurt the tree? Also if anyone has figured out how to make your bow not swing in the wind while on a hanger, but still be secure and easy to get into your hand for a shot?

    there are trees that I've screwed steps into 30 years ago and they are fine.....but I guess it is possible.

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  10. I think the biggest concern, mine anyway, is that with the introduction of crossbows into Archery season, that will bring those who are too lazy to pick up a longbow and put in the time and effort required, along with that will come guys stomping around the woods like they are carrying a gun disrupting and destroying what most enjoy about the archery season...time will tell. I did get a crossbow that I plan on using towards the end of the season if things don't pan out, but have no intention of changing how I hunt during Archery season.

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  11. If the deer is strutting right along I just wait for it's head to be behind a tree draw quickly and give it the blaaa normally they stop right there then boom. Don't get me wrong it may not work every time but more times then not the deer pause to take a quick lisen before bounding away.

    good point....make sure you're drawn back and ready for when you stop him, they usually go on alert when you do it.

  12. How does one deal with this? Draw while it is in range and then make a sound so that it will stop? Or put something on the ground that it will stop and sniff for a bit?


    I saw a buck do this a week ago right downwind of me at only 20 yards. It was walking quite quickly and sniffing the ground oblivious/uninterested in looking over to me.

    I've whistled softly to stop them, but usually a quick "baa" sound works better.........sometimes the bucks won't pay any attention to any of it if preoccupied.

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  13. I won't get into the "intent" of why separate seasons because it happened long before I was born. But bow season was created when compound bows did not exist and I still recall having to use a lead ball, patch and powder, along with no scope on a muzzleloader to be legal. 


    I want to hunt and I know my limitations, so right now I have a 30 yard range with my bow and when it shrinks to 0 I will use a crossbow. 

    30 yards? that's pretty good...........there's nothing wrong with me (that I know of) and I limit my shots to under 30. 

    • Like 1
  14. Never Buy FROM Lowe's OR Home depot, The GEY A Lesser PRODUCT It's Not The Same As A dealers, Yes YOU Pay More At A dealers,But YOU GEY Better quality, A John Deer Sold At Home Depot Is Not The Same As A Dealers Same model, The Serial Is different, THINNER steel, ect, HUSKVARNA Tools Are Not The Same either, Go To A Dealer AND compare. That is the big box way the will buy so many units at this price and to make their item fit for mass sale they drop quality , but sell millions.

    That's your biggest problem shopping there.

    true...the high end companies make lesser quality stuff and let the big box stores sell them under their name.....make no mistake that a John Deere from Lowes is NOT the same item bought from a John Deere dealer.

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