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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. This year ordering my tags online was an even bigger pain in the neck than last year. I signed in and selected my DMPs, got my turkey tags and the site reloaded. This happened three more times after that. When I finally was able to get the order submitted I assumed everything was all set. Yesterday I got my envelope from DEC in the mail and when I opened it I immediately realized there was a problem. Inside the envelope there was two full sets of tags, two back tags, two licenses. All the doc numbers on the tags were different but the backbtags and license were obviously identical, my ID number on them. I called DEC this morning and was told that this situation was not possible and that they only sent out one set to me. I had to actually start reading them the different tag numbers to get them to beleive me. Finally I got a supervisor on the phone who told me which set of tags was valid and what to do with the other set. My question is, what would everyone else have done? Keep both sets and use all the tags in hope DEC didnt pick up on it?

    I had something similar happen a few years ago only they were identical #'s on both sets, I destroyed the second set as they suggested.......

    • Like 1
  2. Oh..That was chaos..Bullets whizzing by other hunters, hunters not sure who was shooting, guys diving for cover.. guys shooting at bucks that are running across the top of a hill..Chaos . Even if it was several clips of different hunts strung together, it was several incidents of chaos. But hey they were all wearing orange..

    to be quite honest I really didn't watch it..just kind fast forwarded it along. I gotta go back and watch with the audio on.

    • Like 1
  3. It sounds like you want it to be more difficult to kill deer JJ.  How does that show them respect?  I was about 90% sure I could make the shot in question.  Do you only shoot when you are 100% sure?  That happened to be the last day I could hunt during archery season last fall, which played a big part in my willingness to take the 10% risk.   Earlier in the season, I wouldn't take a shot with less than about 95% certainty.  


    Ironically, of the 100 or so deer I have killed over the last 30 some years, I was only 100% sure of one of the shots.   My slug-gun misfired on that one and the big doe got away.   Like always, God had the final say, not myself.  Maybe she will produce a big buck for me one day, hopefully this season.   Good luck to you hunting this fall.  Consider some of that special reading material I suggested when it gets a little slow up there in the stand. 


    I cant think of many pursuits that put us in better position to reap God's blessings than hunting and fishing.   My standing with him must still be ok based on limit catches of smallmouth bass every day over this past holiday weekend (20 minutes Sat, 2 hours Sun, 1 hour Mon).  It was even sweeter watching my daughter land a big one off the dock one evening.  


    On the way home from work today, I asked Him to let me kill a buck this fall that would be a new NY state record.  It is about time for someone to knock Roosevelt Lucky off that pedestal.  If you are going to ask for something, and The Lord has shown a history of delivering, why not make it big?.             

    hahaha...if I was gonna ask JC to do something big, it certainly would have nothing to do with killing an animal.......but if that's what you use him for, more power to you......oh, and I've never had any difficulty killing deer with any weapon...I don't take risky shots no matter how early or late in the season, you? apparently not so much....and yes, I bow hunt for the challenge of getting close to a deer, not spraying and praying like yourself.........you should quit while you're ahead because each time you make a statement you make yourself sound like even more of a jaboney.

    • Like 1
  4. Just curious.


    Why do you think our hunting stores (AKA:  Cabela's, Gander Mountain, etc.) sell "bait" when it is illegal in NYS?


    I can stand in my local store and watch idiots walk out with bag after bag of deer food.


    Shouldn't our local stores be partly responsible?

    exactly......the other day I was in a convenience store and saw they sold all the stuff needed to smoke crack (minus the crack) stupid me thought that they made crack legal........been all down hill since then and it certainly isn't my fault.

    • Like 1
  5. Can we not just all agree that there are different levels of "rule breaking". I'm so sick of the driving with a cell phone argument being compared to poaching, or a salt lick being the same thing as spot lighting.


    Not all rules are the same. The goody goodies on this site are hilarious. How boring your life must be.


    and also, get a new car, they all come with bluetooth.

    although I bet more people have been killed or seriously injured by people using their cell phones when driving then the salt licks or spot lighters.........and I'm pretty sure that's a bet I would win.

  6. I wonder how many would call D.E.C. on their neighbor in an instant but when they are driving home with their legally taken deer on their truck are illegally talking on their cell phone calling friends about the 8 point they shot. :negative:

    yes, that's extremely dangerous..............especially while trying to juggle the celebratory beer in the other hand.

    • Like 1
  7.  Most of my hunting is on public land so anything that will jeopardize my hunting would get reported.  What would make me drop a dime is proof of an illegal activity. 



    Bingo!! I would absolutely report any baiting that is being done on public land I hunt and any other activity that is a safety concern. What people do within the confines of their own posted signs is their business,,,,,,well, to a degree anyway.

    • Like 2
  8. Touchy situation in my opinion....I have neighbors that call the law when I'm on my bull dozer, dozing my property....I always get the they didn't know exactly what you were doing.....bothers me when someone is trying to control my property.....it's a loaded gun situation.....I'm not up for illegally taking an animal but I wouldn't worry about it until I saw him hunting over it

    yeah, our neighbor upstate is a serial 911 caller.......it must kill him to watch whatever LEO responds, yuck it up with us, have a few laughs and shake hands before they depart, he has never called on anything that turned out to be illegal....annoying as all hell, but there's no law against being an a@@hole so we just shrug it off.

  9. you also gotta figure that many guys put aside a certain amount of time for hunting, and I would assume that is so they can hunt and kill the deer that they want, not what they are being told to kill........if I had two weeks set aside to deer hunt, it certainly isn't going to be scheduled for the first two weeks of October anymore......I have no idea if the majority of the guys who hunt the affected area actually live there and can put the extra effort into killing more deer or not, if these areas see a large amount of out of town hunters, then this doe only thing will fail even worse then it is currently destined to.

  10. Id like to see:


    -backtags go away in the SZ

    -year round coyote hunting

    -sunrise and sunset rules go to 30 mins before and 30 mins after

    -1 buck rule

    -no more either sex tags

    -all antlerless tags be for designated WMU

    -crossbows in all of bow season

    -allow baiting in high population zones

    -minimum hunting age lowered or removed

    that sounds pretty good......only thing I would add is baiting for bear for the early season, and maybe even a spring season. I would think that NY would like to get a handle on those creatures before they become a problem.

  11. hunting a few other states in my life, i think the biggest difference is hunters per square mile. If I remember right I think NY is #1 or very close to it. Pair that with the fact that down south, owning anything less than 100 acres is considered small. In NY if you have 5 you own a lot. Deer down south are smaller. You need to shoot more, but the seasons are longer. The hunters a bit lazier but overall more relaxed. Hunting is a way of life, but rarely are hunters so pitted against each other as it seams they are here. Although I believe that has to do with land access being much easier. The biggest issue the south has is dogs. There's a good 50/50 split on running dogs. And when you are impacted by them, you'll quickly join the anti-dog crowd.

    I would love to hunt deer with dogs, I've seen video and it looks pretty exciting............but, with that being said, I'm not too sure I would want it in my backyard.

  12. I would think since you're not transferring ownership, just lending it out, you should be ok...........but if the guy does something stupid and they dig deep, it may be a problem for you. But, I'm just taking a guess here, it's one of those questions that you should probably make a phone call to confirm.

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