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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I think I figured out the answer to the original question......with the amount of weirdos out there obsessed with cops and what they do, both on and off duty, that alone proves that they are always at risk and need to be prepared for the worst.........could you imagine being off of work for the day, out shopping, and when another shopper hears you're a cop, they creep up behind you and cling onto everything you're saying or doing?

  2. They also constantly run the red lights here in the city which I never understood. If you're responding to a call, ok. But if you're just patrolling, you schedule is based on time, not distance. What's the rush? Not like your shift ends quicker if you make your rounds early.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    how do you know what they're doing or where they're going when they go through the lights?......are they required to have their lights and sirens on when responding to all calls?

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  3.  that law was pushed through so quickly and with so little rationale thinking that I'm willing to bet that it was just an oversight....had it been well thought out beforehand the exemption would have been written it right off the bat...........and haven't there always been exemptions of some sort for law enforcement for many many years? pretty sure they were exempt from the first attack on high capacity magazines (1994?), haven't they always been able to carry unrestricted anywhere in NYS either on or off duty, aren't they issued full carry permits upon retirement?.................why the sudden outrage for something that is not entirely new?

  4. you'll lose as much money selling a couple firearms compared to sending cash on another modest sized safe.

    exactly!! the only time I would consider selling a gun is if I was going to make a considerable profit...........I'll let my family sell the lot when I'm dead.

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  5. i seen an ad on craigs list for sunrise farms looking for new members anyone know about the club?

    Here's my experience, most good hunting clubs usually have a long waiting list............not to say it's bad, but I'd be cautious about a club that has to fish for new members on Craigslist.

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  6. I think the bottom line is recruiting more to the sport and tradition of waterfowl hunting.  in any case if he didn't have to buy a stamp he'd be more willing to go with his daughter.  say it takes a couple years of him not buying one.  it's highly likely that at that point he'd buy a stamp to fully participate.  then you'd have a couple stamps purchased for years down the road instead of the case now, which is none.  youth weekends are about promoting youth to hunt.  while many of you said he should just eat the cost of going with his daughter, equally, why shouldn't NYS be expected not to eat the cost of his stamp to pomote youth hunting?  I'd look at it in terms of investment in future hunters that will buy stamps or tags down the road, even if he never buys a stamp. 

    I think the bottom line is that all else has to be put aside for the benefit of the child..........if someone feels that strongly against it then write letters, start petitions, boycott in whatever way you want, but why make the kid suffer? when my kids wanted to go, I didn't think about the anything else other than taking my kids hunting.......The Commissioner of DEC could have wiped his a$$ with the money I spent and I wouldn't have cared. 

  7. That was in no way directed at you just so uk...and yes I also believe that as a mentor u should be experienced...but could be a grandfather who no longer hunts but has the grandkids for the weekend and wants to take them out....i believe it should have to have held it before but If not carrying a firearm should not be required to hold a licence at the time....what about a father who can't bow hunt for some reason but kids want to does he have to buy bowhunter licence?

    prior experience and a hunters safety certificate should really be all that's needed..........but, the way I feel, opinions on all else aside, if I had to choose between spending $50 bucks or whatever it cost as opposed to telling my child I'm not taking them, I would spend the money and not give it a second thought....

    • Like 3
  8. Realistically it's a good point....think about it another way...i take my 4 yr old hunting even tho he cant and won't be carrying a firearm should I have to buy a licence for him to be out there...it's almost same point... my wife now wants to come for the walk also...does she need a licence too?

    the mentor / adult who is taking a youth / inexperienced hunter out, in my opinion, should absolutely be required to be licensed........but, I see no benefit in them being required to hold a duck stamp, but at the very least be a licensed hunter.....having someone tag along who is not participating in the hunt in any way other than as an observer is totally different.

  9. well, you're not wrong for requesting they drop that requirement and explaining why......but I do think you're wrong for not sucking it up and taking her, the opportunities to take her out on the youth hunts when she is showing an interest will fly past a lot quicker than any changes to the law.

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  10. pretty much the same as having to buy yourself a movie ticket or pay for the cost of admission for yourself at an amusement park that you have no desire to go to..........it's about making the kids happy, not always about cost or what makes the adult happy. HIP is free and the cost of a Duck Stamp is well worth the price of admission to get out hunting with a kid....but, that's just me.

    • Like 4
  11. if it's parkerized don't put too much elbow grease into it.

    it doesn't need to be cleaned, pretty much spotless and possibly unfired........I just want a quality oil or grease that I can put on it before I store it, I figure I'll get a couple of those dehumidifier packs to throw in the safe with it.   I'm pretty sure it had a good oil/grease on it before I picked it up, but it was handled a little bit since I've gotten it and a lot of it has come off and I'm not really satisfied with the way standard gun oil coats it.

  12. There is a product named RIG that is supposed to be very good for long term storage...It's a grease..

    that's kinda what I'm looking for, something with a grease like consistency......it's a 1911 with parkerized or Dulite finish and the lighter oils almost seem to get absorbed into the finish, if that's possible.

  13. can anyone recommend a good lubricant / oil that they have used for storing a gun for a long period of time, and any other storage advice? I have a handgun that I would like to give a good coat of lubricant and store away in my safe and not have to worry about checking it every few months......all my other guns are stored together and I'm in the cabinet at least once a month, so I give everything a quick once over, and the handguns are handled more frequently so it's never been much of a concern.

  14. I once had a stray cat pissing up my flowerbeds, so I live trapped it and brought it to the shelter..........I was informed that they don't take stray cats, you would think that if a homeowner is a having a problem and goes out of their way to help with the problem, they would take them in and just euthanize them as a service to the community as I don't think you can take a totally feral cat and turn it into a pet.

    • Like 2
  15. Is the line in the sand to them is "being able to penetrate Class 2 body Armor" then hold on to your hats. I'll be waiting to the "I only hunt and they won't be bothering with my stuff" crowd's heads to start exploding. Give you all a hint. Try any of your hunting rifles with your hunting ammo against class 2.

    yeah, I wouldn't want to be wearing it if someone decides to shoot me with any common deer rifle with over the counter hunting ammo.....but, maybe that's the omission / clerical error they're talking about.

  16. Saw a blurb on the local news this morning that they may be coming to Buffalo.  I always liked their music years ago but recently have enjoyed it even more as I appreciate what they have done and how they can still kick it out.....


    Lots of my buddies saw them back in the 70's when they came to Rich Stadium but I didn't go for some reason......(would have had to take the GF and that would be twice the price & half the fun :) )


    If tickets fell into my lap I'd love to see them now......but I'd imagine the face price would be exorbitant.

    I saw them back in 89/90 for the "Steel Wheels's" tour...........definitely a band that you would want to see at least once if you're a fan. I bet tickets today will be going for at least $300-$500 apiece for the low end seats, if not more.

  17. I have bought a couple but never liked their sound enough to try them. Maybe I got bad ones. Mouth call 90% of the time, even when they're closing.

    same here..the one's I tried sounded terrible.....old style slate and box calls do the trick for me.

  18. I've often wondered about what type of retirement plans the folks who bounce from job to job their entire lives have in place.....pension, 401k, just rely on Social Security or just work until they die?.........I don't expect anyone to answer because it's none of my business, but just something I've thought about....and really something everyone should think about early on in life.

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