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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. That's cause you're a perv. Lock up your daughter's folks when this one is around the neighborhood.

    rest easy my retarded friend....I don't like obese, toothless and smelly women ...........your family is obviously safe.

    • Like 3
  2. I like my coffee hot. That cold stuff they sell now sucks.

    I agree........and most definitely shouldn't taste like peppermint, blueberry, french vanilla or caramel...............the smell of that alone makes me nauseous.  

    • Like 1
  3. wasn't opening day always the 3rd wednesday in November? That would put it on 11/21. 

    I don't recall opening day of the Southern gun season ever opening on a Wednesday................from as far back as I can remember it was a Monday, until it changed to the Saturday opener.

    • Like 3
  4. I'm curious...with this winter.... especially this past Febuary...... and as I look out the window,perhaps March as wellbeing so bad... Will they reconsider? People are talking winter kill..I was not worried, but now we have more snow, ice pellets, freezing rain and another round of cold nights coming...I have some January picks and moved a cam to where deer started a path next to our barns...they are walking the road then turning up our drive to where I stopped shoveling...then turning on to a path they used during the summer through the soybeans...What a difference a month makes...that deer in the second pic is dang thin

    I think the next 6-8 weeks is when things can go from bad to worse real fast...........bad winter followed by a late spring can really take it's toll.

  5. so what happens to the results of a survey that someone sets up and then realizes the responses are totally the opposite of what that person had hoped for? do you still use the results even though they don't help your cause at all, or just toss it in the trash and pretend it didn't happen?

  6. Refineries, chemical plants or any facility that has a potential for leaking toxic gasses have a wind sock so in case of emergencies, employees or emergency personnel can see which way the fumes are traveling.


    In this case, the wind is blowing right towards that farm house.How would you like to have that near your home & what would it do to your property value?

    I thought this was about Fracking...which was banned in NY because of the crap that's pumped into the ground in the process, do wind socks warn us of that?

  7. The dangerous part isnt the straps because they can be inspected. Hangon dangers come from water entering the platform cables unerneath the weatherproofing wrap. The cable could be rusting and you have no idea until it breaks and the stand either gives way or cants so much you fall.

    the dangers are many....you put any weight on a failing cable or strap and cause it to fail and you could have a problem, not everyone is smart enough to go about checking their stands in a safe manner. The few minutes it takes to take them down and put them back up could make the difference in a safe season or a broken neck.

    • Like 1
  8. Just indicates which way the wind is blowing in case of a gas leak.  Leaks are about non-existent, but regulations require it.  Just had a house blow up from a city supplied gas leak in NJ last week.  More to worry about if you have gas in your home than from a fracking well.


    They have wind socks at every airport too.  Nothing sinister about those though.

    oh, I was under the impression that the perceived dangers about fracking was what happens underground with the chemicals involved in it and not so much about the gas itself since that exists everywhere in NY already.

  9. Q. What will I need to purchase ammunition?

    A. After October 1, 2013, you will need a pistol permit, eligibility certificate, long gun eligibility certificate or an ammunition certificate along with a valid form of identification in order to purchase ammunition in Connecticut.

    To obtain an ammunition certificate, any person 18 or older may request that the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection perform a national criminal history records check to determine if such person is eligible to possess a firearm in Connecticut. After a successful records check, the Department will issue an ammunition certificate that is good for 5 years.

    I'm pretty sure it's the law....plenty of info available from a quick internet search,

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