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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Yet the French are also a bunch of ungrateful cowardly pussies. So there's that.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    that's not nice, but it does remind me of one of my favorite Ted Nugent quotes..............

    Ted Nugent, a heavy metal guitar legend and devoted (bow) hunter, was being interviewed by a French journalist. Eventually, the conversation turned to his love of outdoor pursuits. The journalist asked, "What do you think the last thought is in the head of a deer before you shoot it? Is it, "Are you my friend?" or maybe "Are you the one who killed my brother?" 

    Nugent replied, "They aren't capable of that kind of thinking. All they care about is, What am I going to eat next? Who am I going to screw next? and, Can I run fast enough to get away? They are very much like the French in that."

  2. I live in a heavy snowbelt area. Many farms around here. An elk farm. Chickens, goats. sheep, pigs, cows with calves. My friend and neighbor has beef cows with free stalls. Geese and ducks. Pheasants, game birds all running free. We have a healthy coyote population. NEVER has one been lost to a coyote. Heck they don't feed on the bait piles hardly.

    that's because they're eating all the deer!!

  3. One thing I do think they should do for those units that need it is allow hunters who kill does to get more than a specified limit of tags - ie, harvest a doe, take the head in, and get a new tag - none of this need to get second drawing or consignment crapola. 

    that's what they do on Long Island, pretty simple process.......not to mention those deer are getting properly recorded.

  4. I don't think we have had piles of snow like this in quite a while.  24" or so on the level ground...........piles at the end of the driveway are 5' easy.  Parking lots are up in the clouds!


    I don't see any relief in sight........actually we are supposed to get another couple inches tonight and somebody said we could get a another big dump Sunday?? 






    How much in your yard??



    PS....I talked to a friend in Denver tonight, it will be 62 tomorrow. :)

    yeah, my daughter lives in Fort Collins...last Monday when we got dumped on it was 70 out there...this week out there calls for high 50's and low 60's.

  5. This may be the "right " thing to do.



    BUT, I do NOT like it..lol

    me neither, I think they have done a number on deer and turkey populations alike, and wish they weren't here.........but at some point something has to give.......but on the other hand, I don't know if they are really the cause of low numbers due to the fact that they have been in states with good deer populations for a lot longer than they have been running around NY.

  6. I also have a big problem with the death penalty for someone killing an LEO, but not for killing me or one of my family members.


    As long as LEO's also have a problem with that, and are working to change it, I have no problem with those LEO's either.

    I bet LEO's, more than the general population wish there were more murderer's eliminated by putting the Death Penalty to good use on a regular basis........regardless of who the victim was.

    • Like 1
  7. I have been to almost all of the lower 48 and I would put NY well above all of them. No other state has the beautiful places that we have. I cant stand dessert and all them shots of the grand canyon during last nights Super-bowl kept me turning away from the screen. Anywhere South of upper PA is just too damn hot in the summer for me.


    if you can't stand dessert, don't order it....it's too fattening anyway.

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  8. Ok its time to let this one go...There is a new one in the copy i received today..Repeal of SAFE ACT longest of longshots.

    Sen.Tom O'Mara says..We understand that the odds are more than long that Gov Cuomo or Assembly Democratic leadership would ever reverse course and agree to repeal it...

     I guess this was already written on the wall.  

    agreed, The SAFE ACT doesn't need to be repealed, just sensibly revisited and revised.............and I think we all know what parts need fixing.

  9. everyone can do with their children as they please....just don't embarrass yourself on youtube or in the media......I could care less if anyone else's children crash and burn and turn out to be total trash.........just keep it out of the public eye so the rest of us don't have to cringe when we read about it...when I started this post it was in sheer astonishment as to the attitude and stupidity of the father putting it on a social media site, the town defending the actions and his follow up response, in all honesty, I hope this kid keeps churning out the same crap he was fed growing up so the future generations of his town can benefit from it....



  10. My avatar has a high chance of eating lead, or getting caught in a leg-hold trap is the Quebec canine trap zone. They all have to migrate through that gauntlet twice a year.


    Best chance for a healthy long life - if you survive the early years - is a snapping turtle or large snake.

    guess that's the risk you run when you're a garbage eater....

  11. Cabin fever!!!  What place would you retire to get away from snow south of Jersey?  Looking to deer hunt, clay target shoot, pay low taxes, low cost of living, and no tornadoes.  I know ... only in Heaven!!!  I'm thinking Delaware ,  What ya think???  Anybody from Delaware?    

    would Delaware be an escape from these lousy winters?.....Nevada maybe?

  12. The SAFE Act was recently amended. The amendments include the following changes to the law:



    • Suspending the requirement that only magazines that can contain 7 rounds or less can be purchased. Going forward, magazines can be purchased that can contain up to 10 rounds. Magazines may only contain up to 7 rounds regardless of their capacity, unless you are at an incorporated firing range or competition, in which case you may load your magazine to its full capacity.
    • Clarifying that active law enforcement continues to be exempt from the prohibitions on the possession of high capacity magazines, assault weapons, and magazines containing more than 7 rounds, as well as the law prohibiting weapons on school grounds.
    • Ensuring that local safe storage laws are not preempted by the SAFE Act.



  13. I don't know what team was more shocked .

    Seattle for losing


    New England for winning

    hahaha......exactly, up until the moment of that play,one team knew they lost and the other knew they won......what a swing of emotions that must have been.

  14. Ever jaywalked Doc? Didn't rob a bank after it, did ya?

    People who are criticizing how others raise their kids either don't have their own or are doing a worse job than the accused.

    Another local hero arrives on the scene in the town of ten...

    and then there are those who are doing a terrible job and don't even realize it because that's the same way they were raised and don't know any different............

  15. So every agency in the nation can do this, but they dont. And its all because of penicil pushing and bureacracy?

    Its not like this is done in other agencies, at least to my knowledge.

    I don't know if those State jobs are unionized or not, but if they are, nobody just walks in and eliminates work or transfers it to another unit without a pretty big battle....not sure if that's the case, but could be a major reason as to why it hasn't happened.

  16. This is what is so hard for me to believe.  Having seen what it's like to live in a country where rights do not exist, I cannot fathom how ANY American citizen, gun owner or not, can think there is anything more important than protecting your freedom and challenging oppression.  To be more concerned about trivialities like football stats or Hollywood stars, or even hunting, is a sign the political redirection policies of elected officials are working.


    The last thing American politicians want is people paying attention to everything they do.  It's all about power and control.  That power and control is supposed to be in the hands of the citizens, but many don't seem to want it.  When they delegate it to politicians, they are willingly abdicating their rights and freedoms.  Once that happens, they can never get them back.

    I bet Cuomo's "nobody needs 10 bullets to kill a Deer" speech, had many many people nodding their heads in agreement, and that probably included hunters and casual gun owners as much as it did anti gun people...and that was on every major News Station in NY and probably in many neighboring States............I can't think of one rebuttal on any media outlet that reached as wide of an audience, how many people did not even stop and think for one second what it really meant?...I bet not too many, and sadly, at this point I think that opportunity is gone.

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