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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Terry

  1. I don't think the special youth season was implemented for the hunters who also happen to be good fathers and will raise their children to be hunters no matter what. I think the DEC had the other guy in mind. The selfish ass who doesn't want to share opening day. You have to remember that when they change laws they have to take into consideration all types of people both good and bad. There will definitely be guys using the season to shoot bucks themselves, but you have to also realize that there will be a lot that don't. We NEED more youth hunters. If this season ignites a spark in just a few it's well worth the negatives. And as far as the safety aspect, I don't see how two sets of eyes and thinking brains can't be safer than one. Cause remember, these youth need to be accompanied by an adult.
  2. Or a list of decent shows to watch that includes time, day, and channel. For example: "Meateater"- 9pm, Sundays on the Sportsman channel.
  3. Bought a diamond "outlaw" last night to replace the Parker I have been hunting with for 10 years. Didn't want to buy a new bow this close to the season, but I got it at a killer price. My question is, what should I use for string silencers and/or should i use limb savers? Things have changed since purchasing my last bow and I am way out of date. Thanks for your time.
  4. As an avid bow hunter and a father, I would prefer the youth season stay right where its at. I believe it is early enough to not effect the rut, and still provide action for the kids. I also think giving us two more weeks to bow hunt is a fair trade. Sorry, but I believe the DEC did a good job with this one.
  5. I really enjoy "Meateater" with Steven Rinella. He has very realistic views on hunting. Other than that, the rest are for entertainment purposes only, no real life situations.
  6. Agreed. I don't think it's possible to fool a deer's nose.
  7. Terry


    Hard to tell just from a picture, but I think it's a dog track.
  8. It's a real long shot, but if anyone happens to have a 6k they would trade for an 8f I am game.
  9. Anyone have any experience with bows from Elite Archery? Seem nice, but there isn't a lot of info on them. Thanks
  10. Terry

    Fillet Knife

    Look into Forshner knives by Victorinox. They make some nice fillet and boning knives.
  11. Anyone have any experience with the new specialist SD climbing stands from Summit? Thinking of getting one, but can't find any reviews yet. Thanks
  12. I have had great luck with Muck boots. They are the most durable I have tried.
  13. Have you tried a thin model with a pocket clip? I carry the Buck small "Vantage". I can't feel it at all when I am carrying it.
  14. I am just finding this thread. I am definitely interested in dove hunting!
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