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JALA RUT last won the day on August 16 2020

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  • Birthday July 27

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Ontario, NY
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Wildlife Photography, Hiking, Kayaking

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Ontario, NY & Italy Hill, NY
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 11-87 Shotgun, Remington 700 SPS 30-06 Rifle, Thompson Center Impact Muzzleloader
  • Bow
    Martin Magnum
  • HuntingNY.com
    Internet Search

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  1. Last weekend was a fishing weekend with a buddy visiting up from PA, but off work today, and back at it. All quiet so far but we'll see. Good luck to all out here this morning.
  2. Back off work today and out again. Beautiful morning. The woods are already greened up like it's the end of May. Let's see if any gobblers will cooperate this morning. Good luck to all out there today.
  3. Day 4 tried a different spot with my cousin...same results, no birds heard. Ended our day short, getting down poured on by 9:30. Day off Sunday for a couple BD parties and out this morning again st my place before back to work tomorrow. So far, rain is holding off, it's foggy, and a deer just walked by with some geese sounding off in the background on the pond, as morning starts. No gobblimg so far, but a beautiful morning out here. Hopefully a gobbler decides to cooperate today. Good luck to all out there this morning.
  4. Day 3...this is strange here. Not a single gobble or turkey seen so far this season. Still nice to be out here though. Good luck to all out there
  5. At it again. The birds were nonexistent in my area yesterday and no gobbles so far again this morning. Off work until May 7 and still so nice to be out here watching the woods wake up.
  6. No gobbles here either. Good luck all out there today!
  7. So, this year is my 41st bow season and I love it just as much now or more; definitely my favorite season and time of the year. But as I got older and after some shoulder injuries, and a shoulder surgery, this year was the toughest and sorest year I have ever had pulling back my bow. My Dr said that I need a full shoulder replacement but I'm trying to hold off on that. While bowhunting this year, I've seen a few and passed on some small bucks. Until last week, I finally had a mature 8Pt offer me a 10yd shot, following in a doe and my shoulder hurt so bad, I couldn't even pull my bow back on 3 tries. He eventually walked off with the doe having no idea I was there and all I could do was watch him walk away. Still a great close encounter but heartbreaking that my shoulder wouldn't allow me to pull my bow back. Next year I'm going to look at lowering poundage a little on the bow and try to time my cortizone shot better with bow season. Anyways, with my shoulder failing me, I took the rest of that week off from bowhunting to wait for the crossbow opener on Saturday. On Saturday, with about half an hour of light left, a different, smaller 8Pt offered me a 30 yd shot with the crossbow. I was able to collect my first ever crossbow harvest. 30Yd shot, double lunged, ran about 70 Yds and dropped. A decent 3.5 year old 8Pt. Love this time of year. Good luck all...Hunt safe, hunt hard, hunt ethically, and have fun out there!
  8. Sitting in the airport waiting for my flight....wish I was sitting up against a tree listening to the woods wake up. Good luck to all out this last weekend of the season.
  9. Finally back out today after a crazy work week and commitments keeping me out of the woods yesterday. Since I leave for vacation in FL next Saturday, this will most likely be my last outing for the season, unless I can sneak in a quick morning hunt before work this week. Today can only be out until about 10 for a wedding this afternoon. The woods have been void of turkey gobbles or turkey chatter so far this morning but we'll see. Good luck all.
  10. Glad the work week is done. Been dying to get back out there after them and it'll be a 3 day weekend! Good luck all.
  11. Well yesterday was a bust, no turkeys seen or heard but the deer were active walking around me at least, to help pass the time. Even had this buck come by starting this year's new antlers. So far, this morning is starting off like yesterday with no gobbles heard from the roost. Good luck all, beautiful morning to be in the woods!
  12. Other than a couple gobbles from the roost way, far away from me, today was one of those days that feels like turkeys don't exist. The weather was finally pleasant and I was expecting the turkeys to be on fire today ... but they didn't get the memo in my area. Nothing seen or heard, working it right to the noontime whistle. Still awesome to be out there. Hopefully they'll be more cooperative tomorrow. Good Luck all. Should be a good weekend! Yesterday, I did get a nice pic of a deer that got to about 6 yds from me before it realized something wasn't right...LOL
  13. Quiet morning, nothing heard or seen until I fired up this jake at 10:36. He came in hot to some cutting and I decided to take him home with me.
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