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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. I KNOW you won't like this but are you POSITIVE you had a card in it? I've done it before.................................<grin>
  2. Funny thing shawn-hu, you make trolls look good.
  3. Where did you hear it? That'll tell the tale................................
  4. You have lion dogs now or will you be getting them? How much land you have sewed up for running those cats? I'll stick to WT deer................
  5. Then I see this....... http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/02/us/politics/gop-push-to-slash-food-stamps-puts-farm-bill-in-jeopardy.html?_r=0 That is the most recent news I can find on it. This strongly puts me in the "mental lightweight" category................ Thank goodness for guys like you Mike to pull all the weight for us. Are you in politics? If not, why?
  6. Help me out here. What is this "Farm Bill" that passed....... http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/07/house-passes-farm-bill-sans-food-stamps/
  7. Nice looking bruno to me.
  8. Ohhhh heck, NOW I see it......................................................................
  9. Crazy stuff, these cams today. I guess for me placement on a scrape would slow the action down a bit and just show the good stuff. <grin>
  10. Ha, cool! I guess that could get to be a PIA after a day or two. Who'd a thunk it? It'll be interesting to see what that costs for the season. Do you have a fixed rate on the cell signal/plan?
  11. Looks like it'll be a great day for a Birthday. Enjoy!
  12. Start your season off in my backyard.......................grin Great pic Skillet. Looks like you guys had a blast!
  13. Lawdwaz


    I hit the pavement once and that was it for me on bikes. IIRC it was Sept 1982.
  14. Buy a few cheaper block targets if you're getting that good. Or join the Olympic Team!!
  15. Lawdwaz


    JHC girl you must me ok if your posting here....... How banged up did you get? Pics for xtra points...........grin
  16. There you go. Most people aren't going to just give up any hunting area to some guy off the web. Knocking on doors could go a long ways to helping your cause if its private land you're after.......................... OP.....do you have a car or do your parents have to drive you?
  17. I'm sure you did your due diligence in regard to this company, correct? I found some not so glowing reports on the company but I'm sure you read all these........... https://www.google.com/search?q=ambit+consultant&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#fp=8f9ad9c84a97d3b0&q=ambit+consultant+reviews&revid=1602479504&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official
  18. Great, get your family involved in this. I've never heard of anything like this before................. I only hope you keep us informed, good or bad. How do I book mark a thread??
  19. So you already have 20-30 friends signed up or ready to? I doubt it very much......................... Don't be so naive. I REALLY wanna see how this is going in a year. There is no free lunch, EVER. You just gave your good FRIEND $400+ for a shot at this? You WILL regret it. Who in the hell is going to swap electric carriers for .5 -5% on their bill for that? Good luck Biz.
  20. Wow, I you have a full plate! I'm embarrassed to say I've never been on the Maid Of The Mist......since I got my drivers license in about 1977 I've had a tendency to avoid the falls and tourists. I need to hit that one though.
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