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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. selfies from the stand! now i'm self conscience. my ghille suit makes me look fat. lmao.
  2. I have a pretty important and influential position in my company that hinges highly on my character. If all my "personal beliefs" were out in the open, it might not go so well for me. Being a local forum, i'm sure i've actually met one or 2 of you over the years. no need for internet me to be connected with real me. Most of what I spew is just for kicks and not really how I feel.
  3. biggest thing to consider is a licking branch. We try and actually find old scrapes, clip the branches and zip tie them to a location we can shoot too. take a hand rake, rough up the area and put some active scrape mate in it. If just one deer hits it, your job is done. You want to try for a scrape line. For example, there is a mock scrape at one of our stands at about 20 yards, just off the run. There is a natural scrape 50 yards south of it on the same run and another natural one just 20 yards north, but in some thick cover. We have a cam on the scrape and they've been hitting it regularly, however last weekend I had a spike, a nice 6, an 8 all come through over the period of 20 minutes and not one hit the scrape mock scrape but did hit the natural scrape north of it, but pics from the other day showed the same deer hitting it. Funny enough a doe came in later and sniffed around it. Just don't overdue it. If they dont hit the scrape, try refreshing it with more mock scrape and if it still doesn't take then leave well enough alone. I'll also add that i've never shot a buck over a mock scrape, but that most of our stands have natural and mocks around them. It's one of those things... did the buck come through because of the scrape? did he come through because of the food plot? would he have come through anyhow? haha.
  4. Even the cleanest surgical hunter is going to leave some trace he was there. Sometimes we don't have a choice on small parcels, and during the rut anything can happen. Best to hunt the wind and the patterns if you can. Early season if you're striking out then you're most likely not hunting their feeding and bedding routes. That said, I've killed nice deer the day after someone else hunted them without so much as a nervous twitch from downwind deer. Way to not give you a straight up answer huh? Answer I guess is that it depends but it's not preferred in my opinion.
  5. Haha yeah. But I kind of like the way bug nt sounds lol
  6. It was a joke. When scoring they look at symmetry and all that nonsense.
  7. Forums are 2 things for me. 1. A good place to go to learn and as questions. I belong to forums for things I have interest in. Cars, bikes, hunting etc. 2. To kill time at work, or in the case of right now, sitting in the Memphis airport.
  8. Not much more can be added. Well said. Fall is generally a little safer in terms of water levels and critters. Scariest moment for me was a creek and near a beaver dam that let go. Sucked me down and under the canoe and over. Instant current rush
  9. This I agree with you on. Personal study for me points more toward sunrise times then anything.
  10. Good lord dude. I'm trying to let it die, that's why. But you won't. So he bedded down. Bucks bed. My skepticism is with your belief that is this is where he beds every night after he tucks his yearlings in. We had a disagreement. Can we not just move on? You seem like a good hunter with good knowledge. People are going to disagree from time to time, that's all. If it can't turn into a ball busting joke between you and I, then you've taken it way to personal.
  11. So that's 3 questions left unanswered. Attention members of the forum. You may not have a relationship with anyone who has ever done anything illegal or talk about regardless if the statue of limitations has passed. For you yourself are then committing a crime as well. Remember guys, this includes the safe act.
  12. I have a great pic of a doe hitting a scrape and the licking branch. I like scrape hunting to a point.
  13. This exact thread is why I don't. Too many wackos in the world and I can be an opinionated a-hole for sure. I've been told I like like: brad paisley, ken Dorsey and Eric Bana. How's that? Why can't I post a pic from tapatalk? I have a great treestand selfie !?
  14. Fish fry on French rd. Forget the place, but it's awesome. I only hunt Tully, don't live there.
  15. That doesn't sound like Shawn at all... Harping on the past and not letting it go either? Can't be him.
  16. You didn't answer either question. Shawn how old are you and what's your education? I can't believe you're this dense. My farmer friends father shot off his tractor 20 years ago. He went out of business and now lives in Virginia. How this story makes me constantly walk the line constantly still boggles me.
  17. Sounds like your stands busted dude. When they come through looking up, it's proof they've seem you or someone else there and now they're cautious. May need a new spot for a while.
  18. The joke was more along the lines of "a particular bucks bed" not "bedding areas". Need to be real careful with bedding areas or those bucks will go nocturnal. And pickle, depending on your property size and where the food sources are, your property may very well be a sanctuary early on if left unhunted or even walked on. You should leave part of it as a sanctuary anyhow. But depending how how hard and well the neighbors hunt they could be doing you a favor by driving them to your land. Again this mostly depends on food sources this time of year.
  19. Yeah buck, I had a nice 8 show up 30 seconds after I shot a small buck last year. Oh well. Honestly for me at this point in my hunting career, I'm going for 2.5's or better with bow, and I'd go for bigger during gun if I had shot a nice buck with bow. But with just 4 buck bow kills in 6 seasons I'm not passing a nice 8. Any new bow hunter should never shy from yearlings either. Bowhunting is too hard to wait for 3.5's to build your experience.
  20. Dude you need to get off my nuts. All I did was ask a question. All my racks are placed on plaques and wrapped. Then displayed in my garage. The mounts are in the house. Nailing horns to a shed is not the same thing. And I don't really give a sh!t if you think it is. Get over the fact that I called you on some bull sh!t and quit following me around like a little dog. I asked you a question in another thread and one more in here. You've answered neither.
  21. 100% on this. if he's coming in naturally don't mess with it.
  22. elmo, i am in agreement with what you said. i'm not even arguing the law and i agree with it. my point was that it's not worth my time to have the roadkill antlers, or would i want to waste someone elses time for it. Lord knows he might find a tail light out or more than 7 rounds in my pistol lol. "excuse me officer i just want these antlers here, you or someone else can deal with the carcass and exposed brains" lol.
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