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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. happens a lot around me. More prevalent in the afternoon and why I prefer mornings. Be sure to get in even earlier if you're hunting a transition or near a bedding area and you're jumping them. I don't think it's ever stopped me from continuing into the woods, after all I'm up and dressed. I know some guys who bring a turkey call and do soft calls while walking. Always thought it was a good idea but never tried it.
  2. lot of people have to do this, and that was my original question to the OP. I've also seen people get confused with the property boundaries of their new leased land and do the same. We've always left notes and the stands have always been moved, but i would not find fault in anyone removing them on their own. It cost us a good chunk of change to do a survey after 30 years, but it's a good investment if your boundaries aren't obvious.
  3. live from my kitchen window this morning. hard to tell with the zoomed in iphone, but there were 2 mature doe and 2 fawns eating the apples. Not including my headless target (fell off in the wind). One of those bastards was in my pumpkin patch! haha
  4. do you hunt the power lines north of 104 in ontario?
  5. he just chose not to follow them anyhow. Should remind people that it was about bow hunting too, not just general hunting.
  6. There is a fine line to some of the modern technology offered today and the latest greatest gimmicks. On my list of what has helped the sport the most are compound bows, scent control products, trail cameras and various forms of insulating/rain/wind gear that helps keep a hunter in the woods longer. I'm sure I'm missing some, but off the top of the head I dont think most of those can be ignored. And it's not just the gimmicks that hunters have to be careful of. A new soap that is claiming to be better than your current, a new arrow that claims to be straighter, a new broadhead that claims to be sharper. That's just marketing and manufacturers trying to get you to keep spending money. Nothing different than car companies. A while ago it was power steering, power windows and locks, then it was A/C and air bags, then it was ABS and now gps and bluetooth. Plenty of features have been added over the year. Only a handful of them are really justifiable for buying a new car when your current one is still running.
  7. yeah shawn. You're mister popularity yourself. I am deeply saddened we are not closer.
  8. good lord, you want to talk about some sensitive sallys. You guys freak out and some call for him to be dragged through a town for a salt lick (joke or not, you all got very touchy real quick). Now take a step back from your keyboards and let me know if you'd honestly wish that upon someone. Would you give the order if you could? I'm not condoning it. I wrote that. Please go back and read. Also, while you're at it. Why don't you read all my responses to Papist in his 3 baiting threads. Was it not obvious in those threads where I stand on the topic? A rapist receives 25 to life. A speeder receives a fine. Both are against the law. Shawn, you need to let "shooting from a tractor" go my friend. Something my friends dad did 20 years ago is not what I do, or have ever done. I don't know why you can't get that through your thick skull... maybe you're too busy destroying deer and not eating them to realize it. Phade, I'm not sure I was whining? Good luck tonight on your hunt. I've left you alone for 5 days, but I see you can't get over it yourself. Culver, to answer your question, if he knew it was illegal and didn't just move here from a state where it was legal and forget to read the regs then I hope he is fined and his licensee suspended or whatever the normal punishment is. If it was an honest mistake punishment is still warranted but not as severe. Just like a judge hands out punishments for most offenders. Is that better?
  9. I would not feel like Biz. Every offense is worthy of being called. The level of calling out was my gripe.
  10. featherbeard... honestly on first glance that looks like a trailcam of a pot plant as your avatar. haha.
  11. holy crap. reading some of these responses you'd think this guy shot up a school. I'm in no way condoning baiting, but lets all be honest... there are much worse deer hunting crimes especially when it's legal in a lot of states and there's no proof he hunted over it (eventhough it's still illegal in the offseason). keyboard warriors of cast your stones!
  12. i went out Wednesday just to be in the woods and could have cared less to shoot a buck. had a spike and 2 doe in range as a bonus though. Had to get the itch out. Will go out once this weekend though as it's still looking too warm. I'm a believer in a nice fresh stand. Need some in late October that are fresh.
  13. i'm not sure it's negativity, but there are some odd things you must admit. A headless hunter, unsure of weight being dressed or not, a picture angle that is known to enlarge, the guy is sitting on the deer so you can't see his body and no scale shots. A nice rack too, but not a monster (not that it matters all the time). I've seen some pigs dressed out at 220ish... that looked much bigger.
  14. see now the funny thing to me is I've never considered fishing a sport. I'm not hardcore, but I fish bass in the daks during the summer and take a trip to northern quebec for pike every spring.
  15. You can learn more about deer, not necessarily deer hunting, but the species deer in one bow season then you can in 3 gun seasons. another thing.... dont let other hunter's success or tv shows bring you down. There are already some nice deer posted on this forum and the season is only a week old. Some people shoot nothing but trophies, but they're every 3 years or so. Others may happen to land their best buck this year. Just because you don't shoot a mounter, don't assume everyone else is. More hunters strike out than shoot a mounter.
  16. i admit i did chuckle at your thread title. Don't assume you killed any deer by luck. Sure in the end, they do need to go by you, but you obviously put the stand or sat in the right spot and made the right shot. I will admit that 95% of my knowledge came from 2 generations of very good hunters. I was also put in proven stands etc. So I will equate your experience to the one I've had with turkey. No family local who turkey hunts so I self taught calling and hunting. The first 2 years I struck out. Not even a bird in shooting range. It was frustrating because it seemed that to a lot of people turkey was easier for them then deer, and for me it was the opposite. I connected this year on my first and it felt great. There is no moral of the story really, other than keep at it. A lot of new hunters would be happy with 2 the first 3 years. Even with my edge, I struck out my first year when I was 16 and had a few years between then and 14 years later where I blanked. It happens. Deer are hard to hunt, that's why it takes a special breed of person to do it. You can gain quite a bit of knowledge on scouting by reading some deer mags. Although I hope someone close to you takes you up on the offer. I'd do it for free if I was closer. love being in the woods.
  17. as people have mentioned in other threads, it's not hard sometimes to find where people hunt. There's a decent amount of people who could care less about posted property and will show up on your land. On topic? there's no way that's a 300lb deer even undressed. Of course, the recent trend of picture taking is such that the horns and deer look larger than they are and it's hard to tell from the angel anyhow.
  18. haha. on a separate note, are you sure you're allowed to hang stands there? Some places do not allow permanent and the rangers will take them down.
  19. except for that hunting with a spear is illegal in NYS... so there is no wining.
  20. finally a break in the heat. probably a good morning to be in the stand...
  21. some of my favorite from "last season" but this year.
  22. my final point on trail cams. 1 of 3 places I hunt is behind my house. lots of doe and a few small bucks. I only hunt it because it's a 5 min. walk out my back door but never get my hopes up. Until I started spotting a nice 8 pointer. That's some good motivation to get out of bed in the morning when you haven't been seeing dee.r
  23. Elmo, I don't think most view the sport as (hunter vs hunter) but yes some do. I think the term sport is used because unlike buying your beef at wegmans. This is deer vs hunter. Sure, almost anyone can kill a stupid button buck, but the mature doe and buck are a challenge for sure. The deer has superior smell and hearing, plus homefield advantage and night vision. Hunters have brains. With these brains we discover ways to beat the deer's senses. I will never claim the field to be equal, but at least a deer has a chance. The chicken and the cow? Not so much...
  24. not meant as a knock at all. Deer are lazy.. .most deer. I've seen mature books literally go out of their way and even coral a hot doe into the thickest sh!t you can imagine and avoid the "highways".
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