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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. That's cool, and frustrating at the same time! It is hunts like this where I walk out empty handed but with a smile and feeling of success.
  2. That's a good point, ours are all keyed the same too
  3. It was about 4 years ago and only the second deer I ever arrowed. There were about 6 deer running around in these pines I hunt. He appeared once in-between rows, then was gone and then appeared again. I quickly went to full draw and released as he moved into view. He was moving and it was my only window. I believe he was cornering towards. It happened so fast and I'm almost glad it did, had a big buck like that slowly walked into a shooting lane I'd probably have flung the arrow over his back. Regardless he crumpled up less then 30 yards from the hit. I imagine it was a little back due to him moving. But it's not a shot you want and it's not an easy one. My advice is not to compensate or guess or even add a pin... Try these shots out of a practice stand that is the height you normally hunt from. I have 2 of my buck targets in wheels. Play with angles. I must admit I was a little surprised at where my arrow landed. I could have swore my 5 pt last year was a dead nuts kill broadside at 12yds... It was low and I was lucky to clip the heart he bled like a pig and died quickly but it was closer than I'd have liked. Another 8 point several years ago only hit one lung and came out the guts. Quartering towards, to impatient to wait for the broadside shot that was about to come (long season) and Again not compensating for angle. My pins are now set to compensate for being 25-30' up. There is a pretty noticeable difference in shooting from the ground.
  4. near the bedding area is never a good idea... but if you had to pick a time and had to be near it, it'd be mornings. Just don't overhunt it. Save it for those perfect days or you'll spook them right out of their beds.
  5. ha I hear that... I'm pretty sure the 7 point I shot with a gun last year was the neighbors fault. Sometimes it works out, other times it doesn't. Hard work will ALWAYS pay off though... you just don't know when
  6. there was a good article in D&DH about "waiting". Some guys are so serious they're only shooting 4.5 year olds and better. They may go several years between kills, and other hunters wonder "is he a good hunter, eating all that tag soup?". It's hard when you talk to friends, family or coworkers who are sharing their success. Parts of hunting have become pretty glamorized and that's kind of sad. You should only ever hunt for YOU. Good luck accman and TeeBug. When the first one comes it'll be sweet. Big, small, male or female.
  7. my thoughts too. some crazy tine height on the first one.
  8. this was about a 5-10 yarder from 30'. It's a tough angle and one I dont wish for. Was this your angle? bow poundage? (sorry if he already mentioned this shawn didn't read it all)
  9. Have a few of these. Always make me laugh a little. Cool to see though. Round 1. ' Fight Round 2 minding my own business with this clover get your own clover bro! you guys see that? totally rocked him. I'd like to thank my parents and of course baby jesus for this win Round 3 back for more you guys think he still sees me? Maybe a sneak attack will work?
  10. ha that's it! except my dad found camo version somewhere
  11. you might care. we had a card stolen once. were more upset that the idiot neighbors probably now know what big bucks are actually back there. I wish I knew the name of the cable we use. it's nice.
  12. lol i threw a stick at a 6 point who bedded down in front of me during a morning hunt once. I dont think he thought much of it other than maybe a branch fell on him.
  13. dude... but you didn't answer if you were on the ground or in the air. That's kind of a tough shot from up high. But I'm not sure what happened if you're on the ground.
  14. a lot of manufacturers make boxes. Locking the camera to a tree may prevent someone stealing it, but not them stealing your picture loaded SD card.
  15. it's really no different than afternoon hunts as far as how to hunt. You should be in the stand set and hanging out at least a 1/2 hour before shooting light (not DEC light). Use a headlamp and use it on low setting and preferably green tinted. You'd be surprised how little light you need. Have your stands well tacked or easy to get to. The thing to know about morning hunting that is probably the biggest difference is that the deer are coming in to bed, instead of the evening where they may be leaving or heading to a food source. So pick your spot according to where you think they're coming from eating and going to sleep. Note that all this changes during the rut. oh and dont forget to be a little creeped out by all the animal noises as you sneak into the woods.
  16. I have shot and arrowed deer with little to no blood. 1 time I honestly got lucky by searching and searching. The shot was not great but good enough and his exit wound was plugged. The other was a shotgun hit that just took a while to bleed so didn't find blood for a good 30 yards. I prefer bow kills because they cut and usually bleed quicker. If he is as big as you say then I'd search all day till i was sure. I did miss a nice 8 a few years back with shotgun. He was so close that I think I shot over his back. Like you, I was sure I missed, but looked for hours anyhow. Tail up, ran 10 yards. stood there and then ran away.
  17. I pulled cams behind my house last night. I don't hunt there much because it's only 5 acres with some decent neighboring pressure. Mostly doe and a few scrub bucks most of the summer and fall. Starting friday I had 3 new bucks in the area. 2 of them shooters, including a bruiser... who is probably nocturnal . The activity is getting good. this guy i think has an injury. real weird right side
  18. i agree with all this, I guess my thought was if he's missing the squirrels too than it's going to make it worse. I've never shot at a squirrel, i just dont imagine it's easy.
  19. there's something hilarious to me about that turkey shot in what looks like a real suburban area. Any weird looks from neighbors or passerby's? lol.
  20. jesus that's your advice? heck i think it's easier to shoot a fat doe broadside than those pesky squirrels... let alone flinging arrows in the deer woods.
  21. it's 10/21 and you're worried your tag isn't filled? dude... hunt for yourself and not for the "respect" of others. Take some time off and let your stands cool. let your buck fever set back in. Shoot some more, rewash your clothes, hang dry them outside for a few days, spray them down with hunt dry, reactivate your carbon in the dryer and double check everything you're wearing is clean. Release, boots, knife, watch etc. all need to be sprayed down. The rut hasn't even started, don't worry about not filling your tag yet, and if you don't fill your tag; who cares? The only person should be you, and not others.
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