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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. Hey there's a bit better of an effort! Two people and a country. Bravo!
  2. Well first I'd have to find where these serians live. Then I would have to compare the "serian" military to ours. Ps it's Syria and Syrian not serian.
  3. Not to fear, steve and I are chipping in on a pair of surface to air missiles for you for Christmas.
  4. No it hasn't, you can protect you family now as you will be able to tomorrow, unless you are up against a tank.
  5. Extreems? No that is reality my friend. I don't disagree that it is important for citizens to be armed but really what would you do against a tank ect with even the badest gun you could own?
  6. Well its not like the gap is that close between what we can defend our selves with and what they have now is it? Unless you own a tank or a jet fighter it aint ever gonna be close.
  7. I understand this type of arguement however, our nation has the best armed military any where on the planet and if you think civilians would be able to undertake some type of over throw against Jet fighters and war ships ect you would be wrong. We weill never be armed the same as our govenrment gun control or no control.
  8. "but his deeds could adversely affect mine and my kids being able to get permits or even rifles now....." You have gone on for a page and a half about you and your story doesnt even connect to what was being discussed. It couldn't have affected you if he wasn't mentaly ill.
  9. No they wouldn't, stop making this about you. He wasn't mentaly ill and his actions wouldn't doom you.
  10. Now look, this is what I am talking about here. Sits pointed out that there have been discusions on mental health and how it would relate to a back ground check and you spun off into Government take over of our rights. Hence the sky is falling.
  11. "It sounds like they may be fishing for more innocent activities to base rejections on. Or at least there is the possibility that it could be misused in this fashion." Clearly a background check will be missused to prevent you from having a gun, right?
  12. "I mean just how far into your personal life are you willing to let the government wallow into in the name of having a firearm. Yes indeed, go far enough in this direction and you will accomplish defacto gun elimination because at some point the privacy invasion gets to be more than most people will ever tolerate" The sky is falling the sky is falling!!!!
  13. You really need some new tactics Doc, first you go with the give them an inch they take a mile approach to every thing, then comes you disagreeing or just not listening to any one's opinions, then they are an anti, then when all else fails you try to play dumb in an effort to belittle the other person in front of others, which by the only makes you look like a fool. So are you ok with mentaly ill having guns or the background checks asking about mental illness?
  14. Agreed, the simpliest fix to a problem is to stop it before it is a problem..especially reguarding mental illness in my opnion.
  15. So the answer is no he was not diagnosed as mentally ill? "Stability" is not a mental illness or tracked in any way shape or form.
  16. Are you capable of discussing things with out the doomsday approach to every thing or no?
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