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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. Don't know if this was posted elsewhere or the right spot. Seems there's a recall on some Summit Explorer SD climber stands due to a botched weld. http://www.news4jax.com/consumer/recalls/treestands-recalled-due-to-fall-hazard
  2. I've seemed to have pretty good luck past handful of years with the 150gr Federal Fusion ammo in 30-06. they just anchored another doe at 208-210 yards. broadsided but slightly quartering away. never took a step despite it was only through the rib cage. i'd expect it if I busting through shoulders but not just through the rib cage. pass through but must have shed some significant energy inside that deer.
  3. lol.... I'm a winner for this years calendars that sold a while back. I won a 1 year membership. ....just so happens I don't really need it so now the local highschool library gets it. I was kind of pulling for that scope. oh well.
  4. I never used to run trail cameras. with my job and schedule it's become a necessity. I really only get to hunt a day or two at most a week. leaves little time to find and get one something good. I guess I've adapted somethings to keep filling tags. I mean heck i'm on here now so late, because I just came in from processing a deer I took on Sunday afternoon. between other stuff and at night when i'm not working is the only time I have to get anything done anymore.
  5. I can think of a lot but three huge ones I see most are.... discipline, work, and preparation. hunter has to be disciplined enough to not ignore all the little stuff that adds up that he or she knows will help kill a deer; hunt a stand only with right wind, sit still, move slower the more you close the distance, don't set something where you know it'll fall and make noise, don't sit in a convenient tree with no cover, etc. a lot of hunters know this stuff, but when push comes to shove they ignore it with the state of mind that they can get away with not doing something here or there. some hunters also are lazy. they won't go too far from the vehicle or crest the set of ridges even if the hunting is better. they won't put in time to have stand sets for multiple winds. they won't make it a point to gather trail cam intel before the hunt verses whenever they get around to it. they won't go out of there way to find a better hunting spot that requires a lot of work for permission. when they practice scent control they don't actually get dressed out in the field. preparation helps seal the deal. have you practiced with the weapon you intend to use? what about checking that equipment before opening day? have you got everything you know you'll need like shooting sticks for longer shots, etc. have you established your own process that works when hunting from a specific treestand setup. my thoughts.
  6. same here. knowing the DA goes out the window when you shoot a cop. i do strongly agree though with character of the defendant having an impact on the judge whenever the two meet. it applies all the way down to traffic court. that said the guy shot at and hit an ECO even if he thought the ECO was a deer and he's no longer going to be allowed to legally have a gun and is going to prison.
  7. grow that happens in just about every whitetail population throughout their entire range. it's been proven that if you don't have that fast quick breeding cycle where there's competition or at least enough bucks to get it done in one shot it's way worse. 28 days later they'll still be chasing them all over again in the dead of winter with significantly lesser quality food. they should instead be recovering for winter. i can't believe you'd took basic science of natural selection and survival of the fittest and tried to spin into something bad to use against ARs. i'm chaulking this post it up to emotions and dislike for ARs clouded your normally sane judgement.
  8. i had the same questions but maybe the original poster can tell us. it'll be a while before i load anything for deer but it'd be interesting to know the bullet mfg. if it's a lemon i'm sure they'd make things right. especially if a few random others from the same lot did the same through water jugs. i'm sure they'd want to know the serial number on the box too.
  9. sorry i wasn't clear. i'm referring to WMU 3j.... i can't see how neighboring WMU's can vary so much in DMP tag allocation. I clarified that i was talking about a DMP tag in that specific post so when you read it we'd be on the same page. so i hoped. i guess you took it as me calling you out for something for some reason i can't think of. i know how the sanctuaries and sanctuary properties work. we have them on every QDM co-op i know of out this way and each is their for different reasons. we don't use the fancy signs though. it's inviting to poachers and trespassers. as if peeling back the bushes will reveal a utopia of monster bucks. usually it's just portions of land that hold deer but aren't easily hunted without getting busted by every deer in there.
  10. i'm no lawyer either but i doubt he'll get a lesser charge. less jail time maybe. they don't take shooting law enforcement lightly, whether it's a mistake or not. i agree attempted murder is a bit much. DEC press release said it was an accidental shooting.
  11. i would try to hinge cut the poplar trees too but poplar is pretty hard to do that with. stuff just ends up giving too much and breaks. the downed tree tops will still provide cover. you need other trees around though to create the growth. otherwise you'll just get a field of rose bushes.
  12. maybe a lemon?? does that mean you should shoot a few more from the same batch through some water jugs? I'd want to know if the rest of the box is defective or whatever.
  13. never had jacket separation enough for the jacket to remain in the deer without the core. i've shot different bullets from Remington, winchester, hornady, and federal. none handloads though.
  14. i got the eblast from DEC too. usually it's just boring reports but stuff like this isn't what you want to see either.
  15. taking into account the pathetic trespass and poaching laws we have here in NY it is absolutely BS that we expect ECOs to routinely approach these lawless and careless individuals knowing very well they're probably armed toting a high powered gun. maybe if fines or penalties were higher they'd be less likely to be in a situation like this. i've met the Lt. and she seemed like a very nice lady. good thing she was there. ECO Davey might recover but a shot to the pelvis?! he's going to have aches and pains from it his whole life i'd think.
  16. breeding's trailing off by now but definitely wasn't over back on the 22nd. if anything it was near it's peak. rutting activity kind of follows suite.
  17. friends don't let friends drink alone. good deal.
  18. congrats on your first buck Witty!
  19. i don't know what the doe situation or habitat situation is in your area. sounds like the AR's aren't restricting much of anything though. a spike buck makes fawns drop no different than a 5-6pt yearling buck. if you're getting late born fawns and recruitment sucks then the ARs weren't restrictive enough and the deer as productive as they could be. i feel like something else is probably the issue though.
  20. i've talked to a lot of people who hunt down there. everything with the buck situation seems to be better i'm told. i've even asked about high grading down there. nobody seems to tell things are any worse in that respect. it would make sense that with a property like yours where you're already voluntarily passing yearling bucks you wouldn't see much difference. the ARs only protect a portion of yearlings. deer numbers seem to be going down the crapper though i'm told. in some WMUs doe tag allocation is ridiculously through the roof. maybe that's it? 15 yrs there could definitely a trickle effect with a WMU draining numbers from neighboring ones. i mean 4 times the DMP tags (for growalot) that we get up here per WMU and we have lots of ag ground to back up browse that'd be otherwise hammered more by the deer. if that's the reason you say it now sucks then 5 more years isn't the fix.
  21. i think the "one buck only" rule's only saving grace is that hunters will pass up opportunity due to anticipation something better might come along. most i know already do this voluntarily even in areas with lower buck numbers. those who are for it would probably have valid concern if they have higher numbers of bucks per square mile that would allow for the likelihood of getting enough opportunity to take more than one buck without thinking twice about it. another benefit might be that bucks taken later versus sooner due to anticipation might allow more competition and better breeding ecology. in some areas it wouldn't do a damn thing. puts more emphasis on concept that a best solution for an region (buck regions DEC already came up with) is different from that for the next region. what i think.
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