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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. yea i guess so... didn't see it was larry's setup.
  2. I've always done my own except when it comes to products like sausage and other stuff. any cuts or grind I've done myself. it's waaaayyyy easier to skin the deer fresh but process chilled down. I shoot most of my freezer meat early during bow. temps above 40 degrees I don't take the risk. I cut it up within a day at most and then let it set in a clean fridge for a week or so. most of it is wet aged (bagged and sealed). even the meat for the grinder gets aged that way. I've "dry aged" some in open air if using a dedicated cooler/fridge. i don't normally though as I don't want to trim off waste and get less for slightly better quality. depending on the size of the venison cut and air circulation you can get like 4 weeks out. you'll blow through baking soda boxes though. lol barely above freezing cold weather i'll leave the deer hanging with the hide on if I need to. tenderloins are pulled right away. don't need aging and little there to let dry out and trim later.
  3. he's always condemned that stuff, only a matter of time before he does for this instance. uptowns prideful post is a bunch of BS. even every shooting most of the families said to protest peacefully and not be violent.
  4. Obama did condemn it. Both Obama and Clinton have thrown hands up with the state of mind "okay. trump is the president-elect." it's the Clinton voters that aren't excepting the process and loss.
  5. I got a spare one. prussic knot is the way to go even for a treestrap. couldn't help but notice.... your climbing sticks look upside down there Pygmy. ?????
  6. we've had doe almost pushing 160 lbs dressed. by far most of our 4.5+ year old doe and even some 3.5 year olds are in the 120's and 130's. looks like a good sized frame to her to believe she's around that age.
  7. cheap stuff is usually right around $0.07 per rnd. I've paid as high as $0.12 per rnd for my competition stuff. seems to be enough of it here. demand has tapered back a little.
  8. depends on when the deer are expected to possibly come through. sometimes just before and sometimes I like to be there long before as I want to be settled in once they enter and work through the whole smaller wood lot. one stand I could sleep in. nothing every came through but come 9:30 or later the flood gates would open.
  9. another picture of the scorable "trash" to add up to 15 points.
  10. won't let me edit. buck I posted above green scored 164 4/8" gross with 15 scorable points.
  11. My cousin Brian got a good one. Don't have the story yet. Not sure how old yet. I wasn't there. looks more or less mature. at least 5.5 years old would be my guess.
  12. Fill doe tags away from unpressured areas with bucks. Check firearms zero. Continue to run cams. That's what I do. That also includes those tasks for new or youth hunters.
  13. That's definitely a nice buck. Even for him.
  14. hard to say. nice buck though. if he's going the other way the back teeth will look flat as a board with no mountain peaks to them at all on the tongue (lingual) side. the fourth tooth back is the oldest tooth in the mouth. start with that one and work back. you can skip the first three. not talking about 6 incisors all way in the front either. congrats!
  15. There's places all over that you can't really hunt. A lot of private ground locked up for neighborhood wood lots to around developments to cemeteries to golf courses.
  16. pretty much covered. once you get proficient you won't compensate at all for an expected higher point of impact, except for what the deer does. you aim for where it needs to go and it goes there. angled range finders do help when hunting hill sides and ridges where it's the drop in grade plus your stand height. I have range finder with the angle feature that I use for hunting with both rifle and bow. it's a bit hilly here in NE part of the state compared to other areas. sometimes a difference of 5 yards and the deer reacting to the shot is enough to cause an uncomfortably high shot.
  17. I don't know as if we have that stuff. I'd be having the local fire department do a controlled brush fire burn. I'd be bare dirt with something else broadcasted. little critters hosting tick rides are bad enough. don't need a specific plant working like a train station.
  18. we haven't done a lot of TSI on my parent's farm versus other properties. so lots of clustered trees. anything from white pine to maples. I'm also of fan of hangons in "clump trees" with adjustable platforms and seats.
  19. depends I like to setup with the stand angling 45 degrees into the parallel path of travel for the deer where I expect it's coming from. deer would be on my left as I shoot right handed. I have to have back cover though. if a sense kicks in and they hang up and then try to pull a U-turn coming in I can maybe get a shot. I've got lots of swing room to follow them through past the stand for a quartering away shot. my dead space hard to my right that I can't really shoot is the farthest from the expected travel of the deer. I try not to setup right on the trail. I'd rather take a 30 yard shot than a shot under 10 yards.
  20. I'm sitting in the office with a cut up bow hand. the struggle is real. I feel ya. if I had cell cams I'd never get any work done though.
  21. little late to the party. a lot going on. heck of a recovery. glad you found the buck.
  22. sounds like anticipation to me. hope you get him on cam and then have him around to hunting... we'll start there.
  23. you should be able to take any release and have the same point of impact if you're aiming correctly. it's more the idea that sometimes switching to a different release like a handheld might not fall exactly where you want it for the best consistency. you can still shoot it the same but you might want to tweak things like d-loop and other stuff to get anchor points to fall into place better.
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