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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Yup thats what im talkin about!!!!
  2. 2 guys..8 different bucks seen.In 2 days! 6 yearlings and 2 nice mature bucks with messed up racks. The young boys are chasin heavy down here now. I believe the bigger bucks will still be a week or so away from joining the fun. Good luck. Not sure where you hunt but we were on the West side. Down the hill!
  3. Sounds good. Saw 4 last night after the wind stopped...All bucks, 3 little guys and 1 nice buck but his right side was just a big wide bladed beam. Headed back down now. Gunna be a good day on stand here today!
  4. Get me your address and i will send you a bottle fresh from the hooch! Or i can give ya one down on the park!! Heading out at noon today for the weekend!
  5. That Sucks. Let me guess...Shot on the river side and down he went. Some buddys have been down all week and have passed on many. We will be back down Friday at noon to spend the weekend again. Cant wait till the 8th...Then its 10 straight day of chasing the ridge runners. Gotta make some time to hit our farm on the Highbanks road. Tough call at times of where to sit!!!
  6. Very Nice! Just what they should look like!!
  7. The land the op speaks of is across the road from my land! Its totally fenced in area that can only be bow hunted for one thing and can only be bowhunted by someone in the military or retired military. Im not sure if family members of military are allowed or not. Either way it was stolen by someone that has something to do with the military and it sucks!
  8. Hmm,Didnt know that. Did know we could only take does when we had problems a few years back up here!
  9. Buck bomb gets its urine supply from one of my buddies in Pa. Also the same is a product called...Pure Heat...Except this urine is taken at the does 55 to 60 hour breeding window. You will find some companys call it pure but most urine they call in heat is really just urine from the whole herd during the last 2 weeks of Oct and first 2 of Nov. Yes there will be some does in heat during that time but it will be cut back by the does that are not in estrus. Pure Heat is from does that are ALL in estrus at the same time.
  10. Awesome. Were you uphill on Trail 10 or 11 today when you saw that buck!
  11. I did today. Only one small buck down there today. Got some great video of him tearing up my new doe in heat scent from this year. Will try to post it Sunday!
  12. 11 Baldies and 3 little guys in all this wind today. 40mph gusts should be interesting in the morning!!
  13. I take it you were down near Castile? Did you ever get up behind the camping area down behind the C cabin sign in area? That drops of down into the river right there. Nice big area with lots of deer and lots of room. When they close the road down into that area we just throw our climbers on our backs and jump on our bikes. Does not take long to get down in there on the mountain bikes!!
  14. No doubt!! That week has been the week we have had most of our best luck. 5 years running atleast 1 of us have taken a 120in plus! Well thats only good if your looking for that kind of buck. Of course there are alot of small bucks running around that time of year also! lol
  15. Look me up down there. Thats the same weekend we start our 12 day Bow/Shotgun Run! I believe we have Cabins C10 and 11 again this year.
  16. Fond has nothing to do with it. Everybody grows up in their hunting life. If you ever do means nothing to me. Some dont have what it takes to go after mature deer. Could be you! Some dont have time or places to hunt. Could be you! Really dont give a rats ass one way or the other. If you get off on it..By all means, Have at it!!
  17. Ahh..Shocker, My friend Steve picks apart my post again. Well my friend, Some of us no longer get our rocks off shooting the dumbest deer in the woods. Those that have no choice. Thats fine. Those that do shoot a baby and then make an excuse as to why they shot that deer. Well thats another story. I can only imagine what one of those that you fit under!
  18. 90% of hunters would rather lose their fingers than have to say they didnt kill a buck that year. I have heard so many times after a little guy is shot..Oh it was in thick brush or it was moving through the trees fast. If you take a small buck, so be it but to kill a little guy and then make excuses to others as to why you pulled the trigger??? Some just have to have bone of some kind i guess. Their Choice!
  19. I will be sure to post pics of the ridge runner i pull out of the park this weekend. Heading down Friday. The park just opened for bow on Tuesday i believe!
  20. I dont think a meat hunter and the brown its down club are the same. I think the brown its down club just wants to kill numbers of deer. The meat hunter wants to fill the freezer, That most likley wont be a 50lbs fawn.
  21. Really..I cant shoot off my tractor? But they dont run away. Time to let it go boyz!!
  22. Good thinkin. When you buy from a deer farm that also does scent you know what you are getting. My buddy in Pa sells thousands of gallons of urine to these big companys. One deer..One bottle they say....Ha Ha Ha!!!
  23. Does anyone know where Tinks and Code Blue buy their deer urine from before it hits store shelves? I can tell you where over 100,55 gallon drums came from this last year! Best i have ever used is Pure Heat. 100% doe in heat. Not in their 3 day cycle. Im talkin urine taken from the doe between her 55th to 59th hour estrus period. Just before she gets bred!!!
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