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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. You got it. The best part of it is that right now the state of Iowa...That is a cwd state...Is in court this week being sued by a deer farm that had a closed,tested herd for over 10 years that came down with a case of cwd and they depopulated all the animals and shut down their land from any kind of use for 5 years. Yet they allow feeding of deer. This case will be huge and prove the two faced way our Govt works. Cwd is something we have to deal with but is sure is not killing all the deer they said it would!
  2. Gee, You better not let Doc hear you say this. Guess he thinks there is no diff between Ny soil and Iowa soil. A good farmer does not need a fence to grow great deer as long as they have the land to control.
  3. Look at the state they live in. If Ny got around to making some of these laws these other states have we may have more land and deer like that. The soil makes a huge change in rack size between our state and theirs but i believe with a few change, Which most hunters wont agree with, we could be a great deer state. Not going to hold the breath on that one. Untill then i guess we just drool at the kind of deer those guys make and smile at the one or two lucky Ny hunters that kill a great buck each year. Ya i know..Who says what a great deer is? ect,ect,ect!
  4. Some find it hard to accept change. The world of hunting has changed two fold and will continue to change. The old days were awesome times but there over and new changes are ahead. Makes ya wonder where hunting will be when we are gone? I have a pretty good idea!
  5. Yes we all get to different points in our hunting career's. To me, A kill is a kill reguardless of weapon. I also went through the stages and trust me, if you set your sights high on your bow kills like you would with your gun you will be on a total different cloud when it happens. If that buck walks out to you on Oct 1st and you take him...Well you will be happy to a point but if you let him walk and you take that 120ish the week before shotgun opens...Well happy will not be a strong enough word to describe it. But a happy hunter is a happy hunter..Just different levels for some i guess!
  6. Would you take that buck if Ny put the one buck a year rule into action?..,, The sooner the better for that law! IMO.
  7. Joe you need to get over here and i will fix you up and get ya to the shop i was telling you about. I only use one pin myself, Have for years. You can also. KISS...Keep It Simple Stupid! lol Let me know when ya want to come over!
  8. Yup...looks like bino's around his neck. I would say he is looking for stands sites!
  9. The way things are going in Ny we will not have to worry about anybody having a gun on them to be able to use it if you are being beat up or ripped off. Pepper spray sales will go up i guess!
  10. For the life of me i cant figure out who any of us are to say what and when someone else can hunt with any kind of weapon! You dont want to use something! So Dont!
  11. Yeah i could see Letchworth park with 7mag's. Some fool shootin from East to West. Or a private land hunter ripping some down into the park! Bad move i believe but i doubt we would ever see them on the park but who knows on the outside!
  12. You must mean this as kinda like the cwd scare to get testing money. Years ago cwd was going to wipe out every deer on earth, Now they dont even give funds for testing. Go Figure! If deer piss killed all that grows in pens then i would be replanting evey year. Just does not happen!
  13. This would be like deer hunting and tags. Cant throw a blanket over the whole state. We have taken 8 mature toms off our farm this year. We stopped hunting them because all the hunters i allow to hunt tagged out! There were 7 toms in full strut last night at 5pm within veiw from the road. I donated the last 2 weekends to Hunters fo Habitat with father and son teams coming in on the weekends! No turkey poblems here. The dec wants to trap a few this winter. Might not be a bad idea! I would be willing to give back to the Letchworth area for all the great deer hunting it has givin me!
  14. Hate to say it but this deer's days are now numbered. Hope not but their answer for most problems like this end up with..Its best to put it down! No fault of yours and you did great things but i sue wish she would have made it through that yard!
  15. I have been in some spots on the hill the would make a great grow area! They have to be here in the spring to plant so they can be there to harvest in the fall!
  16. Memo to self...Keep this years crop off the state land. Maybe over near the Joe Martin farm would be a good spot! Gotta say i have never heard of the root balls thing!
  17. Congrats on your move! I was born and bred in OBurg! Awesome fishing right in town and bib bucks to chase 20 min out of town on state land! Pm me sometime if you get low on spots to fish or hunt!
  18. Wow another post where some pick others apart. When they take the guns away soon, These problems will go away also!
  19. Doc, I have to ask...Do you have a life? lol I logged in at 655 this morning and Doc was the only avatar on the home page with a reply to every recent thread. Doc, There is Dusting to be done and the kitchen floor needs to be swept!
  20. It will be interesting when the first deer runs through their backyard sprayin blood all over the kids swingset! That would open some eyes!!
  21. How do you know Kim is a girl? What about a boy named Sue! LOL You guys would feel strange then huh!
  22. Awesome pup right there! Bet ya never see this guy runnin deer!
  23. Your choice, No big deal one way or the other. Now name calling...Whats that a sure sign of! Just an fyi..Would not matter if it was the 6 in pens or the 694 acres not..Same outcome!
  24. Hope they never make it to Jefferson County! Well my part of it anyways!
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