youtube is your friend.You want it to sound like a crying baby for the most part(I know kinda morbid).Predator hunting can be really difficult so don't get discouraged if something doesn't run right in.Most times in daylight they creep in,but I have seen them charge in like their butts on fire and they are ready to scrap for whatever meal is screaming
I do the southern bow season every year.I really like doing it.Have done it for a while now.It also includes many other animals that are seen throughout the day
Look at the Savage 10ml11 muzzleloader.Natchess has them for 599.99 but they are nice becuase you use smokeless powder instead of blackpowder or its equivilents.I absolutly love mine!!
This is the one I just bought so my daughter can start shooting.I am going to set it all up and see how I like it but may have to put a spacer in it for a longer length of pull.The one below is a awesome deal for what you get
Cant go wrong with either but my vote is for the savage also.I have owned a few savages,.243,7mm mag 10 ml11 muzzleloader and loved all of them.I just picked up a model 11 223 from beikirks for 480 with a Nikon prostaff.Great gun and scope.
oct 1st through march ???? day or night.If your area allows rifles for deer you can use them but if a shotgun only area then its rimfire only.Come and check another great NY site
This is the reason for my mounts,to live the memories.My deer mounts are all done in a pose that I saw the deer in,some ae at the time of the shot or when I first saw him.