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Everything posted by PooperScooper

  1. So far today is for the birds. Accidentally scattered a folk of turkeys on my way in. They regrouped in front of the wrong ground blind. Glad I remembered to pack my calls. Now there are thousands of starlings making a racket. Can't hear myself think. No deer to be seen yet again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  2. We have a little snow in the southern tier this morning. I hope it's like this tomorrow morn!
  3. Almost got five deer, all doe that I could see, with my car this morning. Just past my land. Something sent them flying out across the road in a hurry at 8:00am. Hmmm....
  4. I've been looking forward to this weekend to get out. Hoping this scratchy throat doesn't turn into something else before morning. Better to miss work than the weekend!
  5. Trying not to be offended by that remark. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  6. New spot this morning. In a ground blind on a friends property. Had the opportunity to pass on a button buck at first light. He came down the trail as expected and was at 5 yards when I could first see him, 10 when he passed through the shooting lane. Nothing since. That's the only deer I've seen after three days out. I know it will get better. Absolutely beautiful morning!
  7. Still seeing nothing and camera is still empty. Highlight was being swarmed by black capped chickadees and juncos for a short while this morning. I'm afraid I won't see anything up here till November.
  8. Still seeing nothing and camera is still empty. Highlight was being swarmed by black capped chickadees and juncos for a short while this morning. I'm afraid I won't see anything up here till November.
  9. 1. neighbors with atvs and nothing better to do than ride around all day 2. the neighbor's freakin' windmill, which sounds like the Tinman asking for an oil can 3. neighbors in general, I guess I like chipmunks.
  10. I made friends with a chipmunk. No deer up here today. I plan to keep trying, but I'm thinking they are all hanging with the apples and acorns. My beechnuts can't compete. Trail cam has been unusually empty. Leaves are at full peak though.
  11. That app looks cool. I'm installing it now. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused by the forecasted wind direction(s) for tomorrow.
  12. Whoa. Who knew golden eagles would/could take down something as big as a deer?!? Link to the story.
  13. I didn't finish college until I was 38. Before that I worked every crap job in the book, never happy with them. When I had the chance to go back to school I jumped at it. Just being there led me to discover the things I love doing. In the end I realized that I love to do the things I'm good at. It may be that you are already on the right track. If I could go back and start college earlier (on time) I would. I wasted so much time flailing around looking for the job I could be happy in. I wanted to be a highschool art teacher. (next to immpossible now, especially in NY) I'm a college professor now, teaching video and motion graphics. Some days I hate my job. But it beats digging ditches in the rain. That job was the worst.
  14. We put some packages in the freezer labeled as "to be ground." When we're processing more than one at at time and have limited time to do it, this seems reasonable. In the end we typically don't grind those packages. Instead we use them in small chunks for things we previously used ground meat for, like tacos, quesadillas, chili... I must say, I enjoy it that way more than ground. That being said, some friends of mine grind up EVERYTHING and have a freezer full of ground meat because that's they way they like it. I imagine the re-freezing will effect texture and possibly flavor if nothing else. Perhaps most importantly, my microbiologist wife states that she would not do it but that it could be done. The keys being timing and cleanliness...as always, it depends on how you handle it. Some may succeed, while others may be taking a great risk. It's complicated, which means you are going to get a number of conflicting responses and will need to decide what's right for you.
  15. “That law has always been there and we never read it correctly. It appears that no one should ever have been carrying a firearm. I guess everyone figured that the intent was for those properties to be exempt and perhaps it was overlooked for that reason. When the penalty was elevated to a Class E felony, and it was brought to our attention by the folks over at DEC, we took a real close look at it and realized that there is a problem here,” Davis said.
  16. Well... It hasn't ALWAYS been there. but it isn't new with the Safe Act. Language is a tricky thing.
  17. As I understand it that law has always been there. They just now noticed it. I actually think that if this is a result of the Safe Act that it's only because it prompted someone to look closer at the laws and discover it had been illegal all along.
  18. If this happened to me I'd humor them and try different arrow. I'm very much a newbie at this, and don't pretend to know it all. But I also got an Elite Hunter 2013 this year. The shop set me up and turned it. After consistently shooting high and left I went to the indoor range and French tuned it. Absolutely spot on now. I can't imagine paying what I did for this bow and having to go through what you are going through with thoughts of shimming. Is it possible you've gone so far done this road that you've made yourself too stubborn to back up and try another simpler route? I say this hopping you'll understand that I'm trying to be helpful. I've found myself in situations like this because I've over complicated a situation out of pure frustration. And I never seem to realize it until someone else points it out to me. Regardless, best of luck with the bow.
  19. I had a fantastic morning in the woods but nothing to show for it. (besides the spring in my step). Two toms came in the first was being chases by a hen?!?! And she would not let him near my decoys. The second was chasing a particular hen but was traveling with a group of five, 3 hens and 2 toms. He stayed just outside my range putting on quite the show. There seem to be a lot of lone hens this year compared to last. And everyone is sooooo, quiet. When I finally got the second one to gobble, he nearly whispered. Perhaps I'm losing my hearing. Can't wait to get back out there.
  20. As I was looking for my thread this morning...waiting for page to load...sitting in bed with a cup of coffee and procrastinting... I looked over my shoulder and out the window. I was looking for turkeys that I have not seen since September. As if responding to some magical cue, one lone hen sauntered across the back yard. I thought, "Of course. Of course there is a turkey there, right now, at the precise moment I turn to look for it." I had been worried. It was a long winter without any real brakes from the cold and snowcover. The deer have become fur covered skeletons. They ate everything below my head height, mostly while I watched. I couldn't bring myself to let the dogs out and scare them off. They seemed so desperate and I'd been hearing stories of starving deer dying in neighbors' backyards. On the trail cam I've seen plenty of healthy coyote and fox, but no,turkeys. And yet somehow it seems those birds have returned. And they are right on time.
  21. http://www.instructables.com/id/Bow-The-Amazing-Bike-Wheel-Bow/ What would you hunt with this?
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