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sits in trees

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. And im starting to realize why the hell NY has the toughest gun laws in the land, everyone here is freakin asleep? Just the way Fuehrer Cuomo and his henchman want ya.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUAfft7l4wQ
  3. theres talk of a second amendment rally on Albany in its embryonic stages right now for the rights of NY gun owners. We must go up there and show those freakin commies we mean what we say! i already have 2 car loads of men ready to go! keep your ears open. remember today Ar-15s tomorrow bolt action rifles that can kill at 300 yds!
  4. when someone walks into a fastfood joint and kills people with a semi auto 22cal rifle that will be next, when someone shots a bunch of innocents with a scoped 308 deer rifle that will be next. thats why its so important to fight this from the start even if you dont own an AR or never have any intention to.
  5. they do keep a count, the heading in your emails is important as they cant read every leter completely, and they can keep a pretty acurate census of public opinion by the amount fo letters/calls/emails they get. send them to everyone then do it again in a couple days...
  6. LETS ROLL!!!!!!!! We gotta BOMB them with letters/emails/and calls folks before its too late. this is the only weapon we have as law abiding gun owners in NY state....they are working fast and hard against us and if we let our feelings be known it will make a DIFFERANCE. these monkeys wanna be re elected... today its high cap mags, then if some wackaloon grabs a 3006 with a 3x9 and snipes people down below they will wanna ban any gun that can kill at 200 yds...IT wont end with this...
  7. Hi Folks If you are not already aware, the Governor proposed a seven point plan for fighting gun violence at his State of the State address this week, many of which affect law abiding gun owners. His plan includes further restricting assault weapons, further restricting high capacity magazines, elimination of online ammunition sales to NY residents, background checks for all private sales and a state NICS check on all ammunition purchases. Please take a few moments to write and, more importantly, CALL your state representatives as well as their leadership. Some points to make: No new firearm restrictions No new magazine restrictions No new restrictions on the sale or purchase of ammunition No new registration of firearms Who to contact: Most importantly, please contact Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos - Office phone: (518) 455-3171, email: [email protected] , website: http://www.nysenate.gov/senator/dean-g-skelos/contact Also contact; Your own state senator who can be found here: http://www.nysenate.gov/ Gov. Cuomo at Office phone: (518) 474-8390, website: http://www.governor.ny.gov/contact/GovernorContactForm.php Senate Co Leader Jeffrey Klein at Office Phone: (518)-455-3595, email: [email protected] website: http://www.nysenate.gov/senator/jeffrey-d-klein/contact
  8. only differance is Hitler armed his nation to the teeth and then some. its amazing how big and pompous NYs government is and how i really saw that looking at the crowds of lawmakers and dignitaries that must have numbered in the thousands in that building listening to Cuomo's speech. Man NY has more GOVERNMENT than most other world power westernized nations combimed?
  9. Man i thought this site would be aBUZZ with what went down in Albany yesterday...Nics check to purchase AMMO! holy cow manure! more magazine restrictions ontop of the mag restrictions we already have. And none of this will do a freakin thing?
  10. Coumo just finished. got big plans for us law abiding gun owners now? wants to keep track of how much ammo you buy with a nics check huh?
  11. I watched this last nite and gotta say theres only one reason Piers Muttonhead invited this guy on his show and i think he got his point across just the way he wanted too....This guy makes us all look like a bunch of Redneck Buffoons right along with well you all know who else...We are under the microscope of the inbetweeners right now and they are more important to us than any other portion of the population. Trust me when the betweeners see a guy like this it aint gonna help our cause...We gotta drop this redneck image we all so seem to love and wanna push and start sounding more like Wayne Lapierre when we are talking about our right as gun owners. I never meet an inbetweener that couldnt be convinced or atleast wasnt impressed by Wayne. Ask any betweener about Uncle Ted and they say, yaaa hes funny man..
  12. So we the 2nd ammendment supporters and guardians are reponsible for the blasphemy? If thats the case we gotta cut the crap and stick to facts. Getting caught up in lies makes us look awwwfuullyy silly doesnt it.
  13. I hate to keep rehashing this topic and have even been chastised by Doewacker and others for asking this question, but again what the hell gun was used in the murder of the twenty little children in Newtown CT. When we left off this topic most say it was the 2 pistols which i think we all pretty much agreed on. NOW im doing Google searches and all the news reports are still saying it was a Bushmaster assault rifle! Im really starting to think we are facing a cover up of blasphemous proportions here which gives this whole thing a much more sinister feeling. I mean if the press is lying about which gun was used to further the banning of such weapon/weapons by our lawmakers then that goes above and beyond the usual media sensationalism we have all grown accustomed to! It is important and we really have to get to the bottom of this and not just move on.
  14. i will probably rejoin, but gotta say the NRA has really turned me off the last couple years when they head their rallies with the likes of Nugent and that dingbat Sara Palin. And man they endorced Mitt Romney for president???????????????
  15. most of that stuff is just over the top. you really have to look at your sources when reading this type of stuff. these publications just pray on the paraniod and weak minded people.
  16. Guns laws are complicated and leave lots of gray areas. I really think they do this by design, it leaves them lots of leeway when it comes to prosecuting.
  17. Im alittle snookered right now but i wanna wish all you New York wackaloons a happy NEW YEAR!!!!
  18. yea im sure you sit at home and debate it for hours a day by yourself..have you not looked at any of the polling on crossbows in NY?
  19. We are no doubt heading in to some rough times here guys(sorry Doewacker i know we are all nutZ and just paraniod) but im seeing bans on ammo and quantity limits and poss bans on internet sales ahead. What ammos do you think they will ban, 7.62x39? I dont think they can ban .223 right? The 7.62 because its basically AK ammo and they could easily ban importation and most of it comes from overseas. Will .223 be the ammo of choice because thats what our military uses and there will always be some type of availability. Im seeing that .223 is almost totally unavailable right now
  20. is that Kielbasa laying next to the beast?
  21. bullet was also choosen by the military due to it being just big enough to do the job and small enought to be able to carry and transport lots of it.
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