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sits in trees

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. mankinds violence towards each other is not something that just surfaced because of video games or TV shows, we have been killing and maiming each other from the very beginning folks, yea its true. just look at Americas short history or even more recent events around the globe for proof of that. it always amazes me that when something horrible happens at the hands of member of the human race that we can all stand there and act so amazed and repeatedly ask why, why, why.
  2. the poster Popit is a women, and women do tend to get more emotional than men in situations like this one in Connecticut. i have also found that many women dont really grasp the real reasoning behind the second ammendment even if they are hunters like Popit, and when you try to explain why we need the second ammendment to remain untouched because of things like tyrannical governments and social unrest/disorder that they cant seem to grasp that type of situation and think your over the top for even talking about it. Many American women have been lulled into a false sense of security because things have been so good here in our country for a long while now. But when you look back in the not so long ago history of other westernised cultures and even the USA you will see that there is only a thin vail between civilization and total anarchy and i think its every mans duty to explain this to the women in his life, without being too creepy of course....
  3. what on earth are you trying to get at? im arguing with a retard here? but i feel good, just blasted a big doe with me muzzleloader!!!
  4. i type my posts without the security of having to use spell check laddy. and theres obviously no way you could CAMOUFLAGE your STUPIDTY. what a sorry fool you must be.
  5. were you sleeping thru this last presidential election and do you really believe people will actually put a limit on what they will use to further their political agendas? thier are people out there that will do anything to take guns away from law abiding citizens, thats a fact.
  6. so we are the morons to reacting to mindless anti gun rants from the likes of you, when in fact my first reaction to this horror story was shock but then the real shock came when anti gun take away everyones gun crap started within the very first reports of this sad story and even worse on this site where you would think people would have some regard for the second ammendment. just keep going Popit your and the other guy are perfect examples of how the anti gun lobby thinks and acts, keep slinging mud and acting out of instinct like some kind of animal, works well for us who want to preserve the right to keep and bear arms.
  7. First light, once again im hearing the rants and calls for gun control from an anti gunner like you, but you offer no real solutions to this type of problem that just seems to happen again and again in America? As i asked you in my last post What would you like to see Done to prevent this? we are all ears and want to hear how you stop this kind of thing from happening?
  8. they love the news Doc, and thats made crystal clear by the way they jump on a situation like this with their mindless rants before any facts are in...
  9. so what would you suggest, a nation wide gun grab, send the national guard out house to house to search and confiscate law abiding citizens guns? I mean really "what are you talking about" the guns are already here? and let me ask you something, how would you feel about going up against (lets just say a 20 year old wack with an AK n 30 round clip) who just kicked down your door with his freinds whilst your standing their with your 3 round capacity shotgun. You see people like you can go on about how we must change society and bring back family values etc and that all sounds dandy but till then i plan on keeping my guns.
  10. i find it offensive that the very millisecond something like this horrible event happens that anti gun zealots like some on this site have to sound off about how the public shouldnt have mag capacity's over 3 rounds etc, etc. Its hard for me as a supporter of the second ammendment to sit and just say yea, yea yer right.
  11. You couldnt be more wrong or misguided and are an anti gun advocates wet dream. With the way things are going in our country with government, big business and some of the nuts that are vying for power in America i plan on keeping all my guns and buying lots more ammo and i want my guns to have much in the way of firepower. Our second amendment rights have nothing to do with sportsmans rights and shooting at ducks n bunnies. What happened today is an unthinkable tragedy and makes me sick but i'll thank you to not throw away my rights to protect myself and my family.
  12. a society with a young population that is idle and has little to look foward to is a dangerous thing.
  13. I wouldnt buy anything Wildgame Innovations sells, its all pure China junk. i called them about 1 month ago about a 1.5yr old trailcam of theirs i owned that just stopped working, they told me its out of warranty and they dont fix them, they then told me maybe you can bring it to a camera shop. I have had 2 other Wildgame innovations cams in the past and have also had nothing but trouble with them. nothing more dissapointing then getting to your cams in the woods when you know there will be deer in the pics and finding out the stupid thing has been sitting there for a week not WORKING!! their stuff is GARBAGE!
  14. I was thinking of building a platform say 14feet high with 4x4s, ply and 2x6s. then setting a reguler hub blind right on top. anyone do this yet or have any ideas or suggestions?
  15. i wave at people and they just stare back at me like im nuts?
  16. off the top of my head, i miss Joe Defalcos hunting seminars in the Hempstead American Legion back on Long Island as a kid. standing room only crowds and almost everyone there was Italian??
  17. Boy you picked the right county...folks here will be asking to come hunt with you!!
  18. The young gun crowd luvs black rifles and they are buying them buy the ton. NICS checks are and have been at record numbers for the last couple years and guns like AKs and SKSs have become extremely popular with the new young gun buyers. This has driven the price of these rifles thru the roof, an AK sells for 700 or so and the Chinese Comblock Norinco SKS is now fetching close to 500 clams. This i beleive is driven by the zombie apocalypse and video game thing. Gone are the days of break action 12ga shotguns and bolt action rifles. Bump Fire stocks seem to be a fad because i see a ton of them in the classifieds. Once they realize they paid 275 bucks for the thing and all it does is burn out yer barrel and make you broke buying ammo and that they really cant hit a friggin thing with them they quickly sell them to the next unsuspecting buyer who has dreams of owning a full auto weapon...
  19. all we can hope for is that sportsman continue to make the rules and govern our sport, and that people who have little or no respect for the sport of hunting dont ever take control. anything is possible but im still an optimist and to this very day we dont have hunters in the woods during rifle season with 50cal BMGs or night vision or any of the other millions of things crazies could dream up to make real sportsman want to not even enter the woods.......
  20. Doc in all fairness crossbows have been around for thousands of years, this air arrow gun has not. It is highly unlikely that anything like this airgun/arrow launcher will ever be allowed into bow season. Crossbow supporters have always been very adament about things like draw length, arrow velocity and lenght and most important that it still be a bow, yes limbs and a string being part of the legalization criteria.. I would not want to see bow season become a free for all for anything that propells an arrow in any way or from, and most crossbow supporters that i know of feel exactly the same way. There is a very fine line between common sense and outright ridiculousness, and a crossbow with limb and draw and velocity regulations falls into the common sense part as far as i can see.
  21. its not a stick and string and this is what opponents of the crossbow are talking about when they say inclusion of the crossbow can open a pandoras box of possibliltities. when crossbows become legal in NY state in one form or another they will have to set strict guidelines as other states do as far as arrow length, draw, components and that the bow does have limbs and a string..
  22. carrying 2 muzzloaders, is it really that important to you? what happened to just trying to enjoy the hunt. its enough of a pain in the arse loading, unloading, swabing, dry patchin, one muzzloader. and carrying the weight of an extra arm into the hills? carry one gun n take yer shot and make it count man!!
  23. The deer numbers are without a doubt DOWN in northern Orange and lower Ulster. Fields are empty at night, nothing on the trailcams, not hearing any shots even on weekends, my food plots are all but abandoned. Was this the DECs plan by giving out record numbers of doe permits for the last 2 decades in 3M and 3J. They should atleast stop giving out our doe permits to none residents the way they do. Man the Doe Permit thing has been a freeforall here for too long and it really is starting to show! My muzzleloader has been collecting dust for the last 3 years, not even worth headin out towards the end of the season anymore....Did the DEC make some under the table deal with the auto insurers or something?????
  24. and they are doing this during hunting season?
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