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sits in trees

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. this is very true, i still hear people telling me they cant beleive what their tax bill has grown to and they might have to sell but they voted yes on every years budget since i dont know when....
  2. once again all well and good, but the moneys done gone, what to do??? teachers are great at letting everyone know how important they are and how much schooling they had to indure. the truth is we could go to a system like they have in other states where teachers are paid a decent salary but have to pay into pension and healthcare on thier own to keep our taxes down, and the sky would not fall. hey might actually help the economy if people werent so tax/cash strapped, hows that for an idea?
  3. hopefully lots of money, this is America, free markets and capitalism, what has made us great, your not a commie are you ole sweetie????
  4. Hi All, I just wanted to add the contact information to make it easier for all of our members to get involved and help push crossbows into today's mainstream in our state. In an effort to pull support together for the controversial crossbow, they've created a site on Facebook (http://www.facebook....ssbowcoalition/). He also has constructed a website for those who aren’t part of the social media scene at www.nycrossbowcoalition.com. They are slowly starting to pull together a force to be reckoned with. Please join the push and help be an active part of making history in our great state. Regards,
  5. Hi Everybody, For those of you who are interested in keeping up with and helping all crossbow enthusists in the state of New York, please find below the latest artcale in the Albany News. This artical was a direct result of the combined efforts of Rick McDermitt and his team of volunteers that have started the New York Crossbow Coalition. A huge battle is now brewing at the legislative level in the state and lines have been drawn by the new coalition and their primary rivals New York Bowhunters Association. If we do not ban together under the New York Crossbow Coalition and as one voice put our combined efforts into winning this battle, we could very likely lose our crossbow hunting rights in this state forever. The legislation is up for review and signature again in 2012. If it's not signed, the laws will revert back to what they were two years ago, which is that crossbow will be illegal for hunting purposes anywhere within the state. Please take the time to join the NEW York Coalition on facebook and add your support to this vital team. Here is todays latest artical: Albany — Crossbow advocates and opponents have stepped up their mobilization efforts as the state’s regulations governing the use of crossbows head toward a “sunset” at the end of 2012. While the statewide group New York Bowhunters, Inc., maintains its stance against the use of crossbows during the archery season, a newly formed New York Crossbow Coalition is pushing for their inclusion. “For too long, a well-organized group of a minority of hunters in New York has effectively controlled the discussion surrounding the crossbow, its effectiveness, and its image, thus controlling all aspects of the crossbow’s legal uses,” Rick McDermott of the New York Crossbow Coalition wrote in an e-mail to sportsmen. McDermott says the group is advocating for legislation that would allow crossbow use during the archery season and “elevate the crossbow to its rightful place alongside the compound, recurve and longbows.” In response to that push, New York Bowhunters has urged its members to contact state lawmakers to reaffirm their position against the use of crossbows by any hunter – including seniors and physically challenged – during the archery season. New York Bowhunters vice president Richard Kirschner, in an e-mail to members, said crossbow advocates are “hiding behind the youth, female, senior, disabled and military veterans and attempting to use them for their own selfish desire to have a full inclusion crossbow bill passed.” Kirschner’s e-mail to the organization’s members said “the future of archery season depends on your immediate action. “The pro crossbow crowd is pulling out all stops to convince legislators and the DEC that there is only a handful of radical, selfish nut jobs that are opposed to the crossbow in archery season,” Kirschner wrote. McDermott, however, questions New York Bowhunters’ membership level – estimates have generally ranged from 2,000 to 4,000 – and said the crossbow coalition “is preparing to counter this vocal minority with factual data and give a voice to the thus far silent majority of the sporting community that desires full inclusion of the crossbow in all aspects of archery hunting.” New York lawmakers two years ago approved legislation allowing the use of crossbows during the regular firearms and late muzzleloader deer seasons. New York Bowhunters, Inc., didn’t oppose that bill, focusing its fight instead on keeping crossbows out of the archery season. DEC officials, however, have supported expanding the use of crossbows into the archery seasons, particularly for senior and physically challenged hunters. There remains some opposition outside the New York Bowhunters’ membership to the use of crossbows by healthy hunters during the regular archery season. But that opposition softens when it comes to seniors and those with physical disabilities. The crossbow legislation was approved under a two-year trial that expires at the end of this year. The New York Crossbow Coalition, whose membership numbers aren’t known at its early stages of existence, contends that crossbow use would pump millions of dollars into the state’s economy through the recruitment and retention of hunters. McDermott, in his statement, says it’s time for the sporting community “to stand together and send the pro-crossbow message to Albany with a united voice.” That message will almost assuredly be countered by New York Bowhunters, Inc., whose legislative chairman, Dave Kosowski, urged members in an e-mail to contact their lawmakers and reiterate their opposition to crossbows within the regular archery season. “Let them know you oppose crossbow use in archery season,” Kosowski’s e-mail read. “Mention your safety concerns, statistical data proving crossbows drastically increase wounding rates on deer and any other reasons you have.” Both sides gathered for a public session to discuss the crossbow issue last month in western New York at a hearing hosted by Sen. Patrick Gallivan. While most of those in attendance were supporters of crossbows, Kosowski, who took part along with former NYB presidents Gary Socola and Kevin Armstrong, called the gathering “an all-out assault on NYB and bowhunting in general. We were led to believe we would be sitting down with crossbow people and discussing issues back and forth so that the senator could better understand the issues.” The session may have laid the groundwork for the introduction of a bill that would extend the current crossbow regulation or expand its use. Currently, there is a bill (A4473) proposed that would expand crossbow use for seniors and physically challenged in any season. Given DEC’s public stance on favoring the expanded use of crossbows, New York Bowhunters, Inc., favors instead keeping the decision-making in the hands of state lawmakers, Kosowski indicated in his e-mail to members. Regards,
  6. heres a story of a poor LI fella who ran to New Hampshire to escape the high taxes. it seems to be a northeast United States thing. and New Hampshire is the "Live Free or Die state" Huh? http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20101205-NEWS-12050330
  7. well woofer the where to go part is what really gets me. why is it other states like the Carolinas you can own a great home on a great piece of hunting land and have well educated kids all for a total tax bill of around 1500.00 bucks including town. im not a big fan of florida but my mother in law lives in a beautiful home in a gated comunity worth about 350 thousand and her total tax bill is 1300 bucks??NY teachers will give you the ole quality of a NY education thing but these kids from other states do graduate and do go to good colleges and dont all end up in trailer parks the way they will have you thinking. we have other states in the country where you can still own a beautiful home and get your kids a great public school education for alittle over 1000 bucks total town and school tax bill. how did the northeast education system become such a monstrosity?
  8. we have had school tax increases of 6 to 9% every year since i bought this house 6 years ago, do the math teach and you will see that my numbers add up..my school tax bill went up over 600 bucks just this year...we have the lowest student attendance in 20 years in our district but we have the highest number of teachers ever. the town could easily close one of the elementary schools in our district but the teachers union fought it and with the political wizardry the are capable of the school(one of 2 elementary schools) remains open with 12 to 16 kids per class??????
  9. i'm a diesel mechanic and buy tools and other stuff from HF all the time..
  10. so everythings just honky dory then, boy i wonder why my school tax bill went from 4200 to 7900 bucks in just 6 years, and thats just my school tax bill not including town...hows that for a fact. ohh heres another since you are on a fact hunt, my elderly neighbor had to go back to work at the age of 68 because she could not pay her school tax bill anymore. ohhh here is one more, a good freind of mine tax bill went from 7K to 13000 in just 5 years and his business as a contractor has slowed to a snails pace and he cant sell his house to escape paying teachers salaries anymore and will likely foreclose on a house he's owned for 32 years.....i got more, this state is just loaded with them but it seems teachers have become so pompouse they cant see any of that and have the ole, well let them eat cake attitude...
  11. well i was out working on my property early yesterday and took the time to sit and listen from time to time, i heard owls, geese doing flyovers but no gobblers, could just be too early?
  12. ohhh alittle cranky today, huh Doc, whats a matter cant find anyone to change your diaper..
  13. hey NYantler, this doesnt really help our cause. but gotta admit the black chicks short skirt and perky breasts did get my attention!!!
  14. hey Doc, when was the last time you had your Hoveround serviced dude, turkey season is just round the corner????
  15. if you wanna do something, do like the pro's, whens the last time you saw a fish monger or butcher using an electric knife sharpener???? get yourself a nice sharpening stone at the hardware store and learn your angles and you will be working with a razor in no time..
  16. boys, boys just sit back and relax and watch the system slowly collapse under it's own weight. all the bickering in the world wont make teachers give up a single dime and as middle class taxpayers we dont have the power to do a damn thing. so theres no reason to get all excited about this, it will self correct itself, nature will take it's course in this unsustainable system. unfortunately alot of good hard working people will go down with it too, but thats the way it has to happen.
  17. the unions support each other no doubt, public service unions have outgrown labor unions not only in NY but the whole country. your talking millions and millions of members. when a school budget vote comes up you have alot more than just the teachers voting "YES". you have town employees, state workers, teachers thier spouses and children who are of age and everyone else they can drag with them, and let me tell you there are alot of teachers in my town, alot of teachers will tell you well i live in the town and pay those same tax increases, haaaaaa i love that one, it's good business for them, pay another 500 bucks in school tax but get a 4 thousand dollar raise the same year, duuhhhhh. there is a HUGE truth in theres strenght in numbers quote. the public service unions in NY have reached a point of invincibility and the only correction that i can see for this is they will have to collapse under their own weight.
  18. does this mean i wont have to see those old T-party wackaloons sitting on lawn chairs in front of the post office under umbrellas protesting this summer?
  19. you see the biggest part of this problem is the tax payer really isnt part of the negotiations, the taxpayer has no real voice, no representation. teachers salaries and pensions are promised by the politicians to the unions who get them elected, especially in NY. the promises of life long health care and pensions were made by crooks who just wanted to get elected with no idea what was going to happen 30 years down the road, and these crooks really didnt care what was going to happen 30 years down the road. you see the whole thing was a bad deal and Joe taxpayer has been asked to pay to uphold the bad deal for a long time now. too long as far as i'm concerend..
  20. does it really make a differance, the money is gone, unfunded pensions, taxpayers going broke, people foreclosing and running down south, the well is drying up. i agree teachers are well eductated, work with kids that have crap for brains in alot of cases, but the money's done GONE. what to do, keep raising taxes? yea that worked in the past but we are entering different times here folks. something is going to give in a big way and i think NY state will be the first to see it happen..
  21. sounds like your a cop, ok no one is saying you shouldnt be paid well. it's just we dont wanna have to flip the tab for your pensions and lifetime healthcare while we are struggling to pay our own. hey whats fair is fair. it just has to come to some sort of balance either by law or by collapse of the whole system.
  22. all i know is over 2/3rds of my yearly tax bill goes to teachers. its the biggest bill i got.
  23. i really dont know anybody in NY state that still works in the private sector, went to a new years party and out of 30 people 5 were cops, or NY state troopers, about another 5 or so were correctional guys, 2 dot workers, 4 teachers, 2 or 3 nyc firemen and a bunch of town employees???
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