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Everything posted by LuckyPickle123

  1. All I can picture is a 40 year old man grinning like a little school girl. Oh and the joke... "golf clap"
  2. Yea he is a bit of a drama queen I might add. Sick to your stomach over a forum and typing on a keyboard? Buck Up little one.
  3. Sorry Geno, Some people got a rise out of me
  4. I never read about this in my ethics book back in college. I cant believe it because I completely trust everything you say...
  5. Now replace the word bow with the word gun and we have a statement that you made a few posts ago.
  6. Still don't understand how this stands on the grounds of ethics. That's a little harsh to call this guy an unethical hunter for taking a comfortable shot in the rain. I would have to assume it's the people that wont post about their ACTUAL unethical decisions so we can't lash out at them.
  7. Well this guy just proved my point to a tee. Wont go out hunting with a bow in the rain but will with gun. A little contradicting I might say. Ive seen some big bucks in lousy weather, that I choose to hunt in. Also, shooting one in the rain and shooting one and then having it start raining 5 minutes later is no different either. It should have nothing to do with the shot. I would love to be sitting in a tree with some of these people. Have them shoot a deer and then have it start raining, an honest mistake. "Look at what you just did! Its raining now and you shot that buck, you... you bast***."
  8. Po po is police and 5-0 kinda goes in hand with police. I was insinuating that shawn was coming in acting like the ethical police and blowing his "little" whistle.
  9. Lol as in a night sit , you know the sit before sunset? I didnt mean nightime lmao. And the other, ive had that song stuck in my head for the past hour. Its a song
  10. hence why the guy said he has passed up many deer if he felt the odds stacked against him and couldn't make a good shot. He has confidence and knew he could make a good shot. Mistakes happen, even with blue sunny skies. Just because he said he is going out Saturday it doesnt mean to shoot another deer. He was going to listen for some evidence and who knows maybe get another shot at the buck. Long shot and farfetched but ya never know. My buddy shot a nice buck in the p1$S pouring rain last year at night. Smoked it, no blood trail, dead within 75 yards. Once again, get off this guys back. It aint 5-0 and you sure as h*ll aint the po-po
  11. open bar dudeee! But yea I'm in the same boat as you. Annual Halloween party Saturday night. I shall be patrick schwasted come Sunday morning
  12. I absolutely agree with you man. Things happen, but for some of these guys to sit here and come down on you because of the rain aint right.
  13. Besides, how do you know its going to rain for a long period of time? Could stop raining in 5 minutes after you shoot and not rain again. You cant trust these weathermen...
  14. If you don't hit the deer where you are suppose to, chances are you are not going to find it, with or without rain. Heart pumping and making mistakes because of that is a lack of confidence installed in the hunter. Inexperienced hunters - absolutely let them walk. Hunters with self-confidence and experience in killing deer will more than likely take the shot.
  15. So if you have a big buck in front of you that you have waited all season for, practiced months during the off-time, have him at 20 yards, and you are going to let him go because of a little rain? That just shows you have a lack of confidence in killing a deer, with or without rain.
  16. Congrats Genooo!! Love the flip-flops brother LMAO.
  17. that don't stop people from doing it unfortunately
  18. Ok you answered my question lol.. I was like wait a minute, something smells fishy here
  19. They have even said this is my second buck with a bow this year
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