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Everything posted by LuckyPickle123

  1. Congrats! That is an awesome accomplishment. I have never shot a fall bird before, never had the drive to kill one in the fall when I know how fun it is to shoot them in the Spring.
  2. I hope he has a lot of shower buddies in prison, if you know what I am saying. What a pile of scum..
  3. Yea I read that forum phade....he also has a grand slam on the species. Turn your humor dial up a click or two.
  4. Congrats, that's a huge accomplishment. My first deer was a button as well.
  5. Yeaaaa???? Don't be jealous. Don't be jealous because my avatar is cooler than yours
  6. I have not used it on the ground yet. This is my first season with it. I hunt a lot on the ground during firearm season so I will let you know then. I can't foresee it working any differently though...
  7. It says 15mph, and we live in a valley so its usually not to bad... Hey get low if you can, they will be on there feet somewhere. If you get lucky and there is a doe in heat in your area, it definitely won't matter. I shot one of my bucks on the wall during some insane high winds. All I did was get over a knob, out of the wind, and that buck wanted to do the same
  8. Better than a guy drawing a bow back..... how original. If you don't have video of getting within 15 feet of that six pointer with dogs, I don't think too many people are going to believe you. Anyways, we have here just another guy giving an opinion on something he's never tried. Not only that, but we receive his awful attempt at comedy. WOOOO HOOOOO Man who opened the fence, the cattle sure are rolling in now!! :rofl:
  9. I'm stoked!!!! First couple of does should be in heat any day now. I'm sure some already are. All HE- double hockey sticks- is going to break loose over the next week. I just know it!
  10. Thanks accman. Man I hope your friend is alright, that sounds painful. Yea I get asked all the time "you going up on a roof anytime soon." I think Ill stick to my daytime job for a while, which is a desk and a computer
  11. Yes I find this all the time actually lol. I cant put my pants on, socks on, shoe on, etc. without almost falling over. It makes getting dressed in the morning a comedy show! All I know is bones heal, and I'm thankful nothing worse happened.
  12. Not others Steve... just yourself.. I merely only laughed at the others because they had the same reasoning as you did. If it weren't for guys like your self, product reviews may actually be accurate. No, I only targeted you out because you wanted to lead the OP. And you know something else, I have a strong passion for filming in the woods (I know I know, another piece of "equipment"). But, next time I have a deer down wind, I will give you proof through a video that the product works. Apparently my opinion (which is all factual, I own the machine......) cant quite seem to get through that thick noggin of yours... I usually don't back down from anything either by the way. I am actually a very easy guy to get along with, until I sense BS, then I can be the biggest dink you ever met.
  13. Its hard enough hunting these deer without them camouflaging themselves.. haha
  14. What a stud! I like the stickers, nice feature.
  15. I don't think you want that unless you want a very angry/emotional answer
  16. I was close... Kind of haha. Good deal.
  17. Looks like rain here in WNY. Weatherman was calling for 31/32 during the day and snow showers at the beginning of the week. Now 40/41 with rain. I would love to be "80% chance" of being WRONG every day doing my job and get paid big money for it. Also, weekend weather has been awful this year!!!!
  18. Congrats on a fine buck Chuck - I like the rhyme to that . Are you a CO by any chance? That was my initial though with the 4 on 2 off
  19. Unfortunately you can't take action into your own hands in today's world. Everyone is out there to get the next guy and they are just hoping you mess up by doing something illegal to them (even if it is on your own land). Believe me, I would love to prosecute a few guys I've met along the way personally, but you can't. Contact DEC or police.... best bet.
  20. Grow - Thanks. Yea it happened back in the beginning of June. I'm doing good now, but it's still not all the way there yet. Good enough to hunt on though.. phew!! Good luck to your recovery as well.
  21. I had a scare myself this summer. Fell 25 foot off a roof while doing a roof job on one of my dads apartments. Was lucky enough to land on my legs. Broke my left leg clean in half, compound fracture. Got a rod and bolts from my knee to my ankle now. Real lucky, I know the feeling, land any other way and a funeral was calling my name.
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