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Everything posted by LuckyPickle123

  1. Lol I'm seriously not trying to argue here. The only thing I'm trying to say is my statement is no OPINIATED, I have seen it. Deer was skinned and there sat the broad head lodged in the top of the rib cage.
  2. I really wish I would of snapped a picture the few times I've seen this. The shot was definitely not through the straps. Your more than like going to get a full pass through on the soft meat up there, and its not going to bring the deer to the ground. This was below the spine, top of rib cage. Deer was 100% healthy and OK the next week........
  3. I've seen it with my own 2 eyes... However, I am not saying that's where you hit, only guessing. My dad shot one there, and a week later he killed it. The deer was 100% fine. broad head went through tippy top of rib cage into the top bone below the spinal cord.
  4. That picture really doesn't show anything besides a dead deer chopped in half. Inflation/deflation of lungs play a huge role here. I believe he hit there because I have seen broad heads lodged in that area when skinning/cutting up. Also, my dad hit one there, and it dropped right on the spot almost paralyzed for a minute. He shot and killed it a week later. They don't always go down on shoulder hits. I actually don't ever remember any one telling me they went down on a shoulder hit with an arrow. Ill guarantee you that broad head was near the spinal cord for that reaction
  5. High hit. broadhead is lodged in top side of rib cage, below the spinal cord. "no mans land"
  6. I believe the guy is totally humble and happy go lucky.. Just a very fortunate individual to have a buck of that caliber living on his property. I believe my underwear may stretch if I found this dog on my trail cam!!!
  7. meat and maple syrup by the looks of things. congrats!
  8. cough... October lull... cough cough (even though everyone thinks its a myth)
  9. Congrats. Yea I probably would of passed that deer up in my area thinking he's only a 2 year old. Amazing to think he may be 4 or 5
  10. Wow man your on top of your game!! Same day the video came out
  11. Can honestly say I've never heard that expression before lol. Congrats on the land though for sure
  12. This buck was taken in South Iowa a few weeks ago and it may be the biggest one ever recorded. The footage was finally just released yesterday on youtube. The man's name was Joe Franz and seems like a total humble guy. What a true free-range super-genetic freak. A super freak. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg7Z4juaGo8
  13. NYS that is... so Mr. Cuomo can wipe his you know what with it...
  14. Its even worse talking to people that don't hunt... "did you catch anything" "do deer usually run when its cold" "do deer usually run when its warm" "do deer usually run when its windy" "do deer usually run when its raining" "do deer usually run better in the morning" "do deer usually run better at night" "I saw a deer the other day on the side of the road" "I saw a deer in the field the other day" "do you like sit in a tree" "do you just walk through the woods" and on and on and on.... this is my boss pretty much everyday. He asks every little question possible about hunting over and over and over again. Maybe not everyone else has someone like this in their life, but it can get quite annoying. Especially because he is the type of guy to ask you the same sh** day in and day out. I swear I'm the guy on office space.
  15. Exactly, who the H cares that much... nice deer!
  16. There were three men who were lost in the forest. They were captured by cannibals. The cannibal king told the prisoners that they could live if they pass the trial. The first step of the trial was to go into the forest and get ten pieces of the same kind of fruit. So all three men went separate ways to gather fruits. The first one came back and said to the king, "I brought ten apples." The king then explains the trial to him-you have to shove the fruits up your as* without any expression on your face or you'll be eaten. The first apple went in...but on the second one he winced in pain, so he was killed and went to heaven. The second guy arrives with ten berries. When the king explained the trial to him, he thought to himself that this should be easy. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...but on the ninth berry he burst out in laughter, therefore also was killed. The first guy and the second guy met in heaven. The first one asked, "Why did you laugh, you almost got away with it?" The second one replied, "I couldn't help it. I saw the third guy coming with pineapples."
  17. I'm not sure. Its so hard to tell from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 unless they have some distinct body characteristics. They make a big jump from that year and their racks can completely change, definitely in size and points. Its easier to gauge if a buck may be the same from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 as you can see some similarity in racks from that jump, but not always guaranteed. If a deer is a spike at 1 1/2, he could be a 10 point the next year. You just never know.
  18. Just saw a dozen birds probably. It seemed like the majority was a touch smaller than the big birds. I'm not sure though
  19. Yea I saw a picture of that the other day, lost all of its fur.... pretty freaky lookin if you ask me
  20. Yea I can imagine, it only has a range of 900 feet, don't think that is good enough for a scouting tool. But, it would still be cool to own one...... if I had an extra $1000.00 to blow
  21. Yea I've gotten mine at Wal-Mart as well
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