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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Paulie

  1. After seeing what happended on the news....it's the least I can do. I sent some clothes (heavy coats and blankets down) but these people need so much more. It's aweful! Just feel that if I can help in anyway then i should. I don;t need the venison (i usually shoot 1 deer a year)..now I am on a mission to fill every tag I can to help them...
  2. Sorry if this has been discussed...been a while since I had power and have been on the site. Does anyone know of any special donation programs going on with regards to venison for the folks in lower NY? Going hunting for the first time in a few weeks and I am looking to fill every tag I have so that I can donate the meat to people that need it right now....looking for some help as to how to get it there! (besides just giving it to the folks I know that could use it...as i am sure there are many more people that are worse off!)
  3. For those heading up 684 or 84....Brewster seems like they are pumping fine. Didn't really see any lines (of course that was 2 days ago so not sure no) I know are gas station in town only has ultra...that is all he can get right now. I was talking to a few folks in northern dutchess and everything seemed fine up there.
  4. Jordan...not sure that has anything to do with what we are facing (at least here in dutchess). Over here most gas stations have power, but just ran out of gas because the tankers bringing them in either couldn't get there or there wasn;t enough gas at the time to bring it here.....now that people are getting power back lines are dying down and with the roads clearing more gas is coming. Not sure where you are but I do see your point, I havent run across that yet, seems everyone around here was open for the most part.
  5. Finally back on-line...no for nothing but this was insane. I was at two gas stations that state troopers showed up at saying there was a fight in progress. I didn;t see any fights, but after that I was tempted to put the shot gun in the truck....people are insane!! Cutting lines and argueing...we are all in the same boat here!
  6. Grow...are you a prepper? are we gonna see you on the TV show???hehe
  7. How far where they on the first shots?
  8. That may be considered harassment Grow!!! haha
  9. It wasn't too close....It's easy to see people waking up when your sitting in the dark. The problem was when you didn't make a perfect shot and the deer went on someone else's property. Some people were good about letting you get the deer, others not so much.
  10. Your best bet is to drive around Westchester, find the biggest/nicest houses with the best landscaping and ask for permission to hunt. They probably spent well over $100k on the landscaping and the deer are destroying it......Used to do this when i was in highschool. One year the people were deer lovers, the next after all there shrubs were chewed up to 6 feet high they were begging for the deer to be gone!! Only problem is that you may be sitting in between 4 houses watching everyone get our of bed and have breakfast......it was actually pretty funny, one lady used to get up, make coffee and leave a cup on the deck for me (payment for taking away some deer).
  11. Culver...look out there is a 8 pointer walking up behind you!! ops, I just broke the law! haha
  12. Thanks DL...was just curious.
  13. I know that this is dated and I'm not sure if it was posted on here before (If it was forgive me)...but I know the shooter and am very happy that he could harvest this deer, it's very well deserved for a very classy man. http://www.buckmasters.com/big-buck-central/btr/detail.aspx?sid=16466 I figured that I would post this up to remind everyone that you never know what is out there. I never would have thought that this could grow in NJ.....but now I am sure we have them in NY...Let's get out there and get em!!!! Congrats Steve....if you are on this Website...!
  14. Phade....forgive me as I don;t know, but is it illegal to use radio's when driving? I haven't been a part of a drive in years.....and back then we didn't have radios....
  15. Get one of those "save em traps"...wifey made me buy one last year. I put it in the garage with some PB in it...not a minute later the mouse was caught! Then I had to go fill up a bucket of water to drown it. Wifey comes out and asks what i am doing...said killing the mouse...Wifey.."but that is why I bought those "save em" traps". Me..."what ever!" Mind you I hat mice...If i could legally shoot them with a shotgun, I would!
  16. I would drop that in a heartbeat as well....but has anyone heard the old tale that it is bad luck?? What do you think about that? Had a nice pieball a few years back that I was leary about shooting because I heard it was bad luck....lucky for me it came in before legal shooting time and was out of range when "sunrise" hit.....a few minutes later and I would have really been torn!!
  17. This is turning into a fun thread!
  18. Is there a way to tell the difference between a Sow an a Boar?
  19. Paulie


    I just looked at pic of both bobcats and lynx....the 2 that I saw had the long hairy points on the ears (bobcats have the hair as well although it seems not as long). I could be mistaken, but ever since highschool it was said that there were sightings of them around. Found this on the DEC website... "Between 1989 and 1992, SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) conducted an experimental program of lynx releases in northern New York. Over 80 lynx were caught in northwestern Canada and released in the Adirondacks. ( I didn't past the whole statement but they said one traveled 485 miles in 8 months and was 2 pounds heavier) From historical records we know that Canada lynx were present in New York State in the past; however, we do not know for sure if there were ever self-sustaining resident populations in New York. It is likely that there were always lynx traveling through the state from other areas and that the New York population was sustained by immigration from these other areas. Occasionally, we still get reports of lynx in the state. Some of the reports turn out to be the similar-looking bobcat; however, over the last few years we have had a few convincing reports of lynx in the state, and it is clear from these that New York still has an occasional lynx passing through. We do not know of any recent instances of lynx breeding in New York."
  20. Paulie


    Canadian Lynx? Not sure if they are Canadian...but they are definitely here. Saw one crossing rte 22 but World Gym last year and saw one north of TP on 22 about 18 years ago.
  21. Nice deer!! Looks like he went to water...haha
  22. Didn't see a thing...only one squirrel! To hot this am......
  23. Very cool....but i think you may need a bigger tree next year!! haha
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