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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. A friend that works overnights with me reports that. 110” buck was pushing does last night around work. I wouldn’t say it’s on but any place anytime could have a doe come in now.
  2. I get my high temp cheese at Sweeney’s in Apalachin, I live in Maine, grew up in Forks.
  3. This little shit stood under my stand for 20 minutes eating acorns after I shot the big one.
  4. I’ll add a pic after the euro done I already am working on it
  5. That broadhead is unscathed and was buried in the dirt. I only shoot 27” 65lbs.
  6. Well today I almost didn’t get up, I managed to crawl into my truck and go to one of my favorite stands. Used black widow xxx estrous and dominator buck urine on a dragline. Wa supposed to be a east wind but it was blowing NW. 6:45 I hear a snort wheeze and grunting/ hear buck making a scrape, see 3-4 deer in the area of my dragline. They walk off into the woods at 7:05 but I don’t think they went far, at 7:23 I hit the grunt tube, out steps this buck at 18 yards grunting. I sent an arrow through him and was real concerned it was too low, he runs down hill and I loose him in the fog (could only see 50 yards or so) but his tail was down and it looked like a death run. I get down and checked the arrow and have bright blood and immediate blood spray. I sit back down for 2 hours to be safe and call a buddy to help. We went literally 50 yards of blood spraying everywhere through 4 foot weeds. A perfect heart shot. My 2nd biggest buck ever and 2nd biggest with bow. Guess I’ll be antler hunting in PA the rest of bow season. I didn’t weight him but I’d put him in the 170 lbs dressed range.
  7. No, but I think there was other bucks on the drag line also and he was getting pissed. I could see a few other deer. He was upwind and came up a path and crossed my drag.
  8. He was grunting and snort wheezing before legal, I brought him back with a grunt tube. Had doe estrous and buck urine out.
  9. Just had a buck snort wheeze and grunting under me, put out doe estrous.
  10. Scrape is more of a sign post than a rub In my opinion, they use them year round. Rubs are to get velvet off, get out built up testosterone, intimidate other deer.
  11. Tapped out, buddy shot a big 8 down the road from me this am and just jumped him. Convinced him to back out for 4-5 hours based on the info he gave me. I’ll be out in a new spot this evening I’ve never hunted but my buddy offered a stand.
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