No, but I think there was other bucks on the drag line also and he was getting pissed. I could see a few other deer. He was upwind and came up a path and crossed my drag.
Scrape is more of a sign post than a rub In my opinion, they use them year round. Rubs are to get velvet off, get out built up testosterone, intimidate other deer.
Tapped out, buddy shot a big 8 down the road from me this am and just jumped him. Convinced him to back out for 4-5 hours based on the info he gave me. I’ll be out in a new spot this evening I’ve never hunted but my buddy offered a stand.
15 or so deer this evening, all doe and or small bucks. I left the stand at 6. Had three 5 yards off the camp front porch while getting packed eating apples.