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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. This stuff goes on all the time. Check out the work of Colin Flaherty on youtube. A real eye opener
  2. Home school. My nieces and nephew are the most sensible and well adjusted folk as a result.
  3. http://www.infowars.com/shock-video-black-mob-viciously-beats-white-trump-voter/ The new reality folks. Get ready. You won’t see this on CNN any time soon
  4. The Dem party has staked its future in safe space and non gender bathroom advocates, and feckless leftist whiners. I am delighted at their implosion as a result. The Reps now need to solidify their position as the blue collar party as much as for any other demographic . Drive the coffin nails home, no cross party compromises.
  5. Exit Polls: Donald Trump Beats Mitt Romney, Wins More Support Among Minorities http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/11/10/polls-donald-trump-beats-mitt-romney-wins-more-support-among-minorities/
  6. "Remember when Conservatives lost the last two elections and they looted stores and burned the American Flag? Yeah, me neither." - Gab user
  7. That's 2 different beasts, none of 'em are on the hit list. There has been a slew of at least 8 + different Bucks around as of late. 2 are monsters.One I believe to be the 6 yr old Monarch.
  8. The recently discovered honey-hole to and from the neighbors is producing a steady flow of Bucks, night n day. The couple of times I went down to set a stand up and cut lanes saw me bump deer every time. Can't wait for gun
  9. Fake electronic flipped votes and felons maybe. Don't forget the ballot stuffing
  10. Trump now has 310 E. College votes. Worst Dem tally since Dukakis
  11. As some jape on Twitter said last night, 'liberals haven't cried so much since Stalin died'
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