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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. you be the first turn in all your guns so one can use them for something like this.

    Bubba... if you referring to me I will never give up my guns. I just feel that if people put their heads together we can come up with a solution and still support the second amendment. I don't know what the solution is but the senseless killings will only get worse.

    I guarantee that if this had happened in one of our schools or to our children we would be thinking a lot harder about a solution. I sure hope that it never, ever, happens close to home.

  2. I see posters here saying the only guns that get turned in are the ones from someones father or husband that died and they don't know what to do with them.

    That is a start!! These same guns can fall into the hands of criminals and addicts who break into homes and find these guns. These same guns can end up being sold on the street as well.

    A few posters here are actually thinking about ways in which we can, as a society, make things safer. Others seem to just repeat the same old rhetoric over and over.

    We can be a part of the solution and take a stand toward a safer society or we can sit back and watch others who don't share our love of hunting, shooting and carrying make those decisions.

    We need to form an organization that is a gun loving group of law abiding citizens who care that the same guns we love do not get in the hands of people who want to use them for crime and murder.

  3. This was a facebook post and found it interesting and thought provoking as well.

    Myself and all my friends owned the same type of semi-automatic rifles and pistols 50 yrs ago- My 50 yr old Browning semi-auto .22 pistol holds 18 rounds and fires as fast as you can pull the trigger. The .22 is the preferred caliber for mafia hits- head shots- don't tell me it won't kill. This gun could have taken out 18 elementary children in a school easily-popped in another loaded clip and 18 more are dead- and so on. The semi-auto hunting rifles we all owned back then only held 5 rounds. We could have walked into any school, taken out 5 students, popped in another loaded clip (takes 2 seconds) and killed 5 more, and 5 more and 5 more....... I'm talking military caliber 30-06. I ask you- Since there were as many or more guns per capita in my day, why was there not only NO SHOOTINGS, it never even entered anyone's mind. Are you really trying to tell me that it's because of the convenience the amount of cartridges the semi-auto rifles can hold today (as opposed to popping in clip after clip in my day) is the reason why people are deciding "Now's the time to do it- We don't have to keep popping multiple clips in these modern guns". Absurd! Since there was PLENTY of firepower for massacres in my day with guns, why were there none? Why are they so prevalent today. Semi-automatic rifles and pistols are a common denominator for back then and today. I ask you-Why are people doing this today-What's different???

  4. To my knowledge they already have these programs in place at least at the local level. It would be great to do this at a higher level like at the state or federal. The key would be to make the incentive (money) great enough for some criminal want to trade his gun for the cash. The ONLY reason I get upset about the gun control nuts going after guns is because they paint the entire gun owning community with a very broad brush.

    We now more than ever, as members of the hunting community, need to distinguish ourselves as extremely responsible and ethical individuals that enjoy the sport of hunting. My biggest fear of gun control is not being able to do one of the things I absolutely love; to hunt.

    Does an organization exist or should one be started that is for hunters against gun crimes? I believe an organization of this nature can help preserve our love of the sport of hunting and the implements we utilize, while providing a face, voice and venue where a common ground can be established between gun nuts and responsible gun owners; in this case us, the hunting community.


    Hey guys... I did not say my solution was the one. I suggested we discuss solutions. Cme is the only one here who has offered a solution besides myself. Contrary to what you may believe or want to believe we have to be the ones with the ideas. His quote "Does an organization exist or should one be started that is for hunters against gun crimes? I believe an organization of this nature can help preserve our love of the sport of hunting and the implements we utilize, while providing a face, voice and venue where a common ground can be established between gun nuts and responsible gun owners; in this case us, the hunting community." may be just what is necessary.

    How bout some other thoughts on solutions.

    • Like 1
  5. In light of the Connecticut killings and the Washington killings, I think we all agree that handguns in the hands of the criminals and wackos needs to be addressed. Let's put our collective thoughts together and see if we can come up with a solution to this. The cost of this should have no bearing on the solution.

    Perhaps a solution like this could work. Anyone who turns in an unregistered handgun will receive $500 from the government. That might seem like a lot of money but it will take a chunk of change to get people to do this. They would have the local police pick up the gun and no questions asked. Details to be worked out.

  6. What's an honest distance a modern muzzleloader will shoot accurately. I hear some people say they are as accurate as a rifle. Is this true?

    I have a Thompson Triumph with a Nikon Pro Staff scope shooting 2 777 pellets and 295 gr powerbelts. I'm zeroed in at 100 yards.

  7. Well I did both. The Wed afternoon sit was during the snow storm and this morning (thur). I did not get a chance to sit the same place both times as someone else was already in the area so I went elsewhere but not too far away. I heard no shots either time so I guess it really did not matter.

  8. nope, saw three guys in court today with lawyers for getting written tickets for "deer hunting" over a cut corn lot not attempting to harvested all got guilty....guilty....guilty $250.00 a piece. After the attorny told the judge that there was no difference in the standing corn that was legal to hunt and the corn that was "mowed" down the Encon officer spoke to the ADA stating that hunting deer in their normal state of browsing standing corn was different then when it is cut and on the ground where deer would congrigate and have the chance of passing diseases by eating off the ground. Judge liked it and fines stood.

    That is absolute Bullsh*t not your story but the verdict

    • Like 2
  9. I am taking a few hours off work and it will either be Wed afternoon from 2 to dark or Thursday morning until 10am. Based on weather and wind which do you feel offers the best chance to see deer and hopefully a buck looking for hot does. The property runs east/west with the hardwoods growing wider on the uphill, east end. I have a stand at the top of the hardwoods and a stand at the bottom.

    Weather link: http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/waterville-ny/13480/daily-weather-forecast/5207_pc

  10. I would think if you see herds of does you have to many....shoot them!

    First time all season since Oct 1 bow, that I ever saw more than 5 together and generally 2 or 3. Just an observation. I remember about 4 years ago the first Sat of Muzzle, I saw 21 deer before 10am. 5 were bucks. One huge multi pt bruiser, a real big 5 pt and three scrub bucks. Now I never miss first Sat Muzzleload.

  11. I would write a letter explaining the situation and attached at the base of the where it can not be missed then I would follow the trail to where they enter your property tie a ribbon across with the same letter attached. Just curious is the land posted? If you came back back and it was clear that they were there and had not removed it then I would take it down and remove it.

    I would agree with this. I would add... to make sure your phone number is available and tell them they MUST call you upon reading this letter. Essentially letting them know they have just 1 chance to contact you to discuss this and if not then the tree stand comes down.

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