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Posts posted by UpStateRedNeck

  1. I don't usually pull the card after only week, but I wanted to see the effect of the trim.  

    They are absolutely hammering the chicory since I trimmed it.  Every single night a hundred pics. Mostly bucks of all stripes.  A couple of doe, but I get the feeling the doe are smaller in number because they're being territorial right now with the fawns being so small.

    Once the bush hog gets back from the welder I'll trim the rest of it in stages.  Do another 1/3 of it, wait 2 weeks, do the last 1/3 of it.




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  2. When we bought our house we had a psychotic cardinal for 3 years.  He would attack the windows constantly.  Drove the cats nuts.  He'd sit on the side of my at first Honda Civic, then Silverado and pack at himself in the side view mirrors.  Left a streak of crap down the side of passenger side doors.  We called him Sharpie and hypothesized about which relatives it was.  Miss that bird.  Not the constant car washing though.

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  3. On 7/8/2022 at 6:07 AM, LET EM GROW said:

    General rule of thumb with perennials(besides Alfalfa) is to not cut more than a 1/3 of  the plants height. you really just want to top clip the plant, but mow back the weeds. a mowing would certainly do this plot good. Is that rye or wheat growing in your plot? Or grasses?

    Just grasses.  It's getting better due to repeat plowings/raking with the york rake each year.  You can see the grass is patchier form last year to this year.  

    What I may do today is brush hog the edges then do a test strip down the middle (in front of the camera so I don't have to go through 3000 pictures of just wind) and see how bad it mauls the chicory.



  4. Worried that the tractor would beat up the chicory.  Definitely thinking about giving it a trim with the brush hog about 18 inches off the ground to knock down the grass.  I've never sprayed anything up there, though I have a backpack sprayer for spraying BtK to kill all these damned moss caterpillars at my house.

  5. Wheel is fixed, still uneven cut.  The right blade is about 20 degrees off which is causing the cut to still be uneven.  It's less noticeable now that the wheel is level, but still there.  About an inch high on the inside an inch low on the outside.  Thats probably the shaft, right?  You can look at the blade pulley and see it's not level.  I don't know where to start with replacement parts.  It just looks like the whole setup is cocked to the inside, which would mean the plates it's resting on are warped?



  6. 56 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

    Car crash kills numerous people over the weekend , one in custody and one on the run . Zero news coverage about the suspect in custody or more importantly the one on the run. If they had used a firearm we would all know who their first grade teacher was and everything in between what they had for dinner the night before the accident. Rant over

    A couple days after Uvalde The Post had a headline in my Google feed "<name of shooters> life story and what made him to do it" or something in that vein.  Finally got me to block that damn rag.  When you give these vile creatures name recognition and attention you're giving them what they want.  

    I'd been teetering on the brink of blocking that crap hole of a news source for a while, their only redeeming factor was that they sling mud at everybody regardless of party.  But that broke me.

  7. Chicory has gone bananas the last 2 weeks.  Last pic you can see the big strip of clover is lush and thick.  But everywhere the chicory isn't coming up thick there's a decent amount of clover coming on too.  Considering we've never sprayed the weeds are pretty minimal.  We did use the York rake this year after discing to clear it all out seems to have helped.  It's about 2 acre plot.




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  8. 1 hour ago, DDT said:


    Yeah, there's no way I'm getting Lime down in there.  Drops 1000 feet in less than half a mile.  But I'll probably send out a soil sample to whitetail institute to get the exact calculations on how much triple 19 and 0/20/20 I need per quarter acre.

    Really just want something tasty they'd be likely to stop and hit on their way through during bow/gun season.  Probably use one plot to target that during bow, one plot to target that during gun.  Clover is always popular, late season they seem to love winter rye.

  9. 8 minutes ago, G-Man said:

    Moulding and trim on.. a few touch ups to do but 99.9 % done. 20220613_134700.thumb.jpg.1b78e225fab7bd7d349f1b7f4a5d72dc.jpg20220613_134648.thumb.jpg.5b9582287bcbb2491caffb35f2dcd3e3.jpg

    I'd get a crick in my neck from whipping my head around if I saw that drive by.  Then I'd say "Florida Special" and be sadly mistaken.  She looks great

    • Thanks 1
  10. 8 hours ago, LET EM GROW said:

    If you were closer id fix it for you. Looks like you need a good welder or fab shop. You can have a bushing that the axle slip  fits perfectly into, welded at the same location. OR it can be welded and re machined(drilled and reamed) .. A bushing press fit in and welded to it would be ideal. 

    I guess Max S. Wood have a welder/fabricator that comes in on Saturdays to do jobs they need done.  So I'll be able to skip the 8 week (,holy crap!!!) backlog they have.

    I really appreciate Roger there, he's helped me a lot get parts and solve issues with my ancient assed MF-65.  I want to haul her down to them to have him re-do the brakes, but between 1500$ price tag and the 2 months wait I just can't do it.

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  11. I'm going to call around today.  My 11 year old Grizzly 550 decided to die this weekend too.  Starter was making a whining noise, and sure enough next time I tried to start it she was dead.  Charged the battery, still dead.  Never rains, but it pours.

  12. 2 hours ago, mowin said:

    Looks like there may have been a bushing in there that wore out.  I'd take it to a lawn mower repair shop and see what they can do. 

    Agreed, the trick being finding somebody around here that isn't backed up for a month.

  13. On 6/6/2022 at 1:34 PM, mowin said:

    If these enough steel there, it might be able to be welded. Post some pics.

    Axle itself is wobbly and loose.  Anybody know the easiest way to fix this?  Looks like a wield job to me, but I know less than nothing.



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