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Posts posted by UpStateRedNeck

  1. It's 11 years old.  Might be combination of the wheel axle where it welds to the frame being bent/about to fail and sharpness.  Just called Max Wood Equipment in Coxsackie and they're 5 weeks wait time right now.  Probably try to sharpen it myself and see if there's any improvement.  I had it up on the ramps and there's no major chunks missing out of the blades or any real obvious tilt to the spindle.

    I wonder how much longer I can avoid replacing it.  It's needed repairs 2 of 3 years running now.

  2. Mower is a 44" Swisher mower deck.  Aside from the axle being bent 10 degrees off there's nothing obviously off there's nothing visibly wrong with it.  Right hand blade is leaving a racing stripe all of a sudden.  Is this just a sharpening issue?  It's been a very long time since I've had it sharpened.

    Can mower blades be sharped with a Dremel + grind stone?  Table grinder is on my wishlist but don't have a place for it currently.



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  3. Planted imperial whitetail clover + chic magnet in my big plot (2 acres), went in May 14th.  Coming along nicely!  Rye is doing well, winter wheat is doing well in the others.  Another clover kill plot is going nuts, poochy is there for comparison but it's 9 inches high. Got 2300 pics to go through off 2 cameras for most of May.

    Lower plot (last pic) is mostly rye will get brush hogged a couple times and planted in August.  Leaning towards turnips this year, maybe winter peas in a kill plot?  

    Logger says he's 5 weeks out from taking 3500 trees my property.  Going to have him open a couple spots on those benches and make a couple kills plots down there.  Don't know what to plant yet.....







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  4. Had one sound off at 8, at least a few hundred yards away, answered, been quiet for at least 10 now.  I was just taking a break in the blind after a long walk.  Unfortunately I have to GTFO by 9 to go home and take the kids to a parade.  Only heard 1 Gobbling, so maybe it's not those Jakes.  I'll give it 20 then I gotta start walking.

  5. I'm not 100% certain, but I think I just watched a doe give birth.  Heard some soft grunts, then a sound like something dropping into the leaves, then a fawn bawling.  All about 100 yards away, tiny tiny little fawn following mama.  She's licking him, lot of grunting.  Either way I'm standing guard for a bit.

    • Like 11
  6. 2 hours ago, Cory said:

    How was the show????

    Had a nice big dinner..... And for some reason I was hungry again halfway through Cypress Hill.  Weird?  Led to more 15$ beer. B Real smoked that entire thing, then lit another.

    'Knot was okay, Corey's voice was going, some kind of throat thing.  It was fine for the first 5 songs.  Lots of firePXL_20220524_235114922.jpg

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  7. Huge male 3/4 mile from my house on the way to swim at 5am this morning.  Looked to be waist high at the shoulder.  Probably the same one that smeared my garbage all over the neighbors lawn a couple weeks ago.

  8. 7 hours ago, DirtTime said:

    I think I might need to start carrying a bigger knife when I have to go to Ravena for quick stop shopping, and maybe carry a backup.

    That store is interesting.  Beemers next rust buckets.  Audis next to tri-colors.  It's a good little store to have under 10 minutes away though.

  9. Struck those same 3 Jakes deep in the hardwood.  They didn't gobble until I was within 100 yards of them.  One of them caught me glassing him and they went deeper down the hill.  I swear they are the only 3 gobblers up here this year.


    Edit:. You know it's time for a fresh ThermaCELL blue mat when:. You watch a mosquito land on the one you're using.

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