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Everything posted by HectorBuckBuster

  1. One thing that I do like about there statmente is they used the term modern sporting rifles, that just goes to show that they have stated that they do have a sporting purpose.
  2. Well at least it made the news http://www.weny.com/news/regional-news/pa-outdoor-show-cancelled-012413
  3. Well Schuyler County and Steuben County Sheriffs do not agree with new gun laws. Just check out their facebook pages http://www.facebook.com/pages/Schuyler-County-NY-Sheriff/145310868315
  4. I don't think the law can stop you from buying a stripped lower AR. Then if you just happened to have parts laying around could build it. Not really sure if that would be legel
  5. I bought a new Glock Sat and it came with 2 spent rounds where is was tested.
  6. Looks like NYS may have violated the their oven NYS Civil rights.. Article 2 No 4 states. Also notice the wording is says CANNOT and not just Shall Not. That one word could be key. § 4. Right to keep and bear arms. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed. http://law.onecle.com/new-york/civil-rights/CVR0A2_A2.html
  7. I though the law reads is a rifle has one of the assault weapons qualities then it is banned. So if it does not have the qualities then it can not be banned. They have not banned a specific caliber of gun.
  8. I believe if you got rid of the pistol grip that gun would be legal. I can buy a Benelli M1 .223 with 5 round clip and its legal, but I can't by the same exact gun M1 with the pistol grip because that is illegal.
  9. I have to wait till Tues before I can shot mine. I can take possession of it but can not fire it till I had it to my permit in my county, since Monday is a holiday I have to wait till Tues.
  10. Just bought my first pistol today, I bought a Glock 9mm . Gun shop was busy as heck today. Lots of people buying pistols, since they determined that gun dealers can sell their stock till April 15th. Best part was is I got to bring mine home with me, where most people have to wait a few days to weeks to get them added. That's one great thing about living in Schuyler County.
  11. They don't have to make a new clip , all the have to do it pin to so it won't hold over 7 rounds.
  12. I believe that is only for what they call or term a assault weapon.
  13. That a couple years old. He was also indicted on assault charges from this. http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20100107/articles/100109828?p=1&tc=pg
  14. Well here is a website now. http://nysecond.org/ https://docs.google....ZZ084R3Ruc2c6MQ
  15. He IS in a lot of blogs, that's for sure..But a little obscure. And so what if he makes them pay out, may be the start of something.I'd certainly be Leary but a phone call to ask for references probably would tell a lot ..I was able to find this though. http://lawyers.law.cornell.edu/lawyer/james-daniel-tresmond-1250480 http://www.avvo.com/attorneys/14075-ny-james-tresmond-953476.html http://www.manta.com/c/mx79wj6/james-d-tresmond-esq
  16. Ny lawyer filing class action-need petition signees asap Lawyer : Jim Tresmond, Attorney in Buffalo, New York. Attorney phone is 716.202.4301 Successfully represented clients in the past on Second Amendment issues in NYS Supreme Court. This case is pro-bono for all the gun owners of New York. According to Mr. Tresmond the new ban is illegal as it is an ex-facto law taking away previously owned property and he intends to file this action in Federal Court. We are looking for as many as possible to add to CLASS ACTION CASE: http://nysecond.org/ WE ARE COLLECTING AS MANY AS POSSIBLE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!!!
  17. Here is a list of all that voted for it and a link. http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S2230-2013 Ayes (43): Adams, Addabbo, Avella, Boyle, Breslin, Carlucci, Diaz, Dilan, Espaillat, Felder, Flanagan, Fuschillo, Gianaris, Gipson, Golden, Grisanti, Hannon, Hassell-Thomps, Hoylman, Kennedy, Klein, Krueger, Lanza, Latimer, LaValle, Marcellino, Martins, Montgomery, O'Brien, Parker, Peralta, Perkins, Rivera, Sampson, Sanders, Savino, Serrano, Skelos, Smith, Squadron, Stavisky, Stewart-Cousin, Valesky
  18. I never have gotten a flu shot until last year. I was sick more when I got the flu shot then when I have not gotten the flu shot. No flu shot this year or ever for me.
  19. Funny think is the government is buying bullets like made. http://www.infowars.com/dhs-buys-200000-more-rounds-of-ammunition/
  20. I seen this the other day. No one should ever complain about the roads being plowed today after you watch this. Its more like snow ramming !!!!!
  21. That dirt bag was with her when she bought the guns at Gander Mountain.
  22. Noahmstone, it really depends on the county. In the county I live in I have a coupon that I can go and buy a pistol and can take it with me right then,then I have 10 days to goto the county clerk and add it to my pistol permit with them. I can not FIRE the Pistol until it is added at the county clerk.
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